Eating to little?

After my workouts and eating the whole day I'm always around 200/300 calories. I know I should eat 1200 at least but it feels wrong to eat when I'm not hungry and trying to lose weight. But I have been warned that I might lose more weight if I eat 1200 calories.

Am I really going to lose more weight if I eat more? That feels so backwards :S

Please help!


  • People think that if they eat little they'll lose the weight quick. If you do that then your body could go into starvation mode. Your body will start to store fat because it thinks it is not going to get anything. Your metabolism will slow down and burn calories as slowly as possible to conserve its energy.
    So yes, you gotta eat more. Just try snacking on healthy foods between breakfast, lunch and dinner even if you're not hungry. You'll lose the weight at a good pace and keep it off easier :)
  • How many calories are you burning with your workouts? If they are super high intensity, you are going to lose muscle if you don't replace some of that with protein.
  • elekelk
    elekelk Posts: 107
    There usaly araound 600/700 calories. I'm goring to try eating more now. Thank you!