How the hell? Please read!

So I weighed myself this morning and I PUT ON about 2 pounds. I've been working out every day of the week and have stayed under my 1200 calorie limit.
Am I gaining muscle? or has my body got used to my workout and is not just not losing any weight?

I don't think I've reached the plateau yet since I've only been working out and eating right since the past 1.5 months.
Please help. Anything I need to change?

Thanks in advance :)


  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    Two pounds is not really a lot - it is probably just water retention either from working out and your muscles retaining fluids to repair themselves or it could be from something you ate yesterday that has caused you to retain fluids, or maybe even just your time of month. Don't stress too much - it will probably be gone tomorrow.
  • johncaraher
    johncaraher Posts: 44 Member
    There are random variations in weight. If you're exercising and sticking to moderate eating habits it should sort itself out in the long run.
  • MarilynGrube
    MarilynGrube Posts: 75 Member
    There are certain days of the month when I will be a pound or so heavier than other days....(like Lady day's) lol Could that be it?
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Sounds like my frustrations right now. Seriously I don't think I can do anything more. I workout like a mad woman, eat 1200-1300 cals a day and I haven't budged........This just isn't logical-
  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    Wait a week and weigh yourself again. Have you been taking measurements? Your weight can fluxuate a few pounds. Dont worry about it.
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I was told to always rest a day or two before weigh in day because you retain water from working out to repair micro tears.. or something like that. Take a rest day then weight yourself. You might see a change!
  • maryjay51
    last year for about three months i worked out like a mutha and ate within my boundries ..i lost nothing.. except a size in clothing..went from a 16 to a 14... found out i also lost 8% body fat. so while i was losing body fat i was gaining muscle weight ..after finding that out i didnt freak out any more .
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    I gain that much from morning to night. Then the next day its gone. Dont worry about it.
    KLEALEE71 Posts: 33 Member
    I have heard that weight can fluctuate day to day, so it is best to weigh yourself once a week, at the same time of day.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Could be water weight, I doubt any muscle gain since you are under a 1200 calorie limit and I'm guessing that's without the exercise added. My guess would be you just have some water weight, can't see your diary but how has your sodium intake been? Don't think it is a plateau either but don't know what type of workout program/routine you are on. Wouldn't worry too much about it, the calories might be a little low if you are not eating the 1200 and then workout burning say 300 cal you are not eating enough in my opinion.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    1. weight fluctuates. you won't lose in a straight line
    2. you're probably eating too little, but that's besides the point
    3. open your diary for higher quality advice
  • Beaford
    It is possible that you can gain muscle mass because of the work out. You can't let this one thing set you back.... Keep focused on the BIG picture.... you will lose it! COuld very well be fluid retension so just KEEP going at that work out.
  • LaneAndKent
    LaneAndKent Posts: 14 Member
    In my non-expert observation, water retention is almost always the culprit. I have lost 93 pounds since May 21, 2011, and have often noticed a little "bounce" on the scale in the wrong direction, despite the fact that I have never had one day (since starting) where I've eaten enough calories to actually gain weight. My first big plateau was about 28 pounds into my journey, and ever since then I've had one major plateau week every month. Just keep at it. You are still losing inches, getting healthier, and fitting into your clothes better. The WORST thing you can do is look at a minor variance on your scale and allow yourself to think, "Well, this doesn't work; I need a break and a different plan."

    A bunch of people will probably get on your case about "starvation mode." I doubt that's a factor, but do be aware of your metabolism and make sure you are feeding yourself enough—and often enough—to keep your metabolism healthy.
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    No, honey, sadly, it's not muscle. I wish I could tell you that it was but you're at a deficit so if you're lifting weights you're only really going to preserve what muscle you have, which is good, but it won't make you stronger or add muscle weight.

    Anyhow, read Lyle McDonald's article here about women and water balance:
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    fluctuations happen. Yesterday I was 2.5 lbs heavier than I was on Tuesday and this morning I was 4.5 lbs less than I was yesterday.
  • KLK1986
    So I weighed myself this morning and I PUT ON about 2 pounds. I've been working out every day of the week and have stayed under my 1200 calorie limit.
    Am I gaining muscle? or has my body got used to my workout and is not just not losing any weight?

    I don't think I've reached the plateau yet since I've only been working out and eating right since the past 1.5 months.
    Please help. Anything I need to change?

    Thanks in advance :)

    If you are eating under 1200 you are possibly not eating enough (unless you are really short or really small to start with??)

    And on a calorie deficit it'd be almost impossible to gain 2lbs of muscle in that amount of time. It's a complete and utter fallacy that people can gain muscle so quickly - even on a calorie surplus with heavy lifting a typical woman will only gain a max of 12lbs of muscle over a year.
  • mzjandiace
    We fluctuate 1-2 lbs a day. don't worry!
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Could be you have reached a plateau, but also could be your body is in starvation mode - ur body isnt getting enough fuel, so its storing every little bit it can in anticipation of not getting any more...

    You could try eating more, or eating different things to try to confuse your body - if it thinks more fuel is coming soon, itll burn whats there faster...

    And beyond all that, you are a woman, right? Could it be that time of the month now or soon? I dont pretend I know anything about it - I'm a man and thank god every day I am because its....well, easier. But I do know women tend to retain water during that time...that could add 2 pounds easily, I bet.

    Whatever is happening, the most important thing to remember is do not give up!! Try different things to get your metabolism moving fast again. Don't be hard on yourself if it doesnt work - just try something else! You can do it!!
  • AngieMoore1975
    AngieMoore1975 Posts: 69 Member
    This happened to me 2 weeks ago. I was working out everyday and staying in my 1200 calorie range and I gained 3 lbs! I was so mad!!

    I talked to a weight loss specialist and I was told that with my workouts my body was going into starvation mode beacuse I wasnt eating enough calories. That my metabolism was slowing down and holding onto everything I was eating.

    I didn;t want to hear that or beleive it to be true....because the idea of eating more and losing was ridiculous to me. I was sooooo scareed to comply but since what I was doing wasnt working anymore I decided to surrender and give it a try.

    I went up to 1500 calories a day (scared as hell to do it) and the end result....I've lost 6 lbs since I started it 2 weeks ago.

    I know it is scary to try and sometimes not what you want to hear. (It was for me too) But honestly you should give it a try and see what happens. Give it a week and if it doesn'y work you can always go back to what you are doing now.

    Whatever you choose I hope it works out for you! Good luck on your continued journey! :)
  • AngieMoore1975
    AngieMoore1975 Posts: 69 Member
    P.S ...My banner isnt showing but so far I've lost 66 lbs and although I'm no expert what I've been doing has been working for me. :)