Help!!! I am getting discouraged

Hello all! I just joined today because I need some advice. I have been working out and eating healthy meals that are around 1200-1300 calories/day for over a month now and I have only lost 2lbs. This week I started doing P90X in the evenings and yesterday I started a 15 minute Shaun T. exercise that I saw on the Dr. Oz show. What do I need to do? Could the weight be coming off slowly because other than me working out all I do is sit on my computer and apply for jobs(I was recently laid-off)? I am really starting to get discourged. Can someone give me some suggestions?


  • gettinerdone_
    gettinerdone_ Posts: 47 Member
    It sounds weird, but make sue you have protein before and after exercise. I was skeptical of this but once I tried it I lost weight faster!
    Other than that just makesure thefoods you are eating are healthy and not just low cal. DON'T GIVE UP HOPE! You can do this :happy: :happy:
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    you will get lots of different points of view, here is mine. When you work out alot, you will lose fat pounds but gain muscle pounds so it can be even. Check your inches more than weight. As you firm, you will be leaner.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    You could be building muscle which weighs more than fat. Also, you need balance in your diet. Make sure you are consuming enough fat to keep your metabolism going. If you don't eat enough fat your metabolism will slow down. Balance is key. Please continue with this and look at other people's food diarys and their comments. You can learn a lot from other's experiences. Also, if you are doing vigorous exercise you may need more calories than you are eating.
  • itsrierie
    One really obvious thing to say is, make sure you are drinking enough water.
  • arynemaynard
    I would also say that the stress from being laid off probably isn't helping things. Stress releases cortisol which helps you hold onto weight even if you don't want to. I also agree with taking measurements as they are better indicators. If this is something that is persistent for more than a month or so I would call your doctor because there could be other factors contributing that he/she could help with (thyroid problems and the like) that are not too hard to fix once you know what's going on. Again that's only if this persists and you don't lose and don't see any positive changes. Best of luck with your goals and your job search :)
  • beach_chelle
    sometimes it is also not eating enough. everyone's body is different and if you have added in a very intease work out routine you may need to eat back some of those extra calories. women require 1200 calories to lay in a coma and men require 1800 so just imagan if you are exercising and only eating 1200 you may not be fueling your body enough! try upping your intake it really does help for a lot of people.
  • beach_chelle
    You could be building muscle which weighs more than fat. Also, you need balance in your diet. Make sure you are consuming enough fat to keep your metabolism going. If you don't eat enough fat your metabolism will slow down. Balance is key. Please continue with this and look at other people's food diarys and their comments. You can learn a lot from other's experiences. Also, if you are doing vigorous exercise you may need more calories than you are eating.

    muscle dosen't actually weigh more than fat. 1 lb of muscle is = to 1 lb of fat. muscle is more dense and thus takes up less space. so the space 5lbs of fat takes up is greater than the space of 5lbs of muscle.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Here's my two cents. You may not be getting enough calories. If you eat too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode and it will hold on to everything you put in. Our bodies are pretty remarkable when it comes to storing fat and keeping us alive in harsh conditions. Be sure to enter your cardio in the log to correctly calculate your net calories. If you're doing weights, you should also enter that as cardio to see the additional calories burned. The muscle replacing fat is a possibility if you're new to weight lifting, but it wouldn't last more than a month.

    Carbohydrate timing is another possible issue. If you eat most of your carbs close to bed time, the body will store them as fat. Carbs should be consumed closest to the time when you're more active, like the morning or before going to workout.
  • young_ambitious
    Thank you all for the advice!!