New - Looking for friends

Hi there!

I am new to myfitnesspal and would love to make new friends on tho journey...please add me : )


  • 00manda00
    I will add you! I need all the motivation I can get and friends on here really help. I have been really at this for about a month and I have already lost 8lbs. Logging my food and exercise really makes me think about it. :) I hope that you have some success too!
  • dunkt10
    dunkt10 Posts: 35 Member
    I just added you. I have been doing pretty good with logging on lately so I will try to help keep you accountable :-)
  • aprilmcd920
    aprilmcd920 Posts: 7 Member
    On my way to add you! I don't have any friends either so I'm looming forward to getting connected with others!
  • AmandaK3
    I'm a newbie too! I will add you. Any extra motovation is always apperciated. :) So far I've been doing well, but I keep slacking off on the weekends with my entries.