Weight lifting / plates ettiquette

Typo'd a double t. I know its etiquette.

I tried out a new gym, but the power rack only had a single 25lb plate and two 45lb plates. I can't really get the mix I need. Is it generally considered acceptable to scour the other free weight stands and machines at a gym to find the parts?

Also, there are way more bars than retainers. Is it OK to scour a pair of retainers and bring them with me everywhere?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yep. much of my strength training days are me hunting for and carrying around weight plates :laugh:
  • cheddle
    cheddle Posts: 102 Member
    At my gym there is actually two seperate stands where all the plates live, and then there are also placed on each machine/rack to store them when not in use... I know its the case at my gym but usually they are just all over the place so its a matter of if no one else is using them, use them...

    if your gym dosnt have enough plates for two or three heavy lifters to all lift at once then maybe you should raise it to the manager that they buy more or find a new gym!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Thanks. I asked the guy at the front desk about it and he just said "I can't do anything about it"
    So my sarcasm came out and they might not want me back tomorrow anyway. Heh.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    As long as you don't take them off a bar someone's using....which I've seen done. :P
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Yeah man, this drives me crazy. You will have a machine that has like 8, 45lbs plates, 12, 5lbs plates and then a few machines over totally bare. They need to whip the fools that do that. Really irritating if you ask me.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    So, is it OK if I go and collect the weights I need?
    For example, a couple 45lb plates, a couple 25s, two 10s, two 5s. etc.?
  • Luthorcrow
    Definitely. What is bad manners is not to put the plates back on the stand after using them as well to put them in the order on the stand. Apparently the peeps in my gym never got the memo that plates go from small to large on the stand. Instead they seem to think leaving them on the bar, on the floor or randomly on the stand is cool. Two 45 plates cornering some five and ten pound plates on the middle of stand, no problem.

    When it comes to power racks, nearly every time I have to unstrap a TRX strap before squatting. I have no problem with TRX but damn why not hang that thing on the useless smith machine is just taking up floor space rather than the power rack.

    Retainers? Are those useless things I kick around the floor. ;) Personally I only use collar for the overhead press because of the relatively narrow grip and high bar lift.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I'm a little shaky with the weights on one side because of a wrist surgery. I'd hate to dump all the plates off!

    Should be fine for deadlifts, I suppose.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm always stealing plates from other machines to go to do my exercises.. if I wasn't, then I'd have nothing to use!

    Like another poster said, please put the weights back where they are supposed to go... Nothing frustrates me more when some meathead decides to leave ten 45 pound plates on a leg press and then I have to lug them all off.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    YEP. Grab them from everywhere else! When my boyfriend has leg day, we have to grab nearly every 45lb plate in the place or his leg presses! Thats fine! Of course, don't take from a piece of equipment currently being utilized, but grab whatever is free!

    If there aren't many clips, go ahead and drag those ones around!
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    Absolutley, grab whatever you need from wherever as long as its not currently in use, and using collars is good practice, keeps the plates from rocking and for those rare occasions when your tired at the end of a set you wouldnt want to drop plates
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    just discovered the need for a collar yesterday after I was working at my maximum for a bench press. I missed the hook on one side and the plates ended up spilling out on the floor. Luckily I didnt get hurt physically but I definitely lost cool points when 2 guys came over to make sure everything was OK ... They kinda gave each other a look that was said "silly girl" :laugh: