little deflated own fault really

ok so my weigh in day is a sunday and i normaly stick to the rule of only weigh on a sunday morning when i wake up.
but today i felt bloated and i had a 60g bar of chocolate last night and the night before and its totm so i thought ill hop on. i weighed in at a 3lbs GAIN.
i exersize everyday ranging from a 45 min run with dogs to a 60 min cardio sesion on my cross trainer. so i burn around 500-800 cals a day. and i eat around 1400-1600 cals a day depending on how i feel.
im going to drink LOTS of water today and tommorow and go for a run today and maybe try and get 2/3 workouts in tommorow to see if it makes a diffrence.

i really wish i hadnt jumped on the scales this mornng as i feel uch now. its taken me 3 weeks to loose that 3 lbs that showed this morning :( im so close to goal aswell its crushing

sorry for my babble


  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You'll probably have lost it miraculously, because it only sounds like water weight. You probably had too much sodium, doubt it was the chocolate directly! My weight fluctuates up and down all week, one day I could be 173, next 171, next 169, next 172... its fine!

    Drink lots of water and chill :D Maybe, even fit another chocolate bar into your calories "D
  • AnnaMarie456
    AnnaMarie456 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't let that get you down...if you've been sticking to the diet then its water weight especially before totm. Just keep logging and take a water pill if needed and watch your sodium intake. Weigh again on Sunday or later if you still feel bloated and I bet that 3 pounds will be gone.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    But also keep in mind just because you put on 3lbs does not mean its bad weight, It could be 3 lbs of muscle you gained, i was the same way, i worked my butt off to lose my 2 lbs that week a few weeks ago only to step on that dreaded scale and see i gained 2, i was like "what the duce?" of course at the same time she messured my body inches, and found out i lost 11.7 inches off my body, so she informed me that the chances are i lost weight but gained muscle. So this could be the case with you too right. I would not beat yourself up over it, just continue what your doing and things will place themself just fine.. your doing good :)
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    Hormone fluctuations in your body account for about a 2lb fluctuation daily. "About" means an average, so it could be more, depending on what you ate, what you've done for exercise, how much fluid your body is retaining... in short - don't worry. You did not eat the equivalent of 3lbs I am sure (3 x 3500 = 10500 calories) all at once, so it isn't "permanent" weight :)
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    I am exactly the same i weighed in 2 days ago to find with TOM :grumble: I HAD GAINED 3 LBS!! its still there today also i just hope it comes off when tom is gone :sad:

    makes you feel really disheartened dont it :brokenheart:
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    Hormone fluctuations in your body account for about a 2lb fluctuation daily. "About" means an average, so it could be more, depending on what you ate, what you've done for exercise, how much fluid your body is retaining... in short - don't worry. You did not eat the equivalent of 3lbs I am sure (3 x 3500 = 10500 calories) all at once, so it isn't "permanent" weight :)

    lol no the milka bar was 350 cals. so in 2 days it was 700 cals of choclate and a few sour gummy worms at 300 cals :( so 1000 cals in 2 days of crap. TOTM is no excuse is it really? it happens everymonth i should be use to it by now :huh:
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    a woman can retain 10lbs during her TOM. so i shouldnt worry.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    waw 10lbs i think id actualy cry if i seen that lol
  • Angela_Freeborn
    its true, its true. and sooo sad too :(
    But hey again today an tomorrow are new days right. keep up the great work with your excersise.