How in the heck do you get those last 15-20 lbs off???

Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
I have been stuck here (or up a bit) for over 2 years. What really, really worked to get that last weight off for you? Please be specific.


  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    ok ive been trying so hard to get the last 10lbs off as you know being my friend on here for so long lol. i took up running in january and since then i lost 3lbs first week and 1lbs a week since. (apart from today totm)
    i also started doing jillians dvds 3-4 times a week

    so running 3 times a week jillians dvd 3-4 times a week and cross trainer 2 times a week and i started spinning every sunday morning. i aim to burn min of 500 cals 6 times a week and i DO NOT eat them all back. if i do i gain.

    hope this helps
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I've been stuck for 6 months. Cut back on fat, increased muscle mass and not losing pounds or inches. ??
  • Diane0479
    My sister recommended going on a detox for seven day's. Try living on juice's for a week made from fresh fruit and veg's. Google Jason Vale as he is a juicing expert and has several book's with recipies in them. And try and do exercising for at least an hour per day. xx
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    small caloric deficit (set a goal of 0.5 to 0.75lbs loss /week) and eat your exercise cals back and lift weights 2-4 days/week as heavy as you can lift, and make sure you get adequate protein to help ensure you are losing fat and not lean muscle.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I got to 10st then got stuck with 7lb to go.. I got some slim fast as I was struggling to exercise with the freezing cold so replaced 2 meals with shakes and had very low fat low, carb meal for dinner, I've managed to lose 2lbs despite it being TOTM so gonna try again and hopefully get better results now monthlies are over.. I've only 5lbs to go now.

    I'm hoping it will come off easier now I've 'defrosted'.. lol as weather has gone milder so I've been managing to exercise again.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I upped my exercise, specifically my cardio...I will run, elliptical or spinn prior to taking a ftiness class, like kickboxing or kettle bells...I than lift for about 10 mins or so targeting different muscle groups each day..I lift heavy... I also upped my calorie intake by eating more lean protein and cut back on processed I am basicallly exercising more and eating more....
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    working on my last 20 as well. a combo of strenghth and cardio. cardio alone won't help....i think!
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    IF you are able to go to a nuritionist and ask to get a medabolic test done. I got mine tested b/c I was in the same boat.. nothing was working for a good 6 months! Come to find out that I have a fast metabolism and need to eat more... I have currently upped my calories and I'll give it a month to see if it works. :) Good luck on your journey and I hope you can break this plateau!!
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    Have been in the same position for a while, lost 2 and a 1/2 stone and then put on about 10 lbs over a year, it's now coming off again with a low carb, low fat regime. I've lost 10lbs in 5 weeks so I am now beginning to drop below the lowest I have been in probably the last 15 years.
    It's not easy though and I have given up alcohol completely. I'm 53 and 5'4" and I am losing weight on 800 to 1000 calories a day. I exercise moderately due to knee and back problems and my BMI is now 25.8... so close to being in the 'healthy' weight range!
    I don't recommend that young people go for that calorie level but us oldies have more trouble losing the weight.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It took me 6 months to get the last 10 pounds off. Things that I realize in hindsight worked for me (your mileage may vary):

    1. Lower weight loss to 0.5 lb/week
    2. Eat back all exercise calories or if you do giant calorie burns, try to eat at least half
    3. Increase strength training- weights are good but I loathe weights/gym. I started doing more intense pilates using a tower machine, which uses springs for resistance. Same idea though- building muscles through resistance.

    I was doing the 0.5 lb/week loss and things stalled. After i started increasing my strength training and eating exercise calories back, things started to move much more rapidly. It took about 3 weeks of that combined effort and suddenly the scale started moving again. I don't have a crazy diet, I stay within calories, try to eat wholesome foods, and try to exceed MFP's fiber and protein limits every day, but that's about it. I still drink wine and eat carbs!

    Good luck!
  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    i'm on my last 5lbs... i've plateau once before... some suggested to up my calorie intake... i changed my goal from 1lbs lose to maintinance and don't eat my exercise back... its been 4.5months and have not plateau... i exercise at least 5times a week... 2 to 3 times a week of weight training, run 2 to 3 times a week and zumba once a week....

    i let my exercise and activities decide my weight lose...
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thank you for all the great advice! I guess I already knew most of it. I actually got down to 146 last spring when I was netting 1700 calories, doing ChaLean Extreme (heavy lifting) and doing Turbo Fire for my cardio (mostly the HIIT months).

    I think my biggest problem is sinus crap. I thought having surgery this past July would make me set for life, but that is just not the case. Ticks me off since it was a $40k surgery (thank goodness for insurance!). If I felt well enough to exercise more, I know I would. I had a hard time when I did some cardio the other day. My lungs hurt as did my side. I'll see what I can do though. I really want to get this off for good!

    Thanks again!