Hurts SO Good!

I'm not one to post on the message boards, but had to get this out...

I actually love when my body feels sore the next morning after a workout. I've heard that the phrase "no pain no gain" can be untrue or misleading, but if I didn't feel like I'm feeling now, I'd wonder if what I'm doing is working.

Right now, my butt is screaming at me every time I sit down, and I smile a little. :wink:

When I get back up, I feel it a little in my obliques and thighs, and I think, can't wait to work these puppies out again this evening!

So these painful reminders don't make me want to take some motrin and get back in bed - they totally motivate me for more, more, more exercise!

How do you feel when you feel that "pain" the next day? Love it or hate it?

PS - I do have a rest day every week...and that bubble bath with a glass of wine is a nice reward!


  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I love it too! I'm feeling it too this morning and I can't wait to hit it again to loosen up those muscles and feel the burn!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I used to hate it.. but now I love it :)
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    loves it too!
  • nothingisred
    I absolutely love love love that feeling. I have a body sculpt class tonight and I can't wait to feel it tomorrow morning.

    I need to start doing the 30 Day Shred again, I felt that every morning intensely and it was great, but I have been going through a really rough time lately and haven't done it for a couple of weeks, must get back to it!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    pain IS good!!!
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    I'm OLD - 50 and I love that feeling! It reminds me of what it used to feel like when I was younger and fit. I can actually feel the skinny me under the weight! I am so looking forward to being there again (fit - kinda hard to do young again! LOL!) :laugh:
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    I find it a little depressing if I kill myself at the gym and can't feel it the next day.
  • AnnaCVeach
    AnnaCVeach Posts: 56 Member
    Right now....a Motrin and bed would be lovely. HOWEVER....I've been biten by the running bug and this soreness I feel all over my body will fade as my body gets used to my running. When I was going through Marine Corps Boot Camp, there was a phrase painted on the back wall of the squad bay the read "Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body". Today I am telling myself that the pain I am feeling is my weakness and fatness leaving my body.
  • ccfessler
    ccfessler Posts: 28 Member
    Morning after soreness is great, but more of a discomfort then a pain. I think what they mean about "no pain, no gain" being untrue is when you push yourself to a point of injury. you just have to know your body's limitations so you do not serious injury yourself.

    I love the feeling of the aching muscles the next day. Keep up the great work!

  • poledancing_ninja
    I love it! But when I got to the point where I was constantly wincing from some kind of excerise pain I learnt to take some rest days!
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I love it because, as you said, it makes me feel as if I had a good workout. I took a week off from my weight training because it's a good practice to do so every once in a while and I felt like I had kind of plateaued. I started back up this past Wednesday and changed up several things in my routine such as weight, reps and sets ... and I am *still* feeling it today!! Thoroughly looking forward to my next session this weekend! :)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I LOVE that feeling! Makes me feel stronger...more powerful, somehow. It's like I can actually feel my muscles tightening up. :happy:
  • auddiejo
    The highlight of my day now is my lunch break when I can go and walk. I love the feeling I get when my calves feel like they're on fire. I love when i'm done, i can see my shirt soaked w/ sweat. It's the best feeling ever!!
  • kolakross
    I love the feeling, except when I have a work out to do... Ugh.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Recently started loving iit. !!!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I'm just getting to that point... it's an acquired taste, to be sure! But, yes, It does 'hurt so good'! I think it's a critical turning point in the path to fitness, and bodes well for ongoing success....
  • aimeerocksx3
    I really like it too. I feel like it's a constant reminder that I'm doing something healthy with my life.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I LOVE that feeling too!!!! It makes me feel like I accomplished something. I always tell myself if I don't have sweat dripping off of me and feel the "burn" after a workout then I didn't work hard enough!!!

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  • ❤lindsay❤dawn❤
    My favorite is the soreness after a good squat workout. The people at work laugh because I can barely get outta my chair, but it does feel good. : ))
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    hello anyon can explain to me how to post yuour own questions on here ? i do not have a iphone or any gadgets to do with telephone, i use my pc.

    thank you