

I don't know what to say really, I'm not very good at these types of things.....
I'm a MFP UK user, from Wales. Been using since June 2011 and was doing well up until Christmas, and then it all went wrong. This week I have made a conscious effort to get back on it and am determined to be more focused and 2012 will be the year of the new me. I have put on loads of weight since starting my current job, and it's recently hit home that I need to do something. I cannot stand WW, or SW ... I find it far too serious, the SW leader in my area was just too serious, I like to make things as much fun as possible.

My family think I've gone mad when I want to weigh everything, but just go with it, and my friends either dabble with MFP or just generally support. I'm quite lucky like that.

I wanted to introduce myself on here finally, as it's nice to speak to people who are in the same situation. So Hello!!


  • jasminegreen01
    hey i'm also from the uk just living in america so it would be great to have someone to talk to havent built up the corage to ask anyone if they wanted to be friends yet. but if you need someone to give suport and all that kind of stuff i would love to x x x
  • pinky_pants
    pinky_pants Posts: 5 Member
    Aww you can add me as a friend, that's okay, I could use all the support I can get right now :)