Need A Push

I have gained 3 pounds since a week and a half ago. I have admittedly been eating like crap the past few days because I wasn't seeing the loss I wanted to see. To get myself back in the swing of things, I went to the grocery store and filled a cart with fruits and veggies and granola and flax and veggies and even caved and bought some Fage and Chobani greek yogurt.

I feel like if I don't see a loss soon, I will fall off the wagon completely. Any suggestions to start getting those pounds off sooner rather than later?


  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    exersize? i find i will not loose weight unless i exersize as well as eat well
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I think you might want to consider changing your perspective on losing weight. By only focusing on the scale, I think you're setting yourself up for failure.

    What kind of weight loss results are you looking for? What other results are you looking for?

    Losing weight and getting healthy is going to take time. You didn't put the weight on overnight and it's certainly not going to come off overnight either. Ways to increase weight loss: exercise often (you can do two-a-days), make good choices when eating, drink lots of water, allow yourself setbacks and commit yourself to a long-term plan.

    Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Is there any chance you could be getting close to your cycle? This can attribute to the weight gain and "eating like crap" part. I usually gained about 5 lbs water weight around my TOM, plus I could not stop eating. I swear I could eat a whole pan of brownies in one setting.

    This is not a race, this is a journey. You should have a life style change instead of dieting. Just try cutting a few bad for you things out of your diet a little at a time if doing it the other way is not working for you. Trust me, next year you will not be regretting this, instead of crying that now you are in worse shape than before.

    One day at a time dear. one day at a time. Just start making better choices and if you flub up, then pick yourself up and keep going.
  • llamb6698
    llamb6698 Posts: 15 Member
    I have to remind myself at times...that I didn't gain it all overnight...and i won't beable to lose it all overnight either! besure to drink lots of water..that really helps too! Hang in there! don't give up... just think that if you keep going how much thinner and healthier you'll be a month or two from now!
  • hselby87
    hselby87 Posts: 49 Member
    I do exercise regularly.

    I am trying to change my loss mentality. I even started measuring myself and I went out and bought jeans in every size on the way down. I know I am losing inches because I went from a size 26 to a size 22 (24 on bloat days) and I can put on a 20 and zip it up (even with my considerable muffin top) which I could not have done in January.

    Thanks for the push. I know patience is the answer. I was never too good at being patient. Hahaa
  • hselby87
    hselby87 Posts: 49 Member
    Is there any chance you could be getting close to your cycle? This can attribute to the weight gain and "eating like crap" part. I usually gained about 5 lbs water weight around my TOM, plus I could not stop eating. I swear I could eat a whole pan of brownies in one setting..
    I JUST got rid of TOM yesterday. I don't know why I keep forgetting about him, it's not like he doesn't make himself known! lol
  • llamb6698
    llamb6698 Posts: 15 Member
    be proud that you've lost 20lbs! thats not an easy thing to do! I know that I set little goals for myself, and when I reach them..they feel so good...
  • hselby87
    hselby87 Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks. I have to keep telling myself that I am 20 pounds thinner and I need to celebrate that!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Is there any chance you could be getting close to your cycle? This can attribute to the weight gain and "eating like crap" part. I usually gained about 5 lbs water weight around my TOM, plus I could not stop eating. I swear I could eat a whole pan of brownies in one setting..
    I JUST got rid of TOM yesterday. I don't know why I keep forgetting about him, it's not like he doesn't make himself known! lol

    I put my dates in an ecalendar and was sent alerts every month around that time. For me it was to recognize my behavior, I had PMDD, let me tell ya, that is some nasty stuff.

    If you do this, maybe you could recognize what is going on and try to make adjustments for it. I know that the 90 calorie fiber one brownie is a life saver for me.

    Good luck and dont stress it.