Just getting started any advice on how to succed

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  • shirleyhud
    shirleyhud Posts: 11 Member
    IVe got some health issues that have made me gain weight and the doctors only gave me pills that added to that gain, I finally have had enough of this..Going to take back my life from doctors..Ive already lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks but would love to lose at least 40 by June, my grandkids are coming for the summer and I want to be able to walk the beaches and parks with them..
  • margerator
    It helps me to plan my food the night before so I won't be surprised by the calorie content. If not the night before, at least before I eat it. Good Luck!
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Log everything you eat every time. Many (Including me at times) fail to do this & you just simply won't have success without it. Get friends on here too, they'll really help encourage & support. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Good luck to you!
  • upr3160
    upr3160 Posts: 7 Member
    I recently started to use MFP and found it great to track what I eat. It is very easy to use and most foods are available on the tracker. I am participating in a weight loss challenge at my gym and am very motivated. I do exercise as well which is really helping. Please friend me and I will try to support.
  • Mo_babee
    Mo_babee Posts: 80 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first steps to a healthier you. I only have over piece of advice for you...Make sure you log everything. Even if it is something not so healthy or a lot of calories, log it!!! Holding yourself accountable is the most important thing you can do.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    How to succeed? Patience, determination, and not giving up. Everything else (calories, exercise, etc) is going to vary as you are an individual and there isn't really a blanket plan (well, other than maintaining a calorie deficit.) so figure out what works and do it.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Logging everything is important. If you can, pre-plan your day the night before. I log everything that I'm going to eat and that way I can see how many calories, carbs, sodium that I have left and if I need to get more protein in, etc.

    Also, depending on your energy level and what you can do, exercising makes you feel better and gives you more energy.

    Make friends on here that will support you on your journey. They can give you suggestions/advice and will congratulate you along the way.

    Most importantly, though, is to be accountable to yourself. Good luck on your journey :)
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    Use this site and stick with your routine and exercise. There will be times where you want to take a break or eat that slice of pizza, but fight through it and think about your goals.

    This site is great and definitely helps you focus on your diet. Just log in your food every time before you eat it. You can save certain meals that you cook regularly or workouts that are part of your regiment.

    I have a bunch of great and encouraging friends on here and you are more than welcome to add them. We are all here to help each other.

    Hope this helps out. Look through the different forums because you are not the only one just starting out. Other's post topics asking questions that we all are curious about.

    Good luck!
  • TexasGirl_Amie
    Log everything you eat. It helps you to keep track of things much better. My next advice to you would be to weigh once a week. Weighing daily can drive you crazy.

    Also, make sure you measure. The scale does not always tell you how well you are doing. If you measure your hips, waist, arms, and thighs you can tell that you are getting smaller even if the scale doesn't show that you are. Remember the scale can be considered evil :)

    If you need motivators, please feel free to add me. I try to help any way I can.
  • Marie92281
    Marie92281 Posts: 194 Member
    The main thing for me is to make sure I log everything that I eat! I also have just started working out in the last couple of weeks and have noticed a huge change. Good luck with your health!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Congratualtions on your success so far! That's great!

    My advice:

    1) Have a plan of what you will eat that week, and shop for it the weekend before. Don't allow yourself to fall into the situation of being hungry without quick options at home.

    2) Keep a basket of healthy snacks available on the counter. Make sure it's full each week. Have a list of refrigerated items that are good snack choices in the basket as well.... If you find yourself wanting to eat but not wanting to take from the basket, or the items listed in the basket... You are most likely craving comfort. Find out why and trust yourself to deal with the problem without resorting to sabotaging your efforts.

    3) Read success stories of people who lost at least as much as you are hope to. Know that they don't have any special tricks or anything that isn't also available to you. If anyone can do it, why not you?

    4) Picture yourself walking that beach with your grandkids and feeling great about yourself, proud of your accomplishments. Keep that picture in your mind as you make your food choices.

    5) If and when you get off track (we all do) don't beat yourself up over it. Remember, a baby learns to walk only by falling many times. It's the fact they don't give up that they learn balance takes time to learn, and then before you know it, they're running.

    Once your mind is made up and you can see your success as the only alternative... then you just do it. If you fall, you get up and congratulate yourself for not giving up. You just keep after it. The more obstacles you face, the longer it takes, but still you get there if you don't give up.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    1). You didn't put this on in a week and it won't come off in a week.
    2). Set small goals so as not to overwhelm yourself.
    3). Move your body as much as you can without causing harm (speaking from experience)
    4). Have fun with MFP and use all the tools it gives you.

    Patience has never been my thing but I am learning it and enjoying the moments of see the weight loss. Good luck on this journey and add me as a friend if you like. ~t
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    Remeber, sometimes it takes time for your body to adjust.

    An important step in losing weight, is working with your physician to rule out any medical issues that may hinder your efforts. It's important to remember, a scale doesn't always reflect the changes occuring in your body.

    Muscle is denser than fat. A pound of muscle and fat weigh the same. A pound of muscle takes up half the space of a pound of fat.

    I would suggest working with a professional, nutritionist, or physician to complete a Body Composition Analysis. This can tell you how much of your body is fat and how much is Skeletal/Muscle Mass. It can help you to refocus on reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle rather than just losing weight on the scale.

    The more muscle you have, the more calories you need and burn.

    If you'd rather not invest in getting a BCA, then you can do some things at home to monitor the changes in your body that a scale may not reflect. The simplest is to use a measuring tape and measure the circumference of your neck, waist, hips, thighs, and arms (or other areas your a looking to slim down).

    Drink plenty of water.

    Keep healthy food options around you. Rid your environment of unhealthy foods. Plan your main meals for the week, if you can.

    Never hesitate to ask for support and suggestions.

    Let your friends and family know your goals. It does one of two things: shows you who are positive and supportive influences and who are not.

    Take a day off, once a week. Don't focus on food. Don't focus on exercise. Focus on enjoying the day. (That's not to say you should over indulge for the sake of over indulgine. Just don't beat yourself up.)
  • blind4
    blind4 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes. don't Quit ;-)
  • ANMUR43
    Hi Shirley, Cutting out the Carbs is a fast way to lose weight. Just don't do this for too long.
    Another way is to eat enough good food at meals that has bulk to keep you full until the next meal.
    Don't eat between meals, just drink lots of calorie free liquids. Herbal tea that cleanses the system is the best choice.
    I go to Overeaters Anonymous for the support I need. i want to lose the weight and keep it off for life.
    My knee will thank me.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    I have thyroid and/or adrenal problems and my doctor insisted that I take one medication that was like a shot of ravenous. I went back to my old meds and am now losing the last 10. Good luck with your battle, be stubborn, log in every bite compulsively, and don't get discouraged. I can go years putting up with overweight and it took years to wake up and take control. When you log in the days allotted calories, stop eating and switch to zero calorie liquids. Try not to spike the insulin and keep your brain chemistry level. You are off to a great start, way ahead of everyone who can't bring themselves to commit to a weight loss program!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    How to succeed? Patience, determination, and not giving up. Everything else (calories, exercise, etc) is going to vary as you are an individual and there isn't really a blanket plan (well, other than maintaining a calorie deficit.) so figure out what works and do it.

    This! ^^^^^^^^^^

  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    -1 Schedule your workouts like you would a doctor's appointment. Take 30 minutes 3x/week to move as much and as fast as you can.
    -2 Log all your food and set you activity levels properly.
    -3 Try eating your exercise calories as recommended. It might NOT work.
    -4 Weigh your food portions.
    -5 Get rid of the junk foods and trigger foods in the house.
    -6 Take pictures now. you'll be glad you did.
    -7 Use the tape measure often and the scale sparingly.
    -8 Plan for success - know what you are going to eat as far in advance as you can.
    -9 Visit your favorite restaurant sites NOW, and make a list of suitable meals.
    -10 Never make excuses, it's your life. :)

    Good luck, and have fun