Caffeine or no Caffeine???

My New years resolution January 2011 was to elminate caffeine in my diet, as far as pop went. Believe it or not I stuck to it. Now going onto year two and sometimes I wonder if doing this My fitness Pal would go a little bit smoother with some extra energy. Right now if I drink a pop it is caffeine free diet coke. Help?


  • scweegie
    I quit drinking pop becuase I wouldn't switch to diet, but I love my coffee! I have read studies that suggest a cup of coffee before a workout or run is good becuase of the boost., however it can dehydrate you as well. I think the best is just determine what works for you. Everyone is different.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    You worked so hard to kick the habit, why get back into it? Your body will start to rely on caffeine again and you will find yourself with no energy unless you get that caffeine kick,
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    I drink Diet Coke all day long.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    coffee is GREAT diabetes prevention.


    Also, according to the experts decaf coffee processed with water is best (and tastes the same as regular) you have to ask to get the good stuff though!!!!!!!!!!!
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Tea! Tea is awesome for you, though it doesn't have as much caffeine as coffee. And so many varieties to choose from.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I drink caffeinated tea all day long. It didn't hinder my weight loss at all. Caffeine causes a brief burst in your metabolism. I'm not sure how much help that short burst is, but I can't see how it would hurt.

    I believe there are far worse things in soda than caffeine, though.
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    I drink black coffee - I really enjoy a good cup. Interestingly, I drank a lot more before changing my nutrition and eating habits. I was good for 3 cups in the morning and 2 in the afternoon every day, minimum. Now I find I drink 1-2 cups. I just don't feel as tired, so I drink it more for pleasure and less because I "need" it.

    Moderation is usually best IMO.
  • knelson422
    My New years resolution January 2011 was to elminate caffeine in my diet, as far as pop went. Believe it or not I stuck to it. Now going onto year two and sometimes I wonder if doing this My fitness Pal would go a little bit smoother with some extra energy. Right now if I drink a pop it is caffeine free diet coke. Help?

    How hard was it for you to quit caffeine. I am struggling with that now. It is my pick me up in the afternoon. Nothing else works for me like a diet coke. How long did it take you to not crave it anymore. If you could send me a message back with any tips, that would be great.

    I went without chocolate for a year, it was a good exercise in self control. Good luck.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't consume any caffeine. I cut out soda about 4 months ago and I hate coffee and I'm not a huge tea fan. Water is really the only thing I drink except the occasional milk... so no caffeine for me. Caffeine never did anything for me, anyway. It never woke me up or gave me the jitters or anything.
  • michellebd1980
    I definitely drink caffeine... I have to so I can function!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I can't give up caffeine however, giving up soda is something entirely different. I gave up soda because it has too much sugar and I have convinved myself that the bubbles in it are actually corroding all of my organs and if I continue to drink it, my heart will blow up, my lungs will get eaten away and my brains are going to melt.

    True story. I haven't had a soda in years.

    So I keep my coffee and I love it.
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    Oh, how I miss caffeine!! I would drink 3 24 oz. sugar free rockstars a day. I was definitely addicted. Then, I ended up in the er. I made myself allergic to caffeine. I can't have a drop of caffeine now or I end up in the hospital. It really sucks as I LOVE ice tea. Now it's water, every single day, all day. It really sucks. :sad:
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    I quit drinking diet coke, but there's NO WAY I'm giving up coffee lol
  • dberry01
    dberry01 Posts: 18 Member
    I can't give up my coffee (we own the local cafe) but for every double espresso that I have, I will have 2 glasses of water to compensate for dehydration.
  • Stumoo
    Stumoo Posts: 14
    Well done for quitting caffeine - though in my opinion the only reason to do so is if you had a heavy dependence on it. You say you drink caffeine free pop... do you get caffeine from other sources? Coffee, tea, chocolate, stuff like that? If not, then you're basically existing in a caffeine-free bubble and shouldn't need a drug to pep up your energy levels. If you start using caffeine in that capacity, it will soon lose most of its benefits and you'll be addicted to it again.

    Myself on the other hand, I consume caffeine every day, and never go for a run without having had a cup or two of joe. This is because I can't run with mild caffeine withdrawal, it makes me feel sluggish and irritable.

    For anyone reading this out of curiosity, there's good info about caffeine and fitness here: Basically my understanding is that a moderate intake is beneficial (protects against certain diseases including cancer), though if it's taken in the form of coffee the effects on your exercise speed/endurance are unclear.
  • coxy46
    coxy46 Posts: 23
    In my youth :wink: I was a body builder and we drank lots of black coffee in the diet weeks before contests because it helps speed your metabolism - like a little extra burst - that helped burn calories
  • jojowack
    jojowack Posts: 17 Member
    I've also read in fitness magazines that caffeine can cause a temporary boost in metabolism and energy. I think it also suppresses appetite but also can dehydrate at the same time. As long as I'm not harming my body, I'll do whatever helps me to be more successful in my weight loss goals. Maybe stick to a limit of one drink per day right before you work out?
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I drink black coffee. Diet sodas are awful for you. They make you crave carbs and sugar. Something in the ingredients also makes your body store more fat.

    I find coffee to help me in my workouts, I work much harder the days I drink it. Plus I've found it helps with occasional bloat do the the effects of the diuretic :)
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Life is full of simple pleasures. Caffeine is one of them.

    I enjoy it everyday. And lots of it! I'm doing what works for me.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    No cafeine! Not got for anyone!

    It dehydrates you so you need to drink even more water to flush your system.

    I can tell you getting off of soda really sped up my weight loss and I don't miss it at all anymore. Never in a million years thought I could say that!

    Best of Luck!