World of Warcraft

Any WOW geeks out there? Would love to talk about anything game related. I'm an 85 rogue.


  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i love wow! i have two level 85 paladins, and a rogue thats at 84, soon to be 85, i jsut need to get some playing time in.. i havent been playing much since i started on here, but this weekend.. lasciva will be 85 :) then i have an 80 mage, and two more 80 paladins.. i love paladins :)
  • Awesome! What server do you play on? I'm on Vec'ni lash
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Check out the gamer group "MFP Gamers". I don't play WoW anymore, but there's some WoW players within the group.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i'm on silvermoon, but i also have some low level characters on tanaris..
  • My 10 year old has been asking to play that game. I have been wanting to investigate it, So tell me is it kid friendly?
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    My 10 year old has been asking to play that game. I have been wanting to investigate it, So tell me is it kid friendly?

    its a violent game because the whole point is to kill things and go on quests where you kill things,.. but its fun, my husbands ex had two boys about that age and they liked it a lot.. most people playing are over 18, so some of the language can be coarse when you're hanging out in a town, but they have filters for that... its worth a try, right now they let you play a character up to lvl 20 for free, so i would try it out, jsut watch what hes doing...

    the fun for me is in the in game professions, you can gather herbs, make jewlery, make armor, mine for ore.. its fun..
  • spacecampsucks
    spacecampsucks Posts: 33 Member
    I played for a year a few years ago. I quit before WotLK came out.

    I have/had a level 70 (cap at the time) mage.

    I quit because I didn't like the end game raiding... Couldn't sit and focus for 2-3 hours 2-4 nights a week my guild required!

    To the poster a few above me... I personally wouldn't let a 10 year old play! Not because of the game, but because of the community/public chat aspect. You should try the free trial yourself and see if you think it's appropriate :)
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    WoW is a great abstinence program.

    I have 85 toons on Rodcet Nife and Thrall but been playing swtor lately.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    World of WarCrack?
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I played for a year a few years ago. I quit before WotLK came out.

    I have/had a level 70 (cap at the time) mage.

    I quit because I didn't like the end game raiding... Couldn't sit and focus for 2-3 hours 2-4 nights a week my guild required!

    To the poster a few above me... I personally wouldn't let a 10 year old play! Not because of the game, but because of the community/public chat aspect. You should try the free trial yourself and see if you think it's appropriate :)

    Same here but I wasted to much time on it and many other games for years. i would still play but it's really better for me and my family if I don't. When I quit I had a level 70 druid and hunter and many other low level characters I used to play.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    I played from open beta til 2011. I went on a deployment with the guard unit I belong to and I was so far behind and so much had changed that I felt too far gone to even want to try to catch up. Was undead healing priest.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    85 ret pally on feathermoon. lots of other toons i rarely play (81 dk, 50 shammy, etc)
  • LolaVersion2
    LolaVersion2 Posts: 114 Member
    Star Wars MMO = FTW!!!!!!!!!!
  • JenGrape
    JenGrape Posts: 32 Member
    I played for a long while but quit due to the end game as well... I'll always still hold Everquest as my alltime favorite MMORPG. I love crafting and questing... but don't have the hours to put into it anymore.

    I wouldn't let my 10 yr old play unless I was playing alongside of them and in the same guild etc.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Played for years, sold my account, now have 2 toons on a private server. Dont play very often, the game was at its best at the end of Vanilla WoW
  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    10 x 85's on Area 52, 1 of each class and max level of all professions.

    Been playing since Vanilla and as you can tell I love to level up lol

    Used to play my Paladin exclusively throughout TBC and WOTLK but since all the changes in Cataclysm I have gone back to my Priest as Disc
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    10 x 85's on Area 52, 1 of each class and max level of all professions.

    Been playing since Vanilla and as you can tell I love to level up lol

    Used to play my Paladin exclusively throughout TBC and WOTLK but since all the changes in Cataclysm I have gone back to my Priest as Disc

    wow thats impressive.. i play pretty exclusively my ret paladin, only because its easy and i dont really like my games to be difficult. i like to do quests and professions..

    the last time i went into a pug dungeon, i got yelled at for not being good lol... all the guys my husband used to play with all got lives, and my husband plays world of tanks more than wow, so i like to just do stuff i can do on my own..
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    My main's a lvl 85 balance druid, I have an 85 enhance shaman too.

    As for the game being kid-appropriate - there is some violence, but not too bad for a 10-year old. The content of the game itself is fine The issue I would have is all the other players in game. The trash-talk is constant in trade chat, local chat, and whispers, and ranges from slightly annoying (name-calling, swearing, etc that you can handle with the in-game profanity filter and the occasional character mute) to completely inappropriate (links to extremely disturbing content, over-the-top racism and sexism, harassment, stalking, etc- the type of stuff that a profanity filter can't help you with). If it were a single-player game, I'd say let your kid enjoy it. But as it is now, it's rated T for Teen for a reason.
  • Hi,

    Im a Guild master on Vek'nilash and i love the game, at present the guild has over 100 members. I have an 85 hunter, 85 DK, 73 priest and a few other lowbies. My hubby has more 85's and is a much better player than me lol.
    I should be raiding now, but im on here :laugh:
  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    My wife and I use to be addicted to WoW. Together, we had 9 or 10 lvl 85 toons. We stopped playing about a year ago but I still love to reminisce.