college students- what do you eat?

Losing weight is hard for anyone, but I find it especially hard living at school! I've lost weight during winter break, but being back at school my progress has really slowed. It's hard to go grocery shopping because it's a 15 minute walk (I don't have a car), and I can only buy as much as my two hands and a backpack will carry me. I try to make healthy choices eating on campus, but when I'm in my apartment I find eating soup is just the easiest way to go.

Long story short: college students- what do you eat?


  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey! I eat everything as long as it does not get me over my 1800 cal/day limit. If I do go over 1800 calories, say over by 200, I go out for a 45 minute stroll with a smoking pipe or 30 minute power walk (to some point in a distance and back) listening to music. This way I try to keep to 1800 as my goal by burning off the access. I tried limiting carbs - Atkins, I tried limiting fats - South Beach, and they all worked, but as soon as I went back to normal eating, I gained everything back. The problem with me was the fact that after 2 months of neglecting a food group, I really want pizza or I really want cheese. lol. I have decided to use this website and eat whatever I want but have a calorie limit and I am happy to say that it has been working great, without having to make sacrifices by avoid one food group or another. I went from 277 lbs to 243, between August 2011 and December 24th 2011. I came back home for Christmas, and went back up to 258 during the 6 week break, but I completely pigged out, eating 4000 calories a day, haha. I came back to school on Feb 1st and have limited myself again, and I have already lost 5 lbs.

    SO, eat whatever you want, but limit yourself. Just pay attention to labels. I found that some foods have sooo many calories, I would have never known! 1800 calories works for me and I never really feel hungry. This is coming from an American football offensive lineman who used to eat in excess of 6000 calories a day :P.

    Hope this helps!
  • lhounslea
    You could include the walk into your fitness plan. My shop is about 10 mins away. It's quite handy though as it's on the way to my classes so I can pick bits up on my way home etc. I tend to just get a few necessary things at a time. I eat a lot of stir frys so today I bought broccoli, carrots, spring onions and rice. I also bought some potatoes and cheese which I always keep stocked up.
    I always have things like rice, eggs, cheese, cereal, yoghurt in. Cereals a good snack and you can always throw things together to make an omelette or something. Pretty quick to make too
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks funny because when I'm at home I lose so much will! At school I lose the most weight and have the most willpower. At school I eat a lot of beans, peanut butter, rice, pasta, and frozen veggies... sometimes I buy lettuce if it's on sale so I can have salads. If you're wanting healthy, quick things buy frozen veggies with sauce. Cheap, quick, tasty.. Put it on rice or potatoes or pasta.
  • Templetough
    thanks for the helpful hints everyone!