Looking for some friends to help me break through my plateau

I am new to this site and have joined you all in the middle of my weight loss journey. I have recently lost 51 pounds (73 pounds since my heaviest), but have another 50 or so to go. The smaller I get the more I have to fight for every pound I lose. A friend recommended me to this site, so I thought I would give MFP a whirl. I have hit a plateau and just looking for extra inspiration. Feel free to add me as a friend!



  • Hey!!!
    1 Don't get discouraged :)
    2 Have you been watching what you eat?
  • Hang in there. Seems like you have done a great job so far so I'm sure you will get where you need to be with some hard work and eating right.
  • holmesc8
    holmesc8 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been tracking my eating using the MFP APP and before this other APP. I also do hot yoga 3-4 times a week, and jog on the treadmill about 3x.
  • bjcl
    bjcl Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, I am not new to myfitnesspal but because of health issues I went away for awhile. I was skinny my whole young life, after 5 children i have weight to lose. I have lost 40 pounds twice but when I return to eating what I want it creeps up on me.
    I want to look better and I need to lose this to help the bulging disc's in my back.
    I am not sure how to post on here, I hope I am doing this correctly.
    Bjcl:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • rbarlow46
    rbarlow46 Posts: 4 Member
    Girl that is sooooo awesome. Don't let the plateau get to you. If you want to join my group hit me up. I have a great group of FitPals and we all try to encourage each other. I make daily postings to try encourage my pals to keep going. Would love to have you join our group. We all all here for each other!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member

    I've had two plateaus since starting my weight loss journey on Jan. 15, 2011. What helped me the first time around was getting back to basics, i.e., measuring EVERYTHING I ate (turned out the packaged popcorn I was eating stating 6 cups was actually 8 cups)! Also I was overestimating my calorie burn, so I got a heart rate monitor.

    This last time around I asked my dietician friend/coworker for advice. She told me to never eat below my BMR. You can calculate yours here--go under "Tools" and click to calculate.
  • holmesc8
    holmesc8 Posts: 4 Member
    Is the BMR tool different then the calories they give you for the food/Cal tracker?
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Is the BMR tool different then the calories they give you for the food/Cal tracker?

    Yes. Your BMR is likely a little higher. If you eat below your BMR you can slow down your metabolism, which is why many experts recommend increasing your calorie intake if you've hit a plateau. Jillian Michaels recommends increasing by 10%.
  • toystry23
    toystry23 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the helpful advice! I've just started my first week and have been super good, even eating below what's recommended. (Sometimes 200 below)

    My BMR is 1389 according to Tools. I talked with my trainer friend and she suggested that I eat between 1400-1500. I guess I'm just a little nervous about it.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    Is the BMR tool different then the calories they give you for the food/Cal tracker?

    Yes. Your BMR is likely a little higher. If you eat below your BMR you can slow down your metabolism, which is why many experts recommend increasing your calorie intake if you've hit a plateau. Jillian Michaels recommends increasing by 10%.

    I feel silly for asking. If i change to eating all my BMR, do i use total calories or net calories?
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I have hit a plateau and just looking for extra inspiration.

    This could be that you got too much into the same routine. The human body is very good at adapting to what its been put up against. You might have to change things up to keep it guessing. Maybe totally changing you diet and exercising routines. Good tip is to ALWAYS keep the body guessing so that it can not have time to adapt.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I am new to this site and have joined you all in the middle of my weight loss journey. I have recently lost 51 pounds (73 pounds since my heaviest), but have another 50 or so to go. The smaller I get the more I have to fight for every pound I lose. A friend recommended me to this site, so I thought I would give MFP a whirl. I have hit a plateau and just looking for extra inspiration. Feel free to add me as a friend!


    omg girl me too! ive been here for months and have lost 32 overall lbs. heaviest was 178 and im 5 foot 7, 30 yrs young lol now im down to 146 and have been here for a month plus. i have lost like an inch and a half or so but the scale still says that im a stand still. lol good luck and add me if u wish! =D