Is a HRM worth the $$$?

Trying to figure out if I want to spend the money on an HRM. Have you found them useful in your weightloss?


  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    For me it was a must! I do a lot of circuits and need a way to gauge how many calories I burn. Even if it's not 100% accurate, it's close enough. I eat back my calories burned, so I want to make sure I have a good idea how many that would be.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I got one today and it is amazing!!! It keeps me motivated and it is so accurate. I just love it.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hell yes! It has been great. I don't ever work out without it.
  • For me, it was totally worth it! It turned out I had been putting myself into an anaerobic state for too long which can be dangerous. Have someone help you find your heart rate zones so you can use it correctly.

    Now I feel naked w/o my heart rate monitor! Plus it's fun to watch your numbers throughout a workout. I think it's a great motivation.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    I think it is a good way to stay in your target heart rate, but it definitely overestimates your calories burned by far and as a result you don't work as hard..... some people say they burn 1,600 calories in an hour and a half, doing half strength training, no way that is possible your heart would explode
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I bought one last year and have never regretted buying it.
    I like to see the cals burn go up and up. :)
    There are some people that will say they aren't as accurate as they claim to be. But if you are wanting to get a more accurate results compared to what MFP suggests you burn and the machines, then yes, invest in one. A good one.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I think it is a good way to stay in your target heart rate, but it definitely overestimates your calories burned by far and as a result you don't work as hard..... some people say they burn 1,600 calories in an hour and a half, doing half strength training, no way that is possible your heart would explode

    I think some of them may over estimate. But not all of them...? Could it depend on the make etc?
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    It was worth the money to me. I use it for every workout. I also check it during my workouts. I love my HRM!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I think it is a good way to stay in your target heart rate, but it definitely overestimates your calories burned by far and as a result you don't work as hard..... some people say they burn 1,600 calories in an hour and a half, doing half strength training, no way that is possible your heart would explode
    You can not use a HRM for weight training, unless you are doing super sets or circuits.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I think it is a good way to stay in your target heart rate, but it definitely overestimates your calories burned by far and as a result you don't work as hard..... some people say they burn 1,600 calories in an hour and a half, doing half strength training, no way that is possible your heart would explode

    I think some of them may over estimate. But not all of them...? Could it depend on the make etc?
    I think it over estimates most during normal weight training. It uses your heart rate to determine calories burned. If you lift weights, your hart gets pumping hard during the lifting, then stays high while you rest. You are getting credit for resting!!!
  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    wow. so much success! glad to hear you guys are finding HRM gadgets useful. I am a horseback rider, and I believe MFP over estimates caloric burn while riding too. Think HRM would possible give a more accurate caloric burn during obscure activities such as horse back riding??
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It's a nice tool and I love the constant pace feedback that I get from my garmin when I'm running.
    But, I couldn't justify spending nearly $400 on it - luckily my husband thought differently and bought me one for Christmas :)
    I lost weight very successfully last year without it - but if you can afford it, it's a nice toy.
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    Well, for me, information management is key in a weightloss process. MFP is quite accurate sometimes about the calories expenditure but we are all different so our body reacts in a different way to exercise.

    Trying to go into the aerobic range of heart beats is not easy if you dont monitor your heart.

    I bought the Timex Ironman Global Trainer, it has also GPS tracking.

    It is a little bit expensive but for me it really worth the money invested on it, and check that out, I said "invested" instead of "spent".

    During my first Half Marathon it was my "buddy"... you can customize the screen so you can select which information you see. When I go for long runs I choose to see: calorie expenditure / pace (min/km) / total distance / total time and when i go to they gym and train with my TRX I choose to see only: calorie expenditure / heart beat

    Best Regards / Jose
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I am 270lbs and felt safer being able to see what my heart is doing - it's quite normal by the way. I am the same as an earlier responder as I thought before I had the HRM that I was working quite well but found out afterwards that I was in the anaerobic area due to being so unfit.

    Now I check regularly and keep within my aerobic zone.
  • loulabelle73
    loulabelle73 Posts: 20 Member
    yes for sure... only way to know 100% what you are burning!!
  • YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I found that I was burning A LOT less calories that the MFP database suggests. Also it kind of motivates you to get your heart rate up and to push to burn more calories.

    I got a basic one, Polar FT4. It was $65 and change with free shipping at Amazon.

    I think I would trust the ones with a chest strap to be most accurate.

    I just got mine and I am so in love with it!!!