High protein meal ideas

The hardest thing I find with dieting it eating the same meals over and over and over.....

Do you guys have any suggestions on tasty, high protein meal ideas??? Ideally low fat and no 'cheat' carbs (whites bread, white potatoes etc..)

Any help appreciated, I'll cook as many as many as I can and let you know which ones are best!

Thanks :-)


  • talk2tiff
    talk2tiff Posts: 42 Member
    Bump! I really need some high protein ideas too :o)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Turkey Chili. Leave out the beans if you don't want high carbs. But beans are high in good carbs and protein. Use no sodium tomatos so you can control the salt.
  • bfeusner
    bfeusner Posts: 66 Member
    Frog legs...They have only 73 calories and have 16g of protein with very minimal amounts of fat or carbs...Obviously how you cook them will slightly change the nutritional value but they are one of the healthiest meats available.
  • Garbonzo Bean and Chicken or Turkey Breast Salad w/steamed kale, diced tomatos, and minced onions. It's delicious!

    I also really enjoy a 1/2 cup of 2% Fat cottage cheese with spring mix, Bolthouse mango dressing, and whatever fresh veggies I have in my fridge...usually grape tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Today, I'm having some shredded chicken breast with pea pods and bean sprouts with a side of sauteed zucchini, brocc, and califlower. Yum!!

    I admit, I had to add post-workout protein shakes to my daily eating ritual in order to get the adequate amount of protein that my body needs. They aren't too bad and after a tough cardio/lift session they taste like heaven.
  • k_deering
    k_deering Posts: 8 Member
    You tube has an amazing amount of people who have some great recip, fites. Lean body lifestyle has lots of ideas, fitgirl40, etc. if you search for clean eating it will bring up lots of great ideas.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    Last weekend I made some awesome chili using cubed turkey breast and cubed pork loin with beans. This morning waffles with protien whey added and substitute nonfat dry milk sometimes. Protien whey fruit smoothies have been a quick favorite lately.
  • bruneyk
    bruneyk Posts: 5 Member
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    scrambled eggs and salmon with bacon.
  • brentsblog
    brentsblog Posts: 60 Member
    I get Inghams Turkey steak probably the best source of food protein around with this nutritional information

    Per 200g which is approx 1 turkey steak 2 come in a packet

    Total Fat - 2g
    Total Protein - 48g
    Total carbs -2g

    This is according to MFP the packet states no carbs at all which I tend to agree with
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Prawn pizza!

    Get some prawns, cheese, tomato puree, veggies & a wholegrain wrap as your pizza base
    low cal, and high protein :)

    Prawns are only 70 cal per 100g!
  • bruneyk
    bruneyk Posts: 5 Member
    These sound great - looking forward to making them all!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Any kind of fish or shellfish is high in protein! Also, greek yogurt is very high in protein. Just one cup can have anywhere from 18-23 grams of protein!!