Need to lose inches in waist

Age 45
started changing my eating 3 weeks ago--- lost 10 lbs so far( don't know where)weigh 120 now but my waist is 35 inches at umbilical area. I have only logged my food like 4 days - a friend told me about fitness pal. So my question is
do I need to do cardio- I currently do not exercise even though I have a gym membership- Friday was my first day of exercise
15 minutes walking at a 10% incline at speed of 3.9


  • prominence
    prominence Posts: 4 Member
    If you are looking to lose inches, i would guess that the issue is fat tissue on the waist. as for weighing less, i experienced that myself, i shed some pounds but didnt see it. it most likely came off a little everywhere and you just havent noticed yet.

    As for working out,many people will say different things but if you need to lose inches, aka fat tissue, then cardio is where you need to be. and 15min is great and the incline is awesome too but you may need a little more than that. try the 15 for a week, then next week try for 20 and keeping doing that every week until you get up to about 40-45min. im personally not a fan of the treadmill,i would much prefer an elliptical or bike or even a mix with rowing in there.

    my view and understanding is that cardio is good while you are doing it and for a few hours after but then the body relaxes and the calorie burn stops. so throw a little strength training in there maybe. when you lift weights, the bidy will use calroies as energy to repair those muscles for up to days after a workout so a fine mix of that can do wonders.

    keep up the good work with logging food, eating right and try to do the workouts and im sure you will lose that inch!:)
  • melidawinnie
    melidawinnie Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks---- im slacking on the exercise for sure.