completely stuck

i have no idea what i'm doing wrong. i work out for 30 minutes a day and i eat my calorie goal for the day. i am not loosing weight and it is completely disheartening. it's been about a month now, so i know it's not just my body getting used to something. any ideas of how to get out of this funk?


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your food journal is not public so it is hard to make any educated guesses about what might be going on.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Yes, go to your settings and make your food diary public. That way we can give you the advice that may help.
  • adunkin22
    adunkin22 Posts: 47 Member
    updated it! (:
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    You should really try getting in some veggies.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I found that really increasing my "wet" food such as fruits and veggies helped. Eating whole foods. Making sure that everything I ate had fiber in it. Cutting out sugar and white flour and saturated fats. Cutting out beef for the most part. Keeping animal products low, getting rid of dairy. Never adding salt to my food, not eating out. Making all food from scratch as much as humanly possible. Then what really helped me was to cut animal products to 20% or less of my diet. These choices are not for everyone, but these are what helped me. Thoughts to ponder. my latest breakthroughs came from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's EAT TO LIVE

    Best of luck to you! Keep searching. NEVER EVER GIVE UP! You can do it! = D
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    Have you checked your measurements? You should see some results there. Also, you might need to eat more. Not a lot more, but like 100-200 more calories per day. I'm not an expert on the science of that, but when I increased my calorie intake for a few days I started losing weight. If you do a search for "plateau" in MFP, you'll find lots of good advice. The most important thing is that you should not give up. You've done really well so be happy about your progress to date!!
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    eat a bit less. its not concreate you have to eat a specific amount. and work out a tiny bit harder at the same time. see if that works.....
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    I would try to get in 5-7 serving of fruits & vegetables a day, that should give you an extra 100-200 calories. Also drink plenty of water. 8+ cups of pure water a day. hth
  • whiskeysister510
    whiskeysister510 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello! I looked at your food diary and agree that you would benefit from adding more fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean meats to your diet. Now my first word of advice would be to start cooking your own meals (looks like you don't). But I also see that you are in college so, especially if you are living on campus, you may not have a kitchen to cook in.

    If you want to try cooking or learn a little basic nutirition, this is a simple and straightforward book:

    Eat, Drink, & Weigh Less: A Flexible and Delicious Way to Shrink Your Waist Without Going Hungry
    Dr. Walter C. Willett and Mollie Katzen

    I also love all the recipes in Martha Rose Shulman's column and she focuses on seasonal veggies:

    If you can't cook, then here's some ideas for fresh takeout:

    Whole Foods (or other high end grocery store) Salad Bar - Try a salad of spinach and fresh veggies and top it with some grilled chicken, kidney beans, and sunflower seeds. Toss with a little olive oil and vinegar. The combinations can be pretty endless. If you are living in a dorm, your cafeteria probably has a salad bar and you can make most of your meals there and supplement with hot food like grilled chicken or a baked potato.

    Deli sandwich - Whole wheat bread, turkey, tons of veggies, a little mayo and dijon. Have an apple on the side instead of chips.

    Vietnamese - Try things like fresh salad rolls (go easy on the peanut dipping sauce) or Pho (but try chicken or vegetable and tofu and order a small size)

    Japanese - Try a bento box that you can customize or order a handful of small items like rolls (go fresh, easy on the rice, nothing fried), salad (green salad, cucumber salad, seaweed salad), edamame, miso soup, or teryaki chicken

    Soup - You can get great soup at delis and many restaraunts. Go for veggie soups with thin broths and avoid cream based soups.

    I hope some of these ideas help! You've made great progress, so don't give up! Try some new foods and stay positive!
  • adunkin22
    adunkin22 Posts: 47 Member
    thanks for all the help y'all! i will definitely try to make my own foods and add more veggies. it's just so hard to do while in college. but i will try my hardest! thanks for all the motivation (: