Looking for friends to motivate me to lose this weight :)

Hi Everyone, i started my new life, the new me on monday, i have lost 4kgs so far but at this point i usually get disheartened and give up, but i am determined to do it this time, and have been exploring the whole site all week , i have been looking through the community for a week now and today i decided to introduce myself. This site is fantastic and i didnt realise that recording what your eating made such a difference to how you eat, my portions were huge before i came on here, im slowly learning to eat properly. And it would be great to have some friends to motivate and encourage each other, please feel free to add me xxxxxxxx


  • BreK51
    BreK51 Posts: 19 Member
    Sounds like you are determined, AND YOU CAN DO IT! I know the struggles and battles of doing this alone, and it seems impossible but with friends looking out for each other, to confide in, encourage, etc. WE CAN DO IT.. if you need a listening ear. or a gentle push, buzz me ,, I will hear you :)
  • anne018
    anne018 Posts: 33 Member
    congradulations on loosing the 4 kg.... ive lost over 20lbs since i stared using this site. You are absoluteley right... noting what you are eating and the portions sizes helped alot! Its always hard resisting tempations (i love sucre a la creme and my sister just made some yesterday -,- ) but in the end its worth it. I am positive that you will be able to lose all the weight that you want!
  • dhasty2012
    Im desiree and i started this site thursday. I def could use friends to keep me motivated since my husband is a junk food eater theres always temptations in my house, But unfortunatly he can eat all he wants and not gain a pound i look at it and gain ten pounds lol. I need some people to help keep me motivated, but im a breastfeeding mom and am wondering if dieting and cutting calories could effect my milk production?
  • tammeegirl
    tammeegirl Posts: 27 Member
    My name is Tammy I have only been on here about 2 weeks, absolutely love it. This is my new Facebook LOL
    Logging and SEEING what you are eating has been by far the most helpful tool. I have not weighed myself since Jan 13th as I get a lil caught up in the "numbers" so I measure my success by how my clothes are fitting and they are getting looser. Hooray! But in time I will weigh and post my results....til then just keep logging your food.
  • angelxxxx
    Wow thanks so much everyone, yes it is the sweets that i find hard, today for some reason it hit me like a lead balloon that my heart is really set on this now and i know i can do it. I even surprised myself by losing 4kgs in a week, i know most of this is probably mostly water weight, and i dont want to go back to putting it all back on, so defo upwards and onwards from here :smile:
  • sarahmargaret12
    feel free to add me I love helping to motivate you
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    Feel free to add me... I'd be happy to help you along the way. There is not quit in "lifestyle change"
  • TammyBeyea
    Hi, I'm Tammy from New Brunswick, Canada. I'm new to this site and am really liking how I can keep track of everything I eat, my exercise and water consumption. Two weeks ago, I started the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and have lost 4 lbs and 4"! It’s a kick start for a healthy lifestyle and best of all...it's EASY! Seriously! There are so many people that are just LOVIN' this Challenge - you can be one of them!! Message me for more information!:smile:
  • chelseablakeley
    chelseablakeley Posts: 9 Member
    Everyone can add me, i am lookin forward to losing as much weight as i can, i would like to help motivate people to lose the weight they want to lose