lost 20 pounds but not seeing it

ive lost 20 pounds but i cant really tell.myhusband says hes can.but it doesn't feel like anything fits better. not only that but 20 pounds doesn't feel like abig number. i know itshould feel like 20 is a significant number , it doesn't because istarted at 240. so i still feel huge because im still over 200. i know i wont really feel it till im under 200,which sucks bc its still 20 pounds away.it makes it hard to stay motivated :(. if it was like 5 or 10 till 200 iwouldnt feel so bad but its not.i just wish i had started my journey sooner before i hit 240 if i had started my journeywhen i hit 220 iwould already be under 200. i know i shouldn't think like that but its hard not to. does anyone else feel like that ?......and sorry about the crappy writing but its hard to type on my ps3 lol


  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Did you take "before" pics? If not, do it now. You'll want them later. There are times when my scale won't budge and I can look at the pics and see that my body is changing even when the number isn't.

    I started out much heavier than you, but it took a good 50 pounds before I felt like my loss was noticeable. hang in there!
  • Tonyabailey2003
    Tonyabailey2003 Posts: 4 Member
    You are not alone in your lost 20lbs and can't tell it. When I got back on here I did not want to put my true starting weight. I restarted at 279 and I am now 259. Don't let you not seeing it keep you down. Celebrate every little break through. For instance I can't see the loss in my stomach, but I can in how some of my clothes are fitting. Or I notice I am able to walk longer and faster and not be out of breath. I don't sweat as much as I did before walking up a flight of stairs. I would like for the weight to come off faster, but I know losing it with the help of my fitness pal at a steady pace will help me keep it off. So just keep your eye on the prize. :happy:
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Take measurements. That is a great way to show changes and losses as later on the scale won't be your friend but measurements will.

    Why look at it that you've got 20lbs left until 200? Why not look at it that you're half way there?

    Healthy weight loss is slow and steady but lasting.

    Take pictures like that previous poster said. Best way to judge! Take a new picture and measurements once a month and place the photos side by side. You'll see the differences.

    Keep at it as it will eventually come off.
  • yeah i take new pics every tuesday and so far there isn't really a change from the first pics i took to the most recent one i took :(
  • and ive only lost 2 inhes on my hips and 3 on my waist... maybe my body is just stubborn at showing result. hopefully with a few more pounds i will start to see progress
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i started at 240 also and didnt notice a difference until i lost about 25-30lbs. you could be losing it from places you didnt know you could lose weight:) . just keep working at it, you'll notice the change soon
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    yeah i take new pics every tuesday and so far there isn't really a change from the first pics i took to the most recent one i took :(
    If you feel comfy sharing your photos you'll have a ton of cheerleaders on here sharing what they see in your changes that you can't. Amazing how much we change through the process and simply can't see it.

    7 lbs. off of me, 20lbs. off me, never showed because I had so much too lose. BUT when I see a thread where someone asks if anyone can see the 7lb. difference, and they are looking to lose maybe 20, WOWZA... so noticeable!! Even when someone is looking to lose far more others tend to notice it before we do!:wink: Plus your clothes are getting looser right?:love:

    Sometimes that's what we need, some cheering on so we realize we ARE making progress.

    Show those pics if you're comfortable... :flowerforyou: I think you'll begin seeing yourself through our eyes and then it'll hit you, how the work has paid off and how much those lost inches will show!:wink:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    and ive only lost 2 inhes on my hips and 3 on my waist... maybe my body is just stubborn at showing result. hopefully with a few more pounds i will start to see progress

    Only!!?? Those inches off of your hips and waist are GREAT! 20 pounds is a great loss. Don't be discouraged, it sounds like you are well on your way to making significant lifestyle changes! Keep up the amazing work!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    and ive only lost 2 inhes on my hips and 3 on my waist... maybe my body is just stubborn at showing result. hopefully with a few more pounds i will start to see progress

    Only!!?? Those inches off of your hips and waist are GREAT! 20 pounds is a great loss. Don't be discouraged, it sounds like you are well on your way to making significant lifestyle changes! Keep up the amazing work!
    What SHE said!:wink::flowerforyou:
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I don't have as much to lose, but I have just reached the 20 pound mark today too. I can't tell very much. My clothes aren't fitting that much better in the wais. But, I can feel it in the legs and arms. For example, I have on a semi form fitting shirt on and usually in the arms, it is snug. My arms in the shirt aren't so snug anymore.
    You will get there Don't lose motivation. Have you measured yourself. Measuring myself, I know I have lost inches. You can do it, we are all in this together.
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    and ive only lost 2 inhes on my hips and 3 on my waist... maybe my body is just stubborn at showing result. hopefully with a few more pounds i will start to see progress

    Only!!?? Those inches off of your hips and waist are GREAT! 20 pounds is a great loss. Don't be discouraged, it sounds like you are well on your way to making significant lifestyle changes! Keep up the amazing work!

    That's exactly what I was thinking. "Only"?! Those losses are awesome! And no small feat! Trust me, it will show. Sometimes it just takes a little longer. 2 inches is great! Two inches could make the different between one size and the next!
  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    I've lost 22lbs (4 before discovering MFP) and I'm still wearing the same clothes and no-one has noticed at all. I started at 226lbs. I didn't take any photos...going to do that tonight so hopefully will see a difference after the next 20! x
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    It could be that since you're in the beginning of your journey, you've shed some excess water weight. Water weight loss is a positive thing, but doesn't create a great deal of visual change. This is good news, and happens to most/all of us when we change our eating habits.

    Even better news, your body is going to start changing dramatically from this point forward! So don't give up!

    And yeah....2 inches is awesome. I worked 3 months for 1 inch!
  • florwoman
    florwoman Posts: 1 Member
    2 inches and 3 inches? That's great!! You are making progress - keep at it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    ive lost 20 pounds but i cant really tell.myhusband says hes can.but it doesn't feel like anything fits better. not only that but 20 pounds doesn't feel like abig number. i know itshould feel like 20 is a significant number , it doesn't because istarted at 240. so i still feel huge because im still over 200. i know i wont really feel it till im under 200,which sucks bc its still 20 pounds away.it makes it hard to stay motivated :(. if it was like 5 or 10 till 200 iwouldnt feel so bad but its not.i just wish i had started my journey sooner before i hit 240 if i had started my journeywhen i hit 220 iwould already be under 200. i know i shouldn't think like that but its hard not to. does anyone else feel like that ?......and sorry about the crappy writing but its hard to type on my ps3 lol

    I've lost 20 and my bf hasn't said a word. Pretty sure he's oblivious.
  • i dont know how to post pics im on a ps3
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    You'll get to a point where the loss will be obvious. If you take a look at the Biggest Loser, you don't really see it until they've lost a lot but when they do, it's a great thing to see.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I hear you! I've lost 17 lbs and NOBODY seems to realize it. I did take pics at the beginning, and I definitely CAN see a difference--- slight, but it's still there. The rolls are a little smaller, LOL!

    I am so with you on this..... I'll friend you if you want! I'm at 210 and can't wait to get below 200.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I didn't see the difference in myself until I hit 30lbs lost. Other people did but I didn't.

    Even now, I lose it and I feel the difference in my clothes but I don't actually "see it" on myself until like 10-15 is gone after that first 30
  • At my heaviest I was 225. I have lost a total of 15 lbs and I can't see any change either, but my husband
    and friends say they can tell. I also can't tell much of a difference in a lot of my clothes, but working out I
    feel better, and even though I can't tell a visual change in myself, I feel more confident because I know I
    am taking the steps to change things, and I know the change will come.

    Keep up the good work and you will notice it.