P90X + Being over 300 Lbs = ?

BigStupidFresh Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all I have seen all these tremendous success stories with people and there p90x experiences, and I was wondering if there was any one out there who was over 300 Lbs that have tried this? I am 330 and I have successfully conquered the C25K challenge and would like to think I am in pretty decent shape for my size, but am discouraged that a lot of the people who have tried it haven't been very obese to start with. Anyways I am thinking of dropping the money for the program and would just like to hear peoples thoughts! Thanks All!


  • debwilson
    debwilson Posts: 24 Member
    You did the C25K??? Did you ever have to repeat any weeks? Right now I am on week 5 and tomorrow am suppose to run 20 minutes. I weigh 210 and read somewhere that if you weigh over 200 a person shouldn't try running. I have to admit it has been a struggle, but so far I have mastered it. Tomorrow really scares me!!! Have you ran any 5Ks?? I am signed up for one in Chicago on November 6th.

    Sometimes I think my running is so slow that people walking really fast could go right by me, but I figure if I am breathing, moving my arms and putting one foot in front of the other I am running!!! I don't have too high expectations?HaHa
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Wow, you both are awesome, I'm 180-182 and I got terrible shin splints in wk 4 of C25k, I'm still going to do my 5k next month, just portions will be walking :blushing:
  • When I started I did it 5 days a week instead of 3. I wrestled all threw out high school and have always had endurance...I just don't have strength I can Run 3 Miles in about 45 mins not quite 30 mins but I can run non stop none the less....P90 is more strength than endurance I broke my shoulder the year after i graduated and my strength is nowhere near what it used to be.
  • JWruns
    JWruns Posts: 18 Member
    P90X is a super tough workout. It'll kick your booty... in a good way! :) The nice thing is, you can do it in your own home, so if it's tough at first, you can always pause it, or skip certain parts. Each time you do it, you'll get a little better. If you stick with it for 90 days, you'll REALLY see results!
  • You did the C25K??? Did you ever have to repeat any weeks? Right now I am on week 5 and tomorrow am suppose to run 20 minutes. I weigh 210 and read somewhere that if you weigh over 200 a person shouldn't try running. I have to admit it has been a struggle, but so far I have mastered it. Tomorrow really scares me!!! Have you ran any 5Ks?? I am signed up for one in Chicago on November 6th.

    Sometimes I think my running is so slow that people walking really fast could go right by me, but I figure if I am breathing, moving my arms and putting one foot in front of the other I am running!!! I don't have too high expectations?HaHa

    Deb don't worry about other people, I threw all my self consciousness out the window long ago, and you should too!

  • Thanks Jwruns! I appreciate it!
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    im at 317lbs and im almost done with week 5 of p90x!! i lost 9 inches in my first 30 days. i too felt like i wasnt in horrible shape..ive always liked to workout i just overeat...thus being overweight! i have not had a hard time with p90x..well the yoga is the hardest part for me. i modify when needed but i push play everyday and its paying off.

    when i was thinking about trying p90x i too was a little unsure because all the success stories seem to be thin people. well go to youtube..search for results there. i found a woman who was 400plus pounds and she did p90x. that was my inspiration! good luck..i hope you do give it a try!
  • I am a female that weighs over 200 pounds and I just completed week 2 of P90X. This is my second round of focused weight loss. During round 1, I conquered the C25K. I have never been a runner but I managed to do it. I have a 4 mile race in 2 weeks.

    As far as P90X goes, If you have been oing some strength training along with your cardio you should give it a go. Even with that being said, you will have to modify many of the moves and the Plyo may not be a good idea as it is high impact. You could switch it for the cardio work out instead. I have already seen results thus far. But it takes a great deal of work and determination.

    If you are up for the challenge, go for it! Just modify and go at your own pace. You will get stronger as you go along. That will motivate you to keep going!!11
  • JWruns
    JWruns Posts: 18 Member
    sure thing! :)
  • What is C25K?
  • What is C25K?

    Couch to 5 K ... see here http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml :)
  • Pendragn
    Pendragn Posts: 15
    I'm currently in Week 4 of P90X. I weighed over 300 pounds when I started. I didn't lose much the first two weeks, but I lost 11 pounds in Week 3, and it seems to be coming off steadily now. There are still things I can't do in P90X -- I'm a long way from doing a pull-up, the yoga kicks my butt, and I'm substituting Cardio X on the Plyometric days because plyo is too tough on my knees. But I'm already doing SO much more than when I started, and I love the challenge of the workouts.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Don't worry about being able to do a pull up. It might now even happen in your first round. You can use the resistance bands for your back workouts. I still use them. My husband is now using the pull-up bar. He's 265 lbs. He can do eight assisted pull ups. It's hard, but that is what the modification is for.
  • Hey, I was 330lbs when I started c25k five weeks ago and I started p90x one week later. Needless to say I just finished my fifth week of c25k (with the twenty minute run) and I will finish my fourth week of p90x today. I have lost a lot of inches and 23 pounds. The best piece of advice I can give and it is what they say in the videos. Modify, modify, modify, I do the very best I can and I push myself every time. In the video they say all the time "I currently struggle with". I do bands instead of pull ups and I switch to my knees when I can't do anymore pushups but I am doing it and seeing results. I am stronger and more flexible all the time! Go for it!
  • moohi86
    moohi86 Posts: 1
    It's about 4 weeks that am doing P90X and I am very obese, I weight about 220lbs (100kg) which is shameful :(. Despite my weight I can say I am very strong, I struggled a bit on week 1 but got used to the different workout after week 2. However I still can't do perfectly some of the workouts which are very hard for someone with my weight!...

    Now I didn't lose any weight or inches , which is very disappointing, I know the program is brilliant and mostly for fit people, but I thought since am very heavy and I did definitely reduced my calorie intake everyday I should have seen some drops in scale!!! But nothing yet... I also don't follow the nutrition guid because according to them I have to consume about 3000cal, which is crazy!!! I try my best to go with 1500 but sometimes it goes higher ...

    However I feel much better and from what I read the program shows weight loss on phase 2 and 3 which I am almost reaching phase 2 so fingers crossed if I can see any weight loss...

    Good luck everyone
  • AMullins047
    AMullins047 Posts: 1 Member
    In response to: "Now I didn't lose any weight or inches , which is very disappointing, I know the program is brilliant and mostly for fit people, but I thought since am very heavy and I did definitely reduced my calorie intake everyday I should have seen some drops in scale!!! But nothing yet... I also don't follow the nutrition guid because according to them I have to consume about 3000cal, which is crazy!!! I try my best to go with 1500 but sometimes it goes higher ... "

    You aren't eating enough for the calorie output. I know it sounds crazy but you need to up your calories and follow the food plan. When my husband and I did p90x the first time he had 40lbs to loose. He thought it would go faster if he ate at the same calorie level as me. I warned him against it but boys are boys. He lost 2-3lbs the first two weeks and I lost 10. He upped his calorie intake to the 2nd count in the food plan and the weight fell off. He lost a pound most days and was able to complete the workouts better. If your body thinks it's starving - you won't loose weight. Also, you really need to follow the food plan. We never followed the eat exactly this version. We used the portion method. Mainly this was because we didn't like everything on the calendar. The main thing is to get the portions right especially the protein. Good luck!
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