I'm new and i need guidiance please.

Hi, I just started my fitness pal program, and i seem to have been eating normal, but lesser than the 2000 calorie intake for everyday. I don't like that i'm still eating certain types of food. I find it difficult to have myself placed on certain meals because i have no guide. Please i would appreciate it if anyone can give me healthy food ideas that contains less calories, and how i can measure the quantity i take in, Thanks.


  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Hi, I just started my fitness pal program, and i seem to have been eating normal, but lesser than the 2000 calorie intake for everyday. I don't like that i'm still eating certain types of food. I find it difficult to have myself placed on certain meals because i have no guide. Please i would appreciate it if anyone can give me healthy food ideas that contains less calories, and how i can measure the quantity i take in, Thanks.

    A must: per day

    Omega3/Omega6 fats + saturated fats
    -2tbsp flax seed oil
    -2tbsp hemp oil

    Protein - required for tissue repair etc.
    -not less than 20g of protein for sure

    Potassium - required for heart beating
    -eat 1 banana per day

    All vitamins+amino acids: green leafy vegetables, MEAT(***** veg. diets), fruits.

    Eat this + whatever you like and try to fit within MFP's advised diet based on your stats that you put in your profile.
  • mcsolis
    mcsolis Posts: 107 Member
    What kind of foods are having trouble with. Its a little difficult if we dont know what your eating
  • nono91
    Like this morning around 6:15am, i had 1 raisin bread which was about 250 calories. Around 8:15am, i had almond nuts, but i didn't count the amount i took. At 12pm i had non-salted crackers, about 15 servings and i also ate the remaining almonds i had, which i didn't also count. Although i had a hand full of almonds put in a zip lock bag. I could only guess it was not more than 30 nuts. Around 2:30pm i had one apple , and around 4pm i had "beans with 1 homemade meatball and cinnamon crunch cereal". At 7pm i took cereal again and apple. Although i had these meals in small sizes, but i feel like majority of all the things i ate today was mainly carbohydrate. I'm a bit confused on how to balance my diet and cut our the carbs i consume. I would really need a guideline on more healthy foods to consume.
  • nono91
    Thanks, i will try this out.
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey, what do you like to eat? Do you like to cook? I have found these two cookbooks to be very helpful.



    It just depends on what you like to eat.

    Some things I have learned that I have found to be helpful. Eggs are clinically proven to help weight loss. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs in the morning eat fewer calories throughout the day without adverse affects on their cholesterol levels. The cholesterol thing is more controversial but the egg connection to increased cholesterol appears to be for the most part, debunked. Speaking from personal experience, when I eat 2 eggs in the morning I am not hungry again until 2-4pm.

    Fish. Fish is fairly low calorie, filling, and nutrient rich.

    Potatoes. Regular potatoes have been linked to weight gain. This is especially true of french fries, chips, etc. I try to substitute sweet potatoes whenever possible.

    Sides. Crazy amounts of calories are hidden in the sides. (Think 600+ calorie loaded baked potatoes). I skip calorie rich sides and substitute steamed veggies. i find when I eat steak with organic veggies I really dont miss the other sides.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to add me for support/ motivation.