Green Team Week 7

jacque509 Posts: 978
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Ok all its week 7 and summer is in full bloom, I know alot of people are coming and going, but lets try to hang in there. I weight in with no loss today and Am so ready to start fresh.
So here's to a new week and a healthier week.
So I been reading alot of other posts to see what new stuff I can find out, So I am going to Say as this week challege let eat veg style, how about increasing our vegtables and less meat. I myself am going to go meatless for the whole week, I have gone 2 days and feeling postivie and more energy. I do relize that 4th of july is coming up and that means Bar-B-Q, so how about know meat till the 4th.


  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all!! Okay, was at 188 today, not changing my ticker. not too bad cosidering vacation at an all-inclusive. :tongue:

    Where is everyone?
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Well I know vita is on vacation, I am hoping everyone is just kinda busy with vacation and we will see them trickle back. Maybe next week we should recruit people again.:blushing:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    did ok untill they brought out a birthday cake at work, indulge in a slice AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:sad:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    reporting a gain this week, but nobody's fault cept my own......either gonna do this and succeed, or give up and go back ......the latter is my battle now.....this is really my first time EVER that i have been working at the whole lifestyle change....and still at it...6 + months....not giving up.....and i am gonna try harder too, with Jacque. been doing the mind thingy today.....WHY AM I DOING THIS....WHY AM I HERE....

    there is so, so much info out there about clean eating and raw....i just know it is the way to go folks, well for me i believe.... i just had this thought come into my mind of a caveman eating out of a bag of Doritos. :noway: i really want to focus on all the GOOD food and just make it part of my every day meal planning. if i had to go thru my cupboards right now and pitch all the processed....OH MY! just incredible the amounts of food that is 'contaminated'. it would be impossible for me to even try to convert my dh. he grew up on a farm where hogs and beef were butchered at least once a year. i do love fish and am going to eat all that i have here before cutting back on that. purrr, has inspired me and now i know ( well, just from out green team posts) someone living/eating the most healthiest way ever. what would happen if they would just stop making all that packaged food....we would be a lot thinner folks.

    anyways....i am DONE DRIVING MY BUS til Aug 19th!!!!!!!!!YiIIIPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYY!! :bigsmile:

    one slice isn't going to hurt ya miss jacque.....savor each bite!! :tongue: chug some water!!

    not sure about the rest of you...but i am saddened bout MJackson. i was a teen when he became popular and i did listen to his music. my best friend and i would dance all day/nite to his music and we had posters all over our rooms.... he was an awesome entertainer, and truly did have a strange/troubled life. :heart: he will always be the KING OF POP in my eyes....

    will try to check in later.....hope all is well with green team...
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    I know what u mean, when my kids text me I thought they are pulling my leg, and then I thought wow he the same age of my brother! But I was already sad about Farrah such a hard way to die. I just hope that both of them made their peace with God before they died. The really sad part is who gonna take care of the kids and I really pray that don't turn into a mess and Farrah son is in rehab I hope this dosn't push him over the edge. I hope people pray for the family left behind they got to be feeling really bad at this time
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Yep, I did a bit of :cry: lastnight myself over these deaths. I'm always ravenous the day of weigh-in.....weird:angry:
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    hiya greenies, just found this new thread, was wondering why nobody posted in the old one... i am still at 195.3, not really sure what i was last Friday but i've definitely lost a few piounds since... updated my ticker to 70 despite liking 69 more :tongue: also added a new pic to my profile that i took in the mirror in the kitchen today... it was raining and cold again, hence the long sleeve... i'll take more pics soon from other angles of my body... well, i'm far from a skiny beetch but i'm getting there, just a matter of time :wink: and i catch some male attention, i had totally forgotten what it was like to have a man walk his eyes along your body... actually you know the big news, I THINK I'M FINALLY GOING ON A DATE!!! it's kinda silly cos it's this dude that i been buying my veggies from at the market... last Friday i was buying me some peppers and he wanted to sell me more than a kilo but i said i couldn't eat that many, so he was like "there'll be peppers for all the family", to which i responded that there's just me and grandma here and she doesn't eat peppers much... so once he figured i wasn't married or something, he went in flirty mode and today that i went to the market again he just straight asked my phone nr and if i'd like to go out for a drink with him... sooo he looks around 30 and quite cute (i have been eyeing him myself from earlier to be honest :blushing: ), so of course i gave away my nr and let's see what happens :huh:

    i'll pop in again soon to tell u more about my raw diet, i can't think straight right now, been one weird day, i used to be a big fan of Michael Jackson when I was a child, so that saddened me a lot too... :cry:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Lookin good purrr, how cute that you're going out with the veggie guy, it's a match made in clean eating heaven. Good luck!!!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hi Yall.....I have been gone to my grannies since Monday. No exercise this week and not real good on the eating department either. But I am not gaining, so we shall see.

    I start school on Tuesday and I am getting married in less then a month. Ended up getting a totally different dress then I planned cause the one I ordered looked awful and was heavy heavy satin......

    I have missed you all!

    Will get back on track.............
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey sass! I knew you were goin to grannies, glad to see you back around. What is the new dress like? I'm very excited for you!!!! Have you been to Vegas before? Can't recall if I asked you that. I LOVE it there, would love to go back. So, keep us in the loop and if you can, post a photo of that dang dress so I can live vicariously through you, bf and I have been together almost 14 years and probably will not get married. Keep up the good work!
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    Lookin good purrr, how cute that you're going out with the veggie guy, it's a match made in clean eating heaven. Good luck!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: you crack me up, woman!! he still hasn't called, i'm gettin nervous, maybe he found another girl at the market :grumble:

    another thing that makes me nervous is nobody posting here, is everyone gone on holiday already? i won't go before august cos i want to look as good as possible t the beach :blushing:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Why not? You all should make it all legit & stuff????? I have been to Vegas....honey has not. I am going to have a DVD, so I will be sure to load it to You Tube for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just got into a tiff with my honey on the phone :frown: cause he wanted me to give him directions on the phone and I am trying to get in the pool.....he wanted me to sit and wait another 20 mins so he could call me back......he misunderstood something I said and got mad at me :frown:

    Now he is being an *kitten* Sat for me!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    purrr - he'll call or ask for the number again on your next visit to el mercado!! I agree that it has gotten WAYY too quiet here, I looked this morning and my post was the last one, was close to 20 hrs prio - :noway: I know I was away last week, so I'm hoping that is the case with our other buddies.

    sassie - I doubt we'll make it legit, primarily because I was married before (still great friends with the ex though) and if it isn't broken, don't fix it. Plus, we do not want to have children, that would be the only reason I'd feel I had to make it legit. With all that said, make sure honey sees the highlights of vegas and not just the room - :blushing: :bigsmile: :heart: :tongue: Definitely want to see that DVD!!

    jac - hope you are okay, between the kids and family stuff I'm guessing it's been a rough weekend so far?

    Here are some highlights from our vacation - well alot of them, but I posted this along with my review of the hotel on Trip Advisor, there are not a ton of just us but you can see what we did while there:
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    wow, Porka, the pics from Curacao are amazing, you lucky girl :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    wow, Porka, the pics from Curacao are amazing, you lucky girl :flowerforyou:

    Thanks purrr, I am really happy with the way they turned out and with my new camera. BF is actually the photogrpaher guy but now I'm attempting to keep par with him because it really is fun. I think between the two of us, we have approximately over 1,000 pics and keeping in mind this is digital and if they're really bad I delete mine :tongue: There's one picture he posted of me dancing in the disco and I have the arm hanger type thing - :sick: Never noticed that before and I've lost 15 here plus another 14.5 that I lost on NS in 2006 - gotta work on the arms for sure as a result of said picture. He put it on facebook - again, ugh. He doesn't even see what I'm talking about, so I'm not going to enlighten him - :smile:

    We are now ready to bump up our game of this weight loss quest, so I will need everyone's support as we get back to the gym and on the foodie wagon again. I will say this though, I walked alot, snorkeled, danced and swam alot so we weren't lazy bast""ds the whole time - :laugh:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hiya greenies!

    didnt mean to make ya'll feel alone again....just been busy here...and when i wanted to get on, dh was surfin...grrr

    kinda a nice weekend here for a change, had a cool front come thru, and able to shut the air off. i will be leaving for Ontario Canada this coming Thurs, and will be GONE FOR a WEEK at least. sure will miss the postee's! goin where there is NO running water, NO electricity, no phones, no air, NOTHING. just bears, moose, walleye, northern pike, lakes and pine trees! YIKES!! :noway:

    purrr ~ you lucky girl you! :love: how is things with the market dude? keep us updated on the romance! how special for you! and nice look so great! you are gonna look smokin hot at the beach in Aug! :wink:

    sassie ~ i will be in LV July 27 >30 with my mom, sis and aunt. have not been there in 26 yrs, (i was 17 last time). now i am old enough to gamble and DRINK!! :drinker: less than 30days now!! what are you going to school for?

    porka ~ nice vaca pics! looks so beautiful! i love white sandy beaches and the blue/aqua ocean!! what a fun time! that's my kinda getaway!!

    will be a crazy week here getting the house ready to lock up for a week, and pack for a week. just so much to do, and it never all gets done!! :ohwell:

    funny, how it seems the posters here lately have been original green teamers.....hope the rest of the reformed team returns soon! lets have a great GREEN week buddies...and really get SERIOUS about our health!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Oh you are arriving the day we leave! I am going to Beauty School!~!~! I am excited.

    Hope all you all have a great week and I will try and come in more often!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    Sorry i was gone, At the hospital all weekend, it been kinda rough.
    Purr- how exciting about the market, keep us posted.
    Chistie- Love the pics, you look like u had a lot of fun.
    Sassie- love the pic, keep updated on school, my daughter is thinking about going to Beauty school too.
    Kelly-Canada sounds like fun.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hello my beautiful team!! So sorry i have been MIA. Ever since Thursday i have had no time and has been a crazy and sometimes horrible week. Upon going home from wk Thursday after picking up my 4 yr old from day care some stupid *kitten* pulled out in front of me and I t-boned him and after our impact, he freakin fled the scene. :mad: :explode: I just knew he was, my window was done and I told him; begged him not to leave and he did anyway!!!:mad: My car is damaged under the hood pretty badly.
    The outside of it isnt too bad but there is some expensive and substantial in need of repair under the hood! So now, I have to wait to get my police report (today) to turn in to my insurance to allow my uninsured motorists kick in at which is when I can get my rental. I have had my husbands truck to drive but it has NO air or radio so I have been driving around hot, sticky from the humidity and bored b/c the only thing my daughter wants to sing or do to keep my entertained in sing "the best of both worlds" by Hannah Montana. I could throw that song out the window!!:devil: :laugh:
    So with all of that, just being a really busy, staying out in the garden getting out whats left of our veggies b/c there has been NO rain for 3 weeks, and being on the phone with the insurance companies i have totally forgotten about a new week here. Sorry! :sad:
    So, I did weigh myself first thing loss but no gain. Can sooo live with that b/c I have been horrible....and I do mean horrible about no exercising and not eating the greatest! So I have decided to restart my thinking on what and how to do things to help me lose my weight! If I cant make it to the gym I vow to do even more at my house. I am wanting to go buy a hoola hoop and jump rope to do some fun exercises! we'll see! I hope everyone will have a great day and I plan on getting back on here later on I am just going to go and do some actual work since I have been writting a novel here! :bigsmile: :happy:
    Love you all and love that there is so much support here. You make this a bit easier to do the right thing. Thank you al!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :heart:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so trying to go raw here, so far so good, apples and peaches so far, I admit I would like some cheese and bread but really want to give this a try.
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