I need help!! To much water??????

I need some help and fast when it comes to info on to much water. I drink eight to ten sixteen ounce bottles of water a day! My problem is that on the past few walks I have taken I have felt a jiggling in my lower right leg. Last night after my walk and shower I looked at my lower right leg and it was twice as big as the left one. Now 119 lbs ago this was normal. But since I have been walking and the weight loss there has not been this problem.

My question is this due to my massive intake of water!! TMI here but I stopped my water intake yesterday at noon and was still urinating this morning clear liquid. To the tune of 78 oz of urine. What do you think, do I drink to much, should I back it down. Help I am perplexed as I have heard for a long time that the more water you drink the better off you are!

Thanks for any info on this!



  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I have read that your water intake in ounces should be half of your weight. So, if you weighed 200 then you should drink 100 ounces of water daily. It IS possible to drink too much water, maybe scale it back a bit and see if that helps.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Please see your doctor about this. Swelling in the lower leg can be indicative of a blood clot. It's always best to rule out the worst case scenario and then move on to the more innocuous possibilities. Until then, just drink enough to satisfy your thirst and stay dehydrated.
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    I agree with seeing your doctor. There are certain medical conditions (congestive heart failure) that will have you limiting your fluids also. Also as mentioned before, leg swelling can be a sign of a clot. Question is the swollen leg painful, dark in color or anything else different from when you previously had the issue? Edema (where fluid shifts outside the cells instead of inside) can be another cause. Press a spot in your leg and see if the spot turns lighter in color and doesn't instantly "bounce back". You ARE drinking a heck of a lot of water, so yeah, maybe take it down a notch, drink when you're thirsty and post exercise. But like I started this response, please see your doctor... Because without knowing more of your medical history, I and everyone else are just shooting ideas your way, when it could be something more serious, or more minor than we are implying. Good luck and congratulations on your achievements so far.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    First and foremost see your doctor...and yes you can drink to much water. The human body has a state called homostasis. It is where the body is functioning normally. The body chemistry is made of compounds such as sodium, calcium,potassuim etc. too much water can cause too low of a sodium level. It happens many times with marathon runners. Talk to your doctor about the right amount of water for you.
  • Jeaniehop
    Jeaniehop Posts: 88 Member
    First and foremost see your doctor...and yes you can drink to much water. The human body has a state called homostasis. It is where the body is functioning normally. The body chemistry is made of compounds such as sodium, calcium,potassuim etc. too much water can cause too low of a sodium level. It happens many times with marathon runners. Talk to your doctor about the right amount of water for you.

    Agree with this and also if your potassium drops too low which can happen yoour heart can become in serious danger happened to my son so be careful.