new to this

AdriansMomma Posts: 7
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself

i just wanted to introduce myself
and make some friends so
i can have a support system here

my name is karla and im 19
i just had a baby boy on may 5
i weighed in at 197 when i gave birth
and now i weigh 171
im trying to get down to 140
i hope i can

Created by - Online Calorie Counter


  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome Karla!:flowerforyou:

    You can do it! Congratulations on your weight loss so far!:wink:

    This is a fantastic site to stay accountable and stay motivated, full of really nice people, I hope you enjoy it!:bigsmile:
  • MissBHaven
    MissBHaven Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Karla!

    Congrats on your new baby, and your weight loss! I'm back with myfitnesspal after taking a "break" and gaining back a few pounds. I can say that myfitnesspal really works for me because it keeps me thinking about what I am eating, and how the calories stack up. Best of luck-
  • thanks everyone!!!
    i really hope i can do it
    i want to be able to make my hubby drool over me
    and i want him to look at me the way he looks at the skinny girls

    thanks once again!!!
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    thanks everyone!!!
    i really hope i can do it
    i want to be able to make my hubby drool over me
    and i want him to look at me the way he looks at the skinny girls

    thanks once again!!!
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    sorry, hit the wrong buttons, hope all goes well for you.
  • aww thanks
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    thanks everyone!!!
    i really hope i can do it
    i want to be able to make my hubby drool over me
    and i want him to look at me the way he looks at the skinny girls

    thanks once again!!!

    Hi, and welcome to THE best site on the web! :flowerforyou:
    I wanted the SAME thing with my husband, and, thanks to MFP, I GOT IT!!! I'm sure you'll have yours drooling over you too in no time!!! :happy:
    Between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it! :wink:
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off! :noway:
    Don't go making the mistake that if you have LOTS of numbers left at the end of the day that you'll lose even faster, because that DOESN'T happen. Feel free to read any info about the site in the "help" section at the top of the home page. And also, under "all topics", then "general", and check out the first few threads. They'll really help you understand how MFP works. :smile:
    Before coming here, I had tried just about EVERYTHING out there, including hypnosis, TWICE, and nothing really worked until MFP! :love:
    Also, drink LOTS of water, it REALLY DOES help! :drinker
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love this site, if you don't already. I love it here. This site is so supportive, helpful, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou:
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