1000+calories ian hour? How?



  • MelanieWorkes
    MelanieWorkes Posts: 15 Member
    It's not JUST about weight! Intensity, level of fitness, etc. are also factors. I am 5'1 and weigh 145 and can easily burn 1000cal/hr when I bust it. Obviously, I have weight to lose, but I'm not obese.

    For example: I did 3 different workouts yesterday, for a total of 90 minutes, and burned 1341 calories (according to my HRM).
  • MelanieWorkes
    MelanieWorkes Posts: 15 Member
    Why do you care? If someone is lying about it, they are only hurting themselves, and certainly not you.
    I was wondering the same...
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    I burn super low as I have a super low HR. It sucks and I am always jealous of people burning so many cals. But I am sure they are bigger hence it takes more for the to move.
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    I'm over 400 lbs right now, I can burn 100 calories putting on my shoes.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    You know, I've wondered about that too...I'll run 6 miles and barely burn 600 calories in the hour it takes. In reading some of these posts, it didn't occur to me that folks who are bigger stature are going to burn more calories because they're moving more mass (no insult intended). Interesting. It makes sense--have no idea if that is accurate--but definitely makes sense.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I can hit 1000 calories in an hour, on the elliptical. Level 11, with a variable hill climb program. Doubters; try to keep up. It's for real.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I'm also skeptical when I see that I can eat a hand of nuts and few honey : BAM : 700 calories
    In one another hand, eat 500 grams of greek yogurt : 200 calories tops
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    Swim! You burn more calories because of the water resistance. Burning 1000 calories/hr is easy for me. The hard part is eating those calories back.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It may be possible for a heavy man. It certainly isn't even vaguely in the realms of possibility for me. I burn 450 cals an hour running fast, with a HR of between 169-182 BPM (I have tried 3 different HRMs now, and it's definitely right). That is running 7 miles, off road with steep hills, and that is the highest burn I get from any exercise. Rowing is about the same, high impact aerobics about 300 an hour and circuit training about 400. Zumba was rubbish, I burned about 200 cals in an hour's class.

    I get slightly depressed when I see other people's calorie burns on here.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I agree it depends on the height weight but most importantly, effort. I can do 1080 cals in an hour on the elliptical at a 14kmph rate at level 16 on a life fitness machine. If I up this to intervals and push to level 17 and 18 I can do 1200 plus

    If I do that as sets of ten minutes with press ups, sit ups and 500m rowing, I can really max that out but obviously I go over an hour.

    So long as you're losing and keeping to your goals who cares what anyone else does, you're only competing against yourself
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    It is basic law of physics. People with high mass (~weight) burns more energy.
    1. Treadmill- varies with mass, and square of velocity (speed)
    2. Stirmaster/up down movement- varies with mass, height and gravity.
  • Any sports stores will carry them, (****'s, Sports Authority, Scheels.) For better prices you can always shop online through amazon.com!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    It may be possible for a heavy man. It certainly isn't even vaguely in the realms of possibility for me. I burn 450 cals an hour running fast, with a HR of between 169-182 BPM (I have tried 3 different HRMs now, and it's definitely right). That is running 7 miles, off road with steep hills, and that is the highest burn I get from any exercise. Rowing is about the same, high impact aerobics about 300 an hour and circuit training about 400. Zumba was rubbish, I burned about 200 cals in an hour's class.

    I get slightly depressed when I see other people's calorie burns on here.

    Finally I see someone whose zumba calorie burn is similar to mine. I can make it 300 by including an extra half hour of zumba tone. I think I work out at a pretty high intensity too and get so frustrated when I see the calorie burn for others. Of course, I'm pretty old too, but I can hold my own against the younger folks in class
  • I burned 730 according to my garmin HRM doing a cardio circuit with weights. Using 30 second intervals. My average HR was 140.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I have to say, I struggle to see the point of the OP. Are you asking for hints on how to get over a thousand, or being 'sceptical' of those who do?

    I certainly can burn over a thousand in an hour. I'm heavy, and I work hard. Running is *hard work*, up and down hills, pushing your speed, building endurance....

    Having done Zumba and having run, I know which I find harder. Maybe you need to switch up to a more intense form of exercise?
  • I agree it depends on the height weight but most importantly, effort. I can do 1080 cals in an hour on the elliptical at a 14kmph rate at level 16 on a life fitness machine. If I up this to intervals and push to level 17 and 18 I can do 1200 plus

    If I do that as sets of ten minutes with press ups, sit ups and 500m rowing, I can really max that out but obviously I go over an hour.

    So long as you're losing and keeping to your goals who cares what anyone else does, you're only competing against yourself

    Very true! I second ur statement about losing weight!
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i think it depends on your fitness level n body type.
  • Kori18
    Kori18 Posts: 48
    I know! I'm in good shape too. I run the treadmill for over three miles, hit the elliptical hard, the bike, and the stair climber in an hour only reaching into the 600s for calories.
  • i can do that playing racquetball. i'm 6.1 and 261, now. ask a wrestler. i know a lot of wrestlers that can lose that many calories in an hour.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Kills me too, but I think they weigh a lot more.