new, need some buddies for encourgement

I'm 5'2" , 136lbs and 38years old. I am a mother of 2 boys 9yrs and 4yrs. I need some encourgement buddies. My 1st goal is to go to the public pool with my kids (this is a more of a mind goal than a weight one) I have set that date for march 30th. My weight goal is 118. I started at 164 last june and lost 30lbs but gained 5 back over winter. I started running, something I said I would never do , unless a bear was chasing me *lol* . Add me if you also need another buddie :)


  • Hii,

    I am in the same boat as you and would also LOVE to make freinds for the same reason. Hopefully we can share ideas and spur each other on to reach our goals.

    Love Jacqui