diet advice


i am currently following the slimming world plan and its good- but i am increasngly finding it hard to eat out etc

i want to lose the 2lbs a week which gives me a cal count of 1200 - which is not a lot

anyone have an idea of what i should be eating?

i am 15st 9lbs and 5ft 5in

i intend to exercise also about5/6 times a week - if i am having over 1200 should i still eat my exercise cals back?

thanks for any replies


  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Eating out is the hardest thing to do. It almost always dose me in. The key is planning in advance. Plan your day knowing that you are going out. Make sure you check the restaurant online for a menu and nutrition listing. Decide in advance what you will order. Ask for steamed veggies, plain baked potatoe, no added fats (they butter the steak before the grill it at a lot of places!). And don't forget to ask for the sauce on the side (I forgot last night and it killed my whole day!). Be "high maintenance" when ordering. Oh, and last thing, ask for a to go box to come with your meal, box half before you take the first bite. I manage it about half the time. Not easy to do but it can work.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well, you can eat whatever you like, just less of it!

    What do you currently eat? Is your diary public?

    1200 seems very little, but it is manageable. I split mine into 300 cals each for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

    Analysing your food log and seeing where you need to make changes is a good way forward.
  • lucysmommy
    i havent logged my diary for a while on her but i want to come back and start again - i like to eat cooked breakfast like eggs, lunch and dinner are also normally hot meals
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Eggs are a great choice for breakfast! Add in some veggies (spinach, mushroom, tomato), even a small grating of cheese, and you'll have a super high protein breakfast for about 250 calories. I've stopped having fruit juice cos it's so high in sugar, but I sometimes have a tomato or no-sugar cranberry along with that.

    For lunch, I have soup or salad, usually home made. I quite often make a big batch of soup at the weekends, with whatever veg needs used up in the fridge, maybe a tin of beans for protein, and freeze that in single portions.

    Evening meals - grilled fish or meat with a pile of veg (cauliflower, brocoli, spinach, peas). Maybe a quinao pilaf. Small portions if I'm having rice, pasta or potatoes.

    Snacks - I go for protein: hard boiled egg, cheese string, dairylea on rice cakes, soy beans, piece of fruit, crab sticks, humous and celery sticks.

    I agree eating out is tough, I try not to do it that often!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    1200 calories might be too little for you! Just to let you know it's possible. Try eating back 1/2 - all your exercise calories back at first, if it's unsuccessful after 3-4 weeks, then cut back to just 1/2, etc.

    Drink plenty of water! it's a great, calorie free, way to assist in your weight loss.

    Those be my starting out tips.

    Learn to trust yourself, and your body, to do the right thing for your health!
  • lucysmommy
    thanks for all your replies
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm not sure what a stone is, but I'm 5'5" and started at 180 lbs. I was down to 170 lbs but was stuck there. I had my goal set to lose 2 lbs a week, which gave me 1200 calories. Turns out it just wasn't enough. I changed my goal to 1 lb a week and it gave me 1400 calories. I am now eating around 1400 calories per day & gaining about 200 from exercise and netting around 1200 (eating 1400 but not eating all my exercise calories back). Lo and behold, I lost 2 lbs in one week from continuing to work out the same & eating a little more!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    A stone is 14 lbs, so a weight of 15 stone 9 lbs is 219 lbs.
  • LilJenn510
    LilJenn510 Posts: 14 Member
    I was able to manage 1200 calories a day without starving by doing the following:
    Morning: 1 protein, 1 fruit, 1 dairy, 1 grain (this is alot of food, but I spread throughout the morning)
    Lunch: 1 protein, 1 cooked veggie, 1 raw veggie
    Dinner: 1 protein, 1 cooked veggie, 1 raw veggie

    Depending on the protein you choose, you may also add a grain to dinner and have enough calories left. Also, I put 1 tbsp. of dressing to dip my veggies in, you need to have some fat! This food plan is similar to the Food Addicts anonymous diet. It is a little tough at first, but u quickly adjust and with the volume of food you aren't starving!
  • debschifano
    You need to put in your exercise and my fitness pal will tell you how many calories you will need to eat to replace what you burned. It is important to eat all your calories etc.

    I workout 6 days a week and take one day off to rest. Exercise is so important when you are losing weight. I never call my lifestyle a diet. I call it my Lifestyle. Diets fail, we just need to learn balance and to eat what is good for us and to keep exercising.

    I eat to live and do not live to eat.

    Good luck with your new lifestyle and keep loggin in your foods and exercise.