Body By Vi - Shakes (Successes/non successes)

Hey guys,

My sister in law to be provided me with a sample of the Vanilla Body by Vi powder that she is selling so that I could try it.
I was wondering if anyone on here has had any success with it?

OR if anyone knows of any health effects or negative effects of this product that I should be wary about. I've NEVER done any sort of "fad" thing before, and my weight has always been lost with exercise and proper nutrition... but where this was a free sample, I thought, why not!

I only drink the shake at breakfast time as I really don't think a meal replacement is that healthy and won't teach me to keep the weight off.

What are your guys's thoughts?


  • VictoriaWaite
    VictoriaWaite Posts: 3 Member
    I've used it to replace two meals each day, but I did not exercise nor did I watch what I ate for that one meal. I did not lose more than 4 pounds in the 2 months that I used the shakes. For the past month I cut down to one shake for a few weeks, and now I have no shakes and I'm using myfitnesspal and eating sensibly, and I've lost almost 6 pounds in the past month. For me, I didn't think the shakes helped.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I've used it to replace two meals each day, but I did not exercise nor did I watch what I ate for that one meal. I did not lose more than 4 pounds in the 2 months that I used the shakes. For the past month I cut down to one shake for a few weeks, and now I have no shakes and I'm using myfitnesspal and eating sensibly, and I've lost almost 6 pounds in the past month. For me, I didn't think the shakes helped.

    Okay, good to know.
    I've been on MFP for 6 months, and I've lost 21 lbs so far, so I'm not worried about the eating sensibly and exercising regularly (I already do that).

    I think I will take the shakes for 10 days, and see if there's any more loss than my regular loss, and go from there.

    Thanks for your response!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Nothing magic about the shakes- in a day's time a caloric deficit is a caloric deficit. If you substitute a 500 calorie meal with chocolate milk, any meal replacement shake, or water you should lose weight

    Oh, yeah guys, SOY ALERT. Perhaps not a big deal for you ladies, but my breasts are large enough as it is, thank you.....
  • Krisgren
    Hey guys, I'm new here but also new to Body by Vi. I'm only on day 2 of visalus so not a lot of results to report, however, I am very leery on any product that we put into our body and I research things almost obsessively as my husband says, lol. Anyways, after a lot of research on Visalus (cuz at first I figured it was just a lot of hype as with any new 'diet' that comes on the market such as slimfast or whatever) my opinion has totally changed, it's not as much a weight loss shake as it is a nutrition shake, it is sooooo full of goodness and health and it is designed so that our bodies absorb all the goodness of the proteins and vitamins and such. Replacing your meals with these is a good form of weightloss for sure, even just to jumpstart your metabolism but it also can also work as a weight gainer and a nutritional supplement if that's your needs too, it all depends on how you use it. I make protein shakes regularly cause I am on the go like mad with a bunch of kids and a full time shift work job, Visalus contains way more health then any of the protein whey products I have ever used.

    Anyways, I'm so not promoting it cuz I've barely even started the program but because you were asking about it I thought I would try to answer a few questions. Also here is a link to a little u tube question and answer thing from a trainer (keep in mind though halfway through the video she calls it 'our product' so I am guessing she is an affiliate so she will be a little bias,) however I did find it very educational on the product.
  • Krisgren
    Oh my.....I forgot the link, hahahaha
  • toas14603414
    Feel free to friend me and see my results. I'm down from a size 10 to a size 4. I take most of this products. There is nothing FAD-y about them. Just high quality high protein low sugar shakes. Been on them for a year and experienced so many health befits.

    Oh and to the guys--- the soy is isoflavones free and NONgmo. Bodybuilders, hockey players, UFC fighters and ex-NFL guys drink Bodybyvi. They wouldn't if it promoted estrogen.
  • indy_stylist
    indy_stylist Posts: 4 Member
    I just started the Shape Kit, 2 shakes a day. My cousin is down 20lbs in 7weeks, so I figured I have nothing to lose but pounds and everything to save like my health and money :-)
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
    My trainer is selling/using the product. He just finished the 90day challenge with some amazing results. With that being said, I am not someone who can handle substituting a shake for a meal. He did have me try the protien cookies that is offered in the product line. I really liked them. And, found them great for breakfast, and a pre-workout protien snack. But, I did not notice any major weight loss that I can attribute to the cookies. They are expensive, but I will be ordering more. Simply because they work better for me for a pre-workout snack, than anything else Ive tried.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    "PM me if you'd like more information"