Does drinking lots of water help you lose more weight?



  • fbcoach23
    good stuff here :)
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    It's not necessarily going to make you lose weight, but it will help flush out excess sodium (which causes water retention thus a "gain" on the scale), hydrate your body (skin, hair, lips, eyes, etc...), keeps you regular, and lots of other good things. Your body is 70% water, so obviously you need to take in water for it to function properly.
  • lilfurson
    I drink between 30 and 40 glasses of water a day, every day
  • mrscherry1
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.

    that is NON SENSE , how can someone drink 1/2 his weight daily , remember we need to save the planet in water not drain it
    it is in ounces, I also have heard this - think about it, if someone weighs 180pounds that would be 90oz of water which would equal 11- 8oz glass of water per day!! Water is necessary for weigh loss I think!! :happy:
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
    It helps me a lot. I find that I lose more on the days that I drink a lot of water vs the days that I don't.

    Plus water just makes me feel a lot better all around. :happy:
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    I have been told by my trainer at the gym that if you start drinking when you are thirsty you are already dehydrated, I always drink at least 4 pints a day and like other have said it helps keep you regular and my skin is so much clearer. I also find I get headaches now if I don't drink as much. It has definitely helped with my weightloss!
    Every diet I have tried (WW / slim fast etc) have had one constant and that is drink water, black tea or coffee and no added sugar cordial ( although this still has a calorie factor)
    All I can say is try it and see how you get on, everyone is different! If you find it helps continue. It can't hurt.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I *poof-poofed* the water thing when I first started this journey last year, but steadily began increasing my water intake due to other health issues
    and noticed it *DID* affect MINE- especially as my body became MORE affected by sodium as I lost weight.

    So I *experimented* to see if it really made that big of a deal-
    not cutting back ON PURPOSE, but making a LESS CONSCIOUS EFFORT to drink it- and was only drinking 2 or 3 glasses a day....

    Long story short- YEPPERS, it makes a TREMENDOUS difference in my OVERALL HEALTH, PERIOD, not *just* weight loss.

    And, for what it's worth....I don't even have to think about it anymore. I drink @ least 8 glasses a day, because my body just NOW craves it.....
    Finally trading in a bad habit of mindless snacking for at least one good one- mindless drinking [water]
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.

    that is NON SENSE , how can someone drink 1/2 his weight daily , remember we need to save the planet in water not drain it

    Half your weight in ounces of water, not half your weight. Thus 180 pounds divided in half is 90. Thus drink 90 ounces a day.

    As to wasting water, what do you think happens to water after you drink it. You either breathe it out, sweat it out, or for a big amount, uninate it out and it returns to the system. It is not destroyed and does not disappear it just continues through the water cycle.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Drinking adequate amounts of water is important for a million different reasons -
    yes it CAN (not necessarily does, but can) aide in weight loss, but here is why you should really keep your body hydrated:

    95% of your brain is made up of water, 82% of your blood is water, your lungs are 90% water, and your muscles are 75% water. A drop in hydration levels as little as 2% can cause problems – fatigue, difficulty concentrating, “fuzzy” head – all symptoms of dehydration. Water alleviates constipation, lubricates your joints, regulates body temperature (thanks to sweat), forms the base for saliva, protects vital organs, detoxifies, transports nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and regulates your metabolism.

    Bottom line? Drink up! 8 cups a day is a standard number because it’s a number that is easy to remember and should get you roughly enough water for your body to function; however, if you exercise a lot, sweat excessively, live in a hot climate (like here in Tucson, Arizona), or have a medical condition that makes it difficult for your kidneys to effectively eliminate excess sodium, you really should drink more than that.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.

    that is NON SENSE , how can someone drink 1/2 his weight daily , remember we need to save the planet in water not drain it

    No, what is meant by that is a 150lb person "should" be drinking 75 ounces of water. Whether or not that theory is true, I don't know.
  • brandygirl614
    it will def help with they way u feel :) good luck
  • johnnythrash
    johnnythrash Posts: 19 Member
    I drink a lot of water per day (sometimes upwards of 30 glasses) I always have drank a lot growing up (plus I'm a big guy) so I'd rather kick back a ton of water than a ton of soda or alcohol!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    i definately lose when i'm drinking the water, not too much tho because believe it or not u CAN overdose on H2o

    Yep. My Dad worked at a mental hospital for YEARS... there were guys convinced they were dying of thirst who would drink CONSTANTLY until they had water-logged themselves. Your kidneys can only handle so much, so after a while your body starts absorbing it. When that happens, you're in BIG trouble... the pounds PACK on, your skin sloughs off... your lungs start to fill. It's NASTY. AND it'll kill you.

    So basically... don't drink more than 10 gallons of water in a day, & you'll be fine.... LOL
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    For me? Yes. Sometimes I think we confuse hunger with thrist. For myself, my skin looks better when I drink plenty of water, I feel better in general when I drink plenty of water, and I can actually go number 2 when I drink plenty of water :embarassed:
    I get dehydrated easily. I get headaches when I don't drink enough water. There's no right or wrong answer, because again, each and every body is unique.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    For me it helps me lose weight because I chose it over things like soda at restaurants. I can usually pound about 3-4 16oz glasses of fluid at a restaurant without any trouble. Even filled with ice, it's a TON of soda. I switched to water or hot tea (because even the "unsweeted tea" at most restaurant tastes like they dumped a butt ton of sugar into it) instead and haven't looked back since. It's funny, but I don't even miss the soda and it's been five years. I still have a can or glass every once in a while at Thanksgiving or something, but I don't even bring soda (including diet) into my house anymore to prevent temptation.

    Also, rather than just drinking water, I recommend you have unsweetened, homemade tea too. Changing up the flavor keeps you from getting bored with it.
  • jennblack23
    i just started the water thing 2 weeks ago, i was drinking LOTS of crystal light iced tea and some soda before..for me it has helped a ton, i lost 4 lbs the first week and 2.4 this past week, but i know i was dehydrated before and it made me retain extra water weight..i think it also fills you up, which helps you not eat as also helps your skin, so even if it doesn't help you lose weight, it's still beneficial :)
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i'm not an advocate of drinking water too much but i make an experiment to chug about 3 liters of water per day. Here's the before and after:

    Drinking when I'm thirsty:
    * Doesn't sweat too much,
    * I feel bloated when taking fiber.

    Drinking around 3 liter per day:
    * skin feels better, facial complexion is better. I used to have an adult pimples but it's gone now.
    * Better bowel movement
    * I sweat better.
    * no longer feel bloated.
    * more control in appetites.

    My advise is take try it yourself, if you think feel that it doesn't make any difference then stop.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    my doctor said the more you drink, the more you will lose..

    i dont go overboard but i drink a minimum of 1 gallon a day, everyday...

    good luck
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't know about weightloss, but I generally feel a bit better drinking more. I stopped drinking it (not intentionally!) over the last few weeks, and skin has started breaking out again and i feel really...bleh.
    Hopefully now i'm back on it that will clear up!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.

    that is NON SENSE , how can someone drink 1/2 his weight daily , remember we need to save the planet in water not drain it

    Not sure why one considers this nonsense- That's not unrealistic. Ex. you weigh 150= that's 75 oz=a little over 9 - 8 oz. glasses of water a day.