Logging Weight

How often does everyone weigh themselves? I have an official weigh-in day each week, but I do weigh myself every day just to keep myself focused. Do you log your weight on MFP each time you weigh yourself?


  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I used to weight every day, multiple times a day. What happened? I left the scale usually feeling worse about myself. I hit a plateau right around the new year and it had stuck with me until the last couple weeks or so (right around the time I signed up here) So I am finally losing again which makes me feel awesome. I am close to my goal weight though so I think that's why its taking forever, have heard the last bit is torture. But to answer your question, I have changed to weighing in 1 time a week, have picked Sat. morning for some reason. It gives me something to look forward to in the week, not 'yippie!' forward but when it comes to food choices and it keeps me in check with exercise knowing "Saturday will be here soon".

    It works for me, less stress and less "you're a loser" feelings multiple times a day or everyday. Really, did I truly expect a massive loss after 1 day? :noway:

    yes I have been logging my weights on MFP.
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    I check my weight daily, and sometimes log it daily but I'm gonna start doing an official weigh in Sunday evenings.
  • knadere
    knadere Posts: 2 Member
    I weigh myself daily (it's my best motivation to "stay good" and not cheat), but I only record the weight here after it's been consistent for three days (I fluctuate like whoa). Mostly, I judge my progress by weekly measurements and how my clothes fit.
  • daisytripp
    daisytripp Posts: 527 Member
    I will weigh myself tomorrow - first time in two weeks. I want to feel how I am changing over time instead of depending on the scale.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    How often does everyone weigh themselves? I have an official weigh-in day each week, but I do weigh myself every day just to keep myself focused. Do you log your weight on MFP each time you weigh yourself?

    I steer clear of the scales during the week and weigh only once per week.
  • failnomore
    I weigh everyday, but only log once a week
  • ncw89
    ncw89 Posts: 61 Member
    I log once a week, Sunday mornings, and I take measurements at the same time. I try to avoid the scale throughout the week otherwise but I do sometimes check up once or twice just to see how I'm getting on. I never expect to have lost when I weigh out of those times so I don't beat myself up if I'm the same or slightly higher. It's just...you know...if I'm like, 5lbs heavier than my last official weight in I'll know I'm doing something wrong and can change it before my log-day :laugh:
  • Mershon88
    Mershon88 Posts: 46 Member
    I've been doing once per month. But I may kick it up to once per week cause the suspense is killin me. LOL