Not new but it's time for much needed support!

I'm in great need of support. I started this weight loss journey after my second child was born; during my second pregnancy my husband started running on top of us eating healthy...he has lost 50lbs and I have lost around 20. Since he has far surpassed me in fitness I'm finding myself craving outside support. I have at least 50 more pounds to lose and would love to have a group of people to be bare-bones honest with.. it doesn't work for me to be accountable to my husband, too many arguments!
I get 1480 calories, love Zumba, do the occasional 5k and am busier than all get out! Thanks in advance!


  • SmallerBecky
    Meaghan, I'm already your friend here but I really hope we can get to know each other better over time. I wish we lived closer to each other so we could work out together, go for a run or a walk, etc.! Maybe we CAN once in a while--it's not THAT far! :) There are lots of great people here; I'm sure you'll find lots of good friends to encourage you!
  • Seemless
    Well you can always add me...I will try to keep ya motivated!!!
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I completely understand needing more than just your husband. I bf is my best friend and the father of my children. We've been together for nearly 10 years. But I know that sometimes you just need others who can relate.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    You can add me, too, if you'd like another friend! Don't think we can get too much support!
  • Trinity1982
    happy to help! although i'm great at procrastination, i actually do my own advice! if i don't believe in something, i wont recommend it nor will i try it personally. try change your thinking for starters. you've got an extra 50 pounds to go? take it slow so you don't put it back on. enjoy every pound lost as an achievement and celebrate together. it's perfectly natural for guys to lose weight faster than us. it's also natural for women to carry more body fat (boobs LOL). so, just shout out when you need some extra help or advice and we'll be here to encourage every step of the way
  • AlexysM
    Feel free to add me. I am trying to get remotivated and could use some support too!
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    welcome! feel free to add me!