Question About Scales.

I have a scale at home, mind you it's not a fancy one. It's the kind you have to move the wheel to 0 and then step on and weigh. When I went for my check-up at a doctor's office, the scale there had an 8lb difference of what my scale at home was telling me. I have no idea how that even happens, but I'm blaming my scale and possibly the house we live in. The house we live in kind of feels slanted, but I've weight myself in the house, and taken the scale outside and set it on the concrete ground and weighed there and they were the same so I'm not sure about it 100%.

So my question is: Should I try to get a different scale? Possibly a digital one, and if so are there any suggestions as to which ones are the best for people who are low on the money-scale? (I'd love to buy a withings scale but could afford that in maybe 5 years)


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    You put on weight throughout the day, so both scales could be accurate. Also, do you weigh with all the same clothes at both locations? Otherwise, clothes of course will also have an impact.

    I'd get a digital one anyway, just for total accuracy when reading, but the above still stands.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You will always weigh more at the doctor because there's the weight of your clothes, plus the weight of the food and drink you had before going that day.
  • kimmieyr1
    I used this to help in ordering a new scale last week from Amazon. You might be able to get something cheaper at Walmart though.
  • IfICanLoseIt
    IfICanLoseIt Posts: 26 Member
    I have a scale at home, mind you it's not a fancy one. It's the kind you have to move the wheel to 0 and then step on and weigh. When I went for my check-up at a doctor's office, the scale there had an 8lb difference of what my scale at home was telling me. I have no idea how that even happens, but I'm blaming my scale and possibly the house we live in. The house we live in kind of feels slanted, but I've weight myself in the house, and taken the scale outside and set it on the concrete ground and weighed there and they were the same so I'm not sure about it 100%.

    So my question is: Should I try to get a different scale? Possibly a digital one, and if so are there any suggestions as to which ones are the best for people who are low on the money-scale? (I'd love to buy a withings scale but could afford that in maybe 5 years)

    The answer to this question is always a gigantic, YES blame the scale... :bigsmile: Okay ya gotta know I'm kidding... On the low-cost end in the world of scales I would suggest going to Bed Bath and Beyond - they have a good selection and if you end up with one that doesn't work the way you believe it should (accurately) they will take it back for an exchange (just keep the receipt or pay for it with a card so they can find the original transaction) no questions asked.
  • jdavison91
    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about the discrepancy. As long as you use the same scale to weigh yourself regularly you will be able to track your progress. So while the seeing a specific number on the scale is always motivational, seeing that number go down each week is more important.

    If you really feel like your scale is a little bonkers, then I would suggest upgrading but otherwise you are probably fine with what you have.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    Invest in a new digital scale, it doesn't have to be top of the range, some of them are just too
  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    OMGOSH!! it is like you were mirroring me this week! I had the EXACT same thing happen. My trainer told me not to worry about the scale at the dr office because that is not the one I usually weigh in on. Keep to the same scale that way up or down you know that's what YOU did. Don't switch scales!!!

    Best of luck!!!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    First, make sure your scale is on a flat and level surface (no carpets).

    If you have 5 or 10lb weights (dumbbells) at home: step on the scale with the weights, then without. If you see you are not accurately 5 or 10lbs heavier with the weights in your hand, it means you need a new scale.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about the discrepancy. As long as you use the same scale to weigh yourself regularly you will be able to track your progress. So while the seeing a specific number on the scale is always motivational, seeing that number go down each week is more important.

    If you really feel like your scale is a little bonkers, then I would suggest upgrading but otherwise you are probably fine with what you have.
    What he said
  • Tskitzo
    @ cherylpj and Jorra
    I hadn't eaten when I weighed myself, and wore what I was going to wear to the doctor's. I noted a 2lb difference with my shoes on and told the doctor, which she took off the 2lbs from the scale there. I did not eat before going to the doctor's to weigh either, so unless I'm magically gaining weight from air D: (which I most definitely hope I'm not or I'm forever doomed xD ) I don't see how the 8lb difference would have happened! (Although the weigh-in's were 3 hours apart, I will say some weight might have possibly changed).

    @kimmieyr1 Thanks, I did check through those and found one I like, but I will definitely be checking Wal-Mart first since we are low on the income section of life. I am bookmarking that link. Thank you very much.

    edit: Wow so many responses in a small amount of time. I wasn't prepared for that. ^___^ Thank you all for the feedback! I think I'll try all your suggestions and then see if there is a cheap digital scale around town in case I do need a new one. (The one we currently have is a 10$ one from Wal-Mart haha)
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    I always weigh more at the doctor. Not only is it food and clothes, but lots of people use the scale at the doctor's office all day, so I'm not totally sure how accurate their scale is or when the last time they checked the accuracy of it was.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    All scales weigh a little different. The thing to worry about is if you step off the scale, step back on and get a different weight.

    As long as the scale you are using is consistent every time you step on it (several times in a row), then you're fine. I used to have a dial one and every time i stepped on it in a 3 min time span, it gave a different reading. If I leaned a certain way it could read 5 pounds different. So I bought a $25 digital one from walmart and it is very consistent and I like the .2 lb intervals.

    Consistency is the important factor; not the differences between scales.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    There's a very good reason why you should weigh in at the same time every day for accuracy. As soon as you wake up, use restroom .. lose all clothing .. and step on the scale. This is what you should base your loss on and continue to check it weekly.

    All other sources are for ****s and giggles ! There are soooooo many factors that play in to being weighed at random times. Your fine with the scale you have or to make it a little easier ... go digital. For under 20 bucks you will be seeing your magic number light up in seconds ! :wink:
  • dawnagetsfit
    I bought the EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale w/ Extra Large Backlit 3.5" Display and "Step-On" Technology
    from for less than $30. It has 4.6 out of 5 stars from nearly 5,000 reviews.
    It has .2/lb increments and a 3.5inch backlit display for easy reading. It's been very accurate and it reads fast (you can just step on and weigh, you don't have to "step" on it, get off, wait, then weigh yourself like many digital scales).
  • Tskitzo
    There's a very good reason why you should weigh in at the same time every day for accuracy. As soon as you wake up, use restroom .. lose all clothing .. and step on the scale. This is what you should base your loss on and continue to check it weekly.

    All other sources are for ****s and giggles ! There are soooooo many factors that play in to being weighed at random times. Your fine with the scale you have or to make it a little easier ... go digital. For under 20 bucks you will be seeing your magic number light up in seconds ! :wink:
    I normally do weight right after waking up, after the bathroom, with nothing on for accuracy. But that day I was at the doctor's. I suppose the main reason for this is because I want to get to a certain weight, and if my scale is inaccurate, I could think I'm the weight I'm goaling for and not really be there.