Help with grocery list

Alright, I am going to the grocery tonight. I have about $35 to spend. I already have chicken, and whole wheat pasta, but need mostly everything else. Tell me what you think the healthiest possible groceries I can buy are, using the $35. (I live in Ohio, just to give some reference, so things aren't too expensive here.) I need things for breakfast, lunches and dinners obviously, but I always forget snacks too, so if anyone has some good suggestions for those that'd be great! And breakfasts, I prefer something quick only because I don't like to get up super early before class. Thanks for the help guys :)


  • motivated_kel
    motivated_kel Posts: 70 Member
  • motivated_kel
    motivated_kel Posts: 70 Member
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    It really depends on you and what you can do with the ingredients and such.
  • LadyInTheLoop
    LadyInTheLoop Posts: 2 Member
    Frozen veggies, eggs, oatmeal, fresh fruit for snacks.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    All this: Frozen veggies, eggs, oatmeal, fresh fruit for snacks.

    And: Olives, greek yogurt (big tub), almond milk
  • Canned black beans? They're cheap and easy to cook. Sugar free jello? eggs?
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    As many vegetables as possible, plain Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, oats, eggs, nuts (or nut butters/nut milks), pinto beans (super cheap), and chicken/vegetable broth (for making soup). You could also try planning some recipes ahead of time, so you'll know what ingredients you need.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Ground turkey too. You'll get sick of chicken
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    hit the bulk foods for oatmeal, rice, lentils, etc.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    Hmm, i vote for some tomatoes or tomato sauce, some salsa, some corn tortillas, a big canister of oatmeal, eggs (or egg beaters/liquid eggwhites), a strong flavorful cheese like parmesan (goes a long way towards adding flavor with just a small amount), salad greens and spinach, whatever fruit/veggies that are on sale, some canned beans, balsamic vinegar or vinaigrette, some fudgecicles for those weak moments, peanut butter...

    With this list you've got oatmeal for an easy filling breakfast (or any meal really), omelettes for bfast or dinner w/greens, you can do tacos for any meal with the corn tortillas (great with eggs and spinach and onion by the way, or your chicken and veggies and salsa), you can have the tomato sauce over pasta, nice salads with beans and chicken and salsa or vinegar for dressing, peanut butter on toast or a banana is a great protien punch and filling... you get the idea! In california, this costs me so much more than $35 LOL but i actually think you can do it...

    Edited to add: I cook one pot of oatmeal and keep in the fridge for bfast - adding some raisins, nuts, whatever if i want....i also do "eggs" in a mug in the microwave (as long as you beat them first they don't explode lol) with a bit of cheese, spinach, etc....snacks i like those laughing cow cheeses, spread on tortillas/crackers or with fruit....i'd also get some hummus to eat with carrot sticks, cucumber, etc....
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    Alright, I am going to the grocery tonight. I have about $35 to spend. I already have chicken, and whole wheat pasta, but need mostly everything else. Tell me what you think the healthiest possible groceries I can buy are, using the $35. (I live in Ohio, just to give some reference, so things aren't too expensive here.) I need things for breakfast, lunches and dinners obviously, but I always forget snacks too, so if anyone has some good suggestions for those that'd be great! And breakfasts, I prefer something quick only because I don't like to get up super early before class. Thanks for the help guys :)
    always keep eggs, bananas, apples, carrots, and salad on hand.
    for the pasta buy some tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, Italian seasoning, and salt and pepper to make your own spaghetti sauce, or just buy healthy heart prego. cook chicken and pasta. combine pasta and sauce and add chicken.
    buy some 97/3 ground turkey meat. it's really good in pasta or as burgers.
    have some healthy cheese.
    snacks- I eat cinnamon burst cheerios-5g fiber and get rid of the sweet tooth and munchies for chips
    other snacks- air popped popcorn! celery and peanut butter (always have pb on you too), string cheese
    --just some ideas :)
  • msespresso
    msespresso Posts: 153 Member
    I've been trying to get veggies & such to make a big pot of soup to last me through the week for lunches. Add some canned tomatoes, a bag of pre-cut coleslaw (or broccoli slaw... whichever is the best price) and a can of beans (I like black beans), some broth plus whatever seasoning you like. You could put salsa and peppers in there to make it sortof a fajita soup... it's filling and gets you lots of veggies in one serving. I usually add some chicken as well for extra protein.

    Interested to hear everyone's lists!
  • Eggs are brilliant (omelette, poached egg, frittata, quiche, hard-boiled, plus use them in baking etc)
    Canned fish is good
    Quinoa is cheap and easy to cook, so is couscous
    Tinned chickpeas
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Produce is very cheap, especially compared to processed box stuff. Try making a veggie stir fry and make it last 2-3 meals. Yum.
  • mb236707
    mb236707 Posts: 13 Member
    eggs, apples, baked potatoes, laughing cow cheese wedges!
  • The first thing I would do is look at your grocery store circular and figure out what's on sale. Then, you can build meals and snacks using those ingredients and save money doing it. If apples are on sale, you eat apples as a snack. Buy whatever brand of greek yogurt is on sale this week; there's always one on sale. Some brand of frozen veggies will likely be on sale, and some brand of fresh salad greens. Add in some staples for making meals, you're all set.