30 D Shread

I have read alot of post of here regarding the 30D Shread. Do you have to order this online? Is this alot of circut training, cardio, strength or what? It seems alot of you are having awesome results with this program.


  • Bump. I have the same question. Anyone can help?
  • I ordered mine from amazon for less than $9....I think Walmart has it also. Y ou will also need handweights. I use 3lb weights....I'm only on my 2nd day, so I plan to move up to 5lb weights eventually.

    It's a combination of cardio and strength. (push ups, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, ab work etc...) The workout is 20 minutes w/ about 7 additional minutes of stretching.

    Hope this helps!
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I do not recomend it if you have any problems with your knees. The cardio is alot of jumping: jumping jacks, jump rope without the rope, high knees.

    You basically do a short warm up, then 3 circuits involving 3 minutes of light weightlifting using light (3 - 5lb) weights, then 2 minutes of cardio, and one minute of abs workout. After the 3 circuits, you have a short cool down. There are 3 seperate workouts on the DVD, levels 1, 2, and 3. Basically, after ten days on level one you move to level 2 and so on.
  • They sell it at Target as well and like others said you need free weights. I started with the 5 lbs and I didn't think those were bad.
  • kedgin
    kedgin Posts: 29 Member
    I purchased this dvd at Target.

    The dvd also recommends a mat as well as handweights.
  • AmyWalsh711
    AmyWalsh711 Posts: 41 Member
    check youtube.com

    they have vidoes of the 30Day shred.
  • monala09
    monala09 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started. I am on day 3 and its hard on day 1! But i am already noticing a difference in my stamina. Its only 20 minutes, but I am dripping with sweat when I am done. I ordered mine on amazon for $7 and I use 5lb weights!
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    You can easily order it online or check your local walmart for it! I got mine in store for 10 dollars :)

    There is a lot of cadio and strength straining, so most people log it as circuit training! It's about 25 minutes long, including the warm up, work out and cool down. And if you stick to it and eat a decent diet you will see results! Most people lose a couple pounds but the inches are probably more important to keep track of!

    Message/add me if you have any more questions! :)))
  • WM carries it. My WM has it in the sporting section by the weights and sports equipment as well as the dvd section. It should only be around $10.
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    Bought mine at Walmart for $9.99. It is 3 levels of 20 minute workouts that increase in intensity. Each workout is 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of ABS. Doesn't sound to hard right! WRONG! It is intense of course anything Jillian Michaels is. You do each level for 10 days or when ever you feel you are ready to move on. I am on month 2, level 2 day 5. I lost about 20 inches last month alone. I am doing Zumba at the same time for extra cardio.....give it a try!
  • I've gotten to level 2 of 30DS twice.. the first time I had food poisoning in the middle and I didn't restart, then the 2nd time I did it I was doing it on my dorm room floor and ended up giving myself shin splints. It's a great workout but you need to be careful where you do it and how hard you do it
  • Thank you so much for everyone's imput. I'm going to buy this at WM and give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes. I like hard workouts so I can see results.

    Hope everyone has a blessed day!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I have read alot of post of here regarding the 30D Shread. Do you have to order this online? Is this alot of circut training, cardio, strength or what? It seems alot of you are having awesome results with this program.

    You can buy it on Amazon cheaper, but if you want it ASAP you can buy it at good ol' Walmart :D

    It's 3 circuits, each circuit consists of 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs. You have to stick with it to get really amazing results. My back seems to be stronger and more toned and my shoulders as well. It's not that bad, good luck :)
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I got it for $9 at walmart, and walmart also had a kit with a mat,water bottle, and weights for $11. I'm on day three today