[Success] First official weigh in! 6 lbs!

I am so stoked! I just started just over a week ago with watching what I eat and joined a small weekly group thru a local church and started going with my cousin to her gym. I weighed in last week at an all time high for me. I was so stoked to see that I had lost a whopping 6 pounds! I haven't stopped eating any of my favorite foods yet, but I have cut back on portion sizes. Having to record what I eat is often a deterrent for snacking. I don't want to do that "work".


I wonder what my first reward should be when I hit my first goal of 25 lbs gone (out of 120)...


  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    That's great news! First of many losses. Post again when you decide on your reward.
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    That's great! The same thing happened for my husband when he started eating the right portion sizes. Keep it up and give yourself an amazing reward!
  • Amccordford
    At this point I'm thinking a new hair cut, something that maybe I won't need a hair tie to keep out of my face. We'll see, got a long way to go. Maybe a new audio book to listen to while I work out or a new eBook.
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    WOW! That is amazing!!! Congrats! Treat yourself to something nice!
  • mnsnowflake
    mnsnowflake Posts: 18 Member
    Great job !!! I lost 5 pounds my first week and SWORE the scale was lying to me to make me feel better :)
    Keep up the good work !!!