Counting Weight Training Daily

Just wondering? How many of you count your weight training routines into your daily exercise? So far I've only been counting my cardio because my trainer said that it is inaccurate/and/or difficult to enter weight lifting routines. I'm doing intense circuit routines 3 days a week ( I sweat my *kitten* off). The sessions are usually about an hour long.Today I entered 60 min circuit training using the my fitness pal database & it seemed to give a high amount of calories burned. I don't have one of those fancy monitors so I can only estimate calories burned by lifting.


  • kayhatlen
    I would love to get other people's input on my post!!!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I just recently started counting it... It does give you a high number, you could lower the number if you would like - but if you are sweating and getting a good workout, you should account for it.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    theres a section under cardio for "strength training" where I log my weight training.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I do use a heart rate monitor but I always record my weight training calories burned. I am fully aware that I'm probably recording an overestimated burn for the time I spend lifting weights, however, the thing with weight lifting is that it causes your body to continue burning extra calories for HOURS afterwards, so I see it as kind of evening out in the end. So far it's been working for me.
  • itwasntme
    itwasntme Posts: 28 Member
    I would definately count it! I'm not an expert but circuit training burns a ton of calories. I wear a HRM and usually burn about 400 in 50 minutes of circuit training with cardio bursts. When I just lift (no cardio) my heart rate says around 125-135 within my zone. So yes I count it! Also when you are weight lifting esp heavy it is good to fed your muscles so they can heal and grow. So 1200 calories isn't enough.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Depending on the intensity of the weight lifting for the day, I may or may not count it. If I do interval weight training I count about 3/4 the time I did. If its a leisure lifting session then I don't. I will always count KB lifts as cardio.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I never think the cardio or the weight training calories burned are very accurate on MFP so I always put less time just to ensure I am not over counting calories burned...

    I think on average thought with weight training you do burn about 6-12 calories per if that is the truth you should still count it.
  • Jean1Marc
    I use to calculate calories burned for weight training. It gives you the option of counting a session as "general" or "vigorous", and calculates calories based on your weight and the length of your workout, in minutes. So that I don't "over-count" calories, I use the "general" number if I am just going through my workout at normal speed, but if I take shorter breaks between sets and exercises, I average the numbers I arrive at by using the calculator at both "levels".

    If you don't count something, you're probably going to get discouraged and be dis-incented to continue, and you don't get an accurate projection of the amount of food you should be eating, also. And I notice my heart rate stays elevated throughout the routine. Not counting something is just foolish: your body is working hard, and you should take credit for that.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I wear a gowearfit (bodybugg) I just start it @ the beggining of my sessions... for an hour of pretty hard weight training, I burn from 200-260 or so cals :) I'm 5 foot 5, low 240's.... hope that helps :) ( I do free weights @ home, machines and free weights at the gym)

    As to cardio, depends what kind... my double hula hoop, which is weighted, is 6-7 cals per min, Elliptical, 8-11 cals per minute, Intense Zumba class, 12-14 cals per minute. The bodybugg/gowearfit is supposed to be accurate within 5-10 percent.
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I use the YMCA Strive equipment for strength training. I logged it in under STRENGTH and it does not give calories burned. I have a HRM watch that I use for calories.

  • kayhatlen
    Thanks ladies for all the good input on this question! :)

    I will enter my weight training sessions and not get carried away by how much extra calories it gives me to eat. I'll try to balance it all out. I will eventually try to get one of those fit bits or a similar monitor to help me be more accurate as to how many calories I'm burning.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thanks ladies for all the good input on this question! :)

    I will enter my weight training sessions and not get carried away by how much extra calories it gives me to eat. I'll try to balance it all out. I will eventually try to get one of those fit bits or a similar monitor to help me be more accurate as to how many calories I'm burning.
    No need to log. When you set up your account it asked your activity level. You mentioned you worked out 3x a week. If you picked sedentary then that was incorrect. Choose light active.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Thanks ladies for all the good input on this question! :)

    I will enter my weight training sessions and not get carried away by how much extra calories it gives me to eat. I'll try to balance it all out. I will eventually try to get one of those fit bits or a similar monitor to help me be more accurate as to how many calories I'm burning.
    No need to log. When you set up your account it asked your activity level. You mentioned you worked out 3x a week. If you picked sedentary then that was incorrect. Choose light active.

    Kidding right?! Lightly active is for active jobs etc where you are on your feet all day, burning calories at a rate you have no idea of. Workouts are an entirely different thing.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i wear an HRM so i log my lifting calories. i burn between 300-400 calories a session and although i dont eat my exercise calories back now i will once i reach my GW, so i figure i'll start start tracking now.