New Moms? Breast feeding? Need motivation and support here!

Hi there, I am 33 and a mom of three. My youngest just turned five months and I desperately need to get this weight off. Each subsequent pregnancy I feel like I have 15 extra pounds to lose! Also, I'm breast feeding and am told this burns calories. Is there a way to account for that on here? If so I cannot figure it out! I could use some Mom buddies who feel my pain, taking care of the kids, the house and trying to fit in the time to take care of myself!!


  • peanut321
    peanut321 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! New mom and fellow breastfeeder here. I was just about to post something to introduce myself, and saw this.

    I have an 8 month old, am nursing, and have gained weight while nursing! But now it's time to take it off... It's super tough to try to fit in the time. I have no time to exercise, barely time to cook, and am still trying to get the hang of motherhood, or how to get my baby to sleep. Would love some support!

    And I, too, have tried to add nursing as a calorie burning activity. It can be exhausting sometimes!
  • lunalulu2
    lunalulu2 Posts: 63 Member
    You can add breastfeeding under foods. It will put it in your diary as negative calories. I am not sure why it is in the food database and not under exercise...

    Best of luck!

    BTW....Awesome job nursing your babies!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    You can add in breastfeeding as a food, there are lots of options to choose from to suit your particular situation. Don't forget to drink lots of water and get good protein and fat sources in.

    I'm a mother of 2 under 2, and have gotten below my pre-pregnancy weight for #2, working my way down to 199, then pre-baby weight.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I feel like I lost a few pounds after delivery and just hit a brick wall. Everyone says what a great calorie burner and 'diet' breast feeding is and I have not found this to be the case. I am a fairly healthful eater to begin with but I obviously need to tweak things. I know there are probably millions of moms out there but some are not always willing to reach out for some reason. Thank you so much for replying! I can give you a sure fire way to get baby to sleep but you will proabably not like it. My kids went like firstborn, now 10 slept 6 hours straight at about 9 weeks. I thought I was a rock star first time mom with a rock star son for three months...then things changed. He started acting like a rock star, up all night. Our doctor told us to let him cry it out, it would be very difficult the first week or so but he 'needs to learn to soothe' himself. I tried it that night. He cried for an hour. I did everything in my power not to go up there or hear him. I got in the shower, listened to music, vacuumed, after an hour he was peacefully sleeping. The second night he cried for about 40 minutes. The third surprisingly 15 minutes, out like a light. The fourth night and since he has slept like a champ. Enter baby 2, colic, screamer, devils spawn ( just kidding). He was a very difficult baby and nothing has changed. He cried for 3 hours the first night. With him I went in every 5 to 10 minutes and reassured him that I would come but the trick is not to pick baby up. Just check on them, say goodnight and walk back out. He finally learned after about 8 nights, how to soothe himself but it was the most trying time ever for my husband and I. My little girl has been a natural since she was born and I eased her into a schedule at about 3 months putting her in her crib sleepy but not sleeping in and she is a champion sleeper. 730 pm to 630 am. Now I just need to learn to go to bed a little earlier! I'm just so excited to have time to myself after 8 pm! This method sounds cruel to some and you may not be the type of person that can do it. I never thought I was but I did and am happy my husband I were able to stick it out. 'sleep training' is one of those things that you have to focus on the end result and not the in the moment stuff. Much like taking control of you calorie intake and working out I guess! Had your pediatrician given you any pointers? Oh, one last thing before I wrap up this novel (lol), don't feed the baby in the middle f the night after about the six month or so mark unless s/he has special nutritional circumstances. Your baby will never sleep thought the night if you get them used to eating on a 24/7 schedule. I consider myself a work in progress when it comes to parenting but sleep training is one thing I did right. Potty training on the other hand, I need help!!!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    You can add breastfeeding under foods. It will put it in your diary as negative calories. I am not sure why it is in the food database and not under exercise...

    Best of luck!

    BTW....Awesome job nursing your babies!

  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Thank you on all counts!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi! New mom and fellow breastfeeder here. I was just about to post something to introduce myself, and saw this.

    I have an 8 month old, am nursing, and have gained weight while nursing! But now it's time to take it off... It's super tough to try to fit in the time. I have no time to exercise, barely time to cook, and am still trying to get the hang of motherhood, or how to get my baby to sleep. Would love some support!

    And I, too, have tried to add nursing as a calorie burning activity. It can be exhausting sometimes!

    The novel I wrote below was in response to you and I am just fumbling through learning how to use this forum properly. Ha ha!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    You can add in breastfeeding as a food, there are lots of options to choose from to suit your particular situation. Don't forget to drink lots of water and get good protein and fat sources in.

    I'm a mother of 2 under 2, and have gotten below my pre-pregnancy weight for #2, working my way down to 199, then pre-baby weight.

    If you were able to get below your pre pregnancy weight I would like to kiss the ground you walk on! Lol! On a serious note though I will NEVER obtain that weight again as I was 98 lbs when I got pregnant with my first. Sickening right? That will not happen, ever again. I was not anorexic I just have a very small frame and used to be a dancer. Now, not so much. My frame is still small but the whole dynamic of my body has changed. If I could lose 20 lbs I would be happy....and still 25 lbs heavier than when I got married! Thank you so much for the info. I never would have guessed to look in food!?!?
  • mommybielert
    Hi. I am a mom of a 2 year old and a 4 month old (I am breastfeeding) and really need some help motivating myself to get this baby weight off. I hit a bit of a standstill in the weight loss department and hope this site helps! Would like to add new friends to help me in my journey!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    You can add in breastfeeding as a food, there are lots of options to choose from to suit your particular situation. Don't forget to drink lots of water and get good protein and fat sources in.

    I'm a mother of 2 under 2, and have gotten below my pre-pregnancy weight for #2, working my way down to 199, then pre-baby weight.

    If you were able to get below your pre pregnancy weight I would like to kiss the ground you walk on! Lol! On a serious note though I will NEVER obtain that weight again as I was 98 lbs when I got pregnant with my first. Sickening right? That will not happen, ever again. I was not anorexic I just have a very small frame and used to be a dancer. Now, not so much. My frame is still small but the whole dynamic of my body has changed. If I could lose 20 lbs I would be happy....and still 25 lbs heavier than when I got married! Thank you so much for the info. I never would have guessed to look in food!?!?

    I was 240ish (hated stepping on scales) when I got married in 08, got some scary blood test results (I had the beginnings of fatty liver disease), and dropped down to 193 by the time I got pregnant in July 2009. Gained 50+ pounds, and got down to 211 and got stuck there. Gained 20 pounds the second pregnancy, lost it all almost right away, but was stuck at 211-214 since 2 months post partum. I decided enough was enough, and joined this site to keep accountable on calories. I've burst through to 209.4 in just over a week, and looking forward to keeping it up.
  • joannea1988
    hi , my daughter is nearly 4 now , but i bf her for 10 months, i lost 21lb in 6 weeks through bf eatting 1200 calories, and walking at least twice a day, and 15 mins of trampoline xx
  • amy0716
    amy0716 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, so happy to see this topic. I have a 4.5 year old son and a 5 month old daughter. I am nursing and so happy to see there are other nursing moms here! I budget 1600 calories a day to account for nursing and am steadily losing about 1 lb a week with no negative effects to my milk supply.

    Please friend me. I have an open food journal and would love to have some nursing mom friends.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    hi , my daughter is nearly 4 now , but i bf her for 10 months, i lost 21lb in 6 weeks through bf eatting 1200 calories, and walking at least twice a day, and 15 mins of trampoline xx

    That is amazing! I am very jealous!! If I lost 21 lbs I would not need to do another thing except maintain!!! Great job! I need to get my rear in gear and do more exercising!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi. I am a mom of a 2 year old and a 4 month old (I am breastfeeding) and really need some help motivating myself to get this baby weight off. I hit a bit of a standstill in the weight loss department and hope this site helps! Would like to add new friends to help me in my journey!

    Oh my gosh, we are in a very similar boat here! I have a 2 year old, 5 month old and a 10 year old boy. Motivating myself to move is awful after chasing the two year old around all day while he creates a tornado of what I used to know as my home, breast feeding the little one, cooking, cleaning, running laundry....sigh. How many hats can one woman wear? And then you want me to get on a treadmill or work out? Or rather, I want me to! It's soon hard. I managed to put on a little people Fisher price cd and dance with my 2 year old yesterday for thirty minutes while wearing my new zaggora hot pants yesterday! Today my head is splitting and my two smaller ones nap at opposit times of the day. Motivation is the goal. So how do we do it? Lol!
  • Lovinmama
    I am a mom of two, 4 and almost 2. I just weaned my son and now I am done. Not planning on having anymore babies and i feel its time to get my body back. I had got into shape and to my goal weight while breastfeeding.. to my shock after weaning him I gained 30lbs! Breastfeeding burns 500+ calories a day! good job breastfeeding you babies! :)
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I am a mom of two, 4 and almost 2. I just weaned my son and now I am done. Not planning on having anymore babies and i feel its time to get my body back. I had got into shape and to my goal weight while breastfeeding.. to my shock after weaning him I gained 30lbs! Breastfeeding burns 500+ calories a day! good job breastfeeding you babies! :)

    You gained after weaning?! I don't remember this happening when I weaned my now 2 year old. I have the three but we are not sure we are done. I have to get into shape for a lot of reasons but I would really like to be in an exercising regiment prior to getting pregnant again. I had gestational diabetes with the last two and per eclampsia with the last one. It got really bad after I delivered which is unusual but I had to go back into the hospital for three days after being home with baby for two so they could pump me with fluids, keep me on bed rest and they gave me a medication so I would not have ceizures...scared the crap out of me. All that being said, it's so important that I get into shape. I used to be a work out junkie and with three kids I a too darn tired all the time. It's no excuse so I'm really trying.
  • Lovinmama
    Yes I gained wieght... I have no idea why so much but I had one baby after the other. My doctor thinks that its weaning weight and it whould balance. I agree being fit is very important. I always wanted to be a person that could just go for a run (and feel great after) I was so proud the day it happend :)
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    hi , my daughter is nearly 4 now , but i bf her for 10 months, i lost 21lb in 6 weeks through bf eatting 1200 calories, and walking at least twice a day, and 15 mins of trampoline xx

    It is not recommended that you drop calories below 1500 (1800 ideally) for breastfeeding. Dropping too low can compromise your supply.
  • dunkt10
    dunkt10 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I am a mother of three (a 4yr old girl and 3 month old twins). I am breastfeeding and boy is it a challenge with two. I log how many ounces I pump but when I nurse I don't even bother counting them. I have seen very slow weight loss but I really want to do a bit better since I'm getting married in about 5 months. I am here to help you through this journey. Also, I see where I have loss more inches than weight so I guess that is also great.