I hate to diet but here I am again.

I have lost the same 30 pounds over and over again. At 5'4" and 165 lbs, I just can't seem to keep it off. So I have been trying to count calories this time. This website has been very helpful, but I am not losing much weight yet...

I jog 3-5 miles (very slowly) almost every day and lift weights too. And for those of you who are kind enough to say it's all muscle... I'm a size 14 and it is definitely not muscle.

I seem to do an ok job with my calories during the week, but the weekends are crazy. I just can't motivate myself to order salads and grilled fish anymore!!! I've done it SOOO many times before. I know it works, but I am just SOOO sick of it!

How do you all manage? It seems that I'll lose 2-3 lbs from Mon-Fri, then gain it all back on Sat and Sunday!

Thanks in advance for the support. I am definitely in need!


  • annagetsfit
    I have lost the same 30 pounds over and over again. At 5'4" and 165 lbs, I just can't seem to keep it off. So I have been trying to count calories this time. This website has been very helpful, but I am not losing much weight yet...

    I jog 3-5 miles (very slowly) almost every day and lift weights too. And for those of you who are kind enough to say it's all muscle... I'm a size 14 and it is definitely not muscle.

    I seem to do an ok job with my calories during the week, but the weekends are crazy. I just can't motivate myself to order salads and grilled fish anymore!!! I've done it SOOO many times before. I know it works, but I am just SOOO sick of it!

    How do you all manage? It seems that I'll lose 2-3 lbs from Mon-Fri, then gain it all back on Sat and Sunday!

    Thanks in advance for the support. I am definitely in need!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Welcome! That's exactly why it has to be a lifestyle change and not a "diet". If it's just a diet, the lbs will pile back on when you return to eating normally. Don't deprive yourself, allow a cheat day or meal, celebrate holidays and special days and change how you view food - permanently. It might take longer to lose this way - but it will be permanent if you do it. Good luck! :heart: And your heart and body will thank you for stopping the yo-yo thing :smile:
  • staliajones
    Hey Anna! I am 5'5" on a good day and weigh about 143 right now. I hear you on not giving "muscle" the benefit of the doubt even though it does weigh more than fat.

    How long have you been jogging? I ask because you may need to change up your routine by either doing a faster pace OR cross-training using a 20-20-20 method. Twenty minutes on the bike, 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes on the stair master (or 30 and 30 on two different machines). Don't be hesitant on upping your speed or incline (if you run on a treadmill) because your body will not change if you don't change the routine. Also, do you do your weight training after your cardio session? If so, try doing the weights prior to cardio so that way your muscles (whether it is lower or upper body) are fatigued and then you have to exert them to go for that burn in endurance. When I incorporate weights on some days, I try to do them first or do lots of lunges prior to running/other cardio activities because it burns more and I feel like I have to engage my muscles even more so than doing cardio prior to weights.

    As for the weekends...I am just now getting the hang of it. I try to log my days worth of food the night before so that I have a game plan and know where if any I can afford to eat a little extra. I found that doing a lean meat meal in the slow-cooker on Friday gives me meat and veggies for lunch or even dinner on Saturday. I also love the Thomas english muffins (whole wheat, low calorie) toasted with a tbsp of weight watchers whipped cream cheese and some fruit for breakfasts. Also, any of the frozen veggies in a bag that you can just add water and pop in the microwave or on the stove are really convenient and easy. Having fruits around that don't require a lot of prep time is nice too! I usually hard boil a bunch of eggs two days a week and eat 3 egg whites with my breakfast or split them up throughout the day as snacks. My water intake seems to suffer a bit over the weekends because I am not at work and don't have easy access to a fountain so I have to stay on top of that (if I don't, then I seem to get more hungry). I also try to stay pretty active over the weekend - I coach little girls soccer so we have games on Saturdays and then I will try to hit the gym on both days as well. This prevents me from feeling like I have done nothing but sit around and be tempted and subsequently eat my fiance's higher calorie foods in the kitchen.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Welcome! That's exactly why it has to be a lifestyle change and not a "diet". If it's just a diet, the lbs will pile back on when you return to eating normally. Don't deprive yourself, allow a cheat day or meal, celebrate holidays and special days and change how you view food - permanently. It might take longer to lose this way - but it will be permanent if you do it. Good luck! :heart: And your heart and body will thank you for stopping the yo-yo thing :smile:

  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am a size 14 as well, I have the same issues as you gaining it all back on the weekend but I found if I stay focused and don't cheat on the weekend of cheat a tinsy bit and work out more I am fine I hope this helps alittle.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I hear ya. I can't really offer any words of wisdom at this point because I am struggling again (near quitting) but I just wanted to let you know that I can totally relate to you and you just need to be in that right frame of mind where its just unacceptable to put the same 30 lbs on over and over again. That is me. I can literally lose 50 lbs in just over a year and gain 50+ in one year. AND I ddn't even lose the weight the wrong way. I did it the healthy way.

    I feel your struggles and I hope we can both get to our happy selves.
  • KatieZ75
    KatieZ75 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Anna,

    we are very similiar in height and weight to lose.. and weekends are my very big problem as well. During the work week its hard to just grab stuff while working, but so easy at home. (even though we limit the type of food in the house..lol)

    I wish you the best of luck!!!! And everyone before me had really good advice - I am going to use it!
  • staliajones
    DULCELUVA...I read your profile after seeing that you are to the point of giving up. I am new to the board (joined last week) and have a tone of motivation so I am hoping to share a bit with you! DON'T GIVE UP! I have definitely been to the point of embarrassment with my weight and to tears when my clothes were too tight and despite my ever-loving fiance' telling me that I was still beautiful, it didn't help! It is so easy to keep going when things are good, but when they are bad, it seems like the best thing to do is to give up and give in. I don't think that anyone should ever feel defeated to the point that they should accept their body for its current state. If your mother has diabetes, then your chances of getting it are elevated so why risk health problems because of a rough patch? You are definitely a beautiful woman and are way too young to give up. There is no better time to start back and try harder than NOW!

    Aside from the discouragement of the weight gain, what do you find most difficult about changing your current lifestyle? I hate to pry, but I really want to encourage you! For me it is watching my portion sizes. Just this afternoon, I went to Target and bought a food scale so that I can better judge my portions of chicken, fish, etc. I found the weakness in my routine and made a change so that I can really stay on track!

    I hope to hear from you! Just remember...DON'T GIVE UP. Starting fresh is always nice, but not when you have to do it over and over and over again! Just jump in and keep going!
  • annagetsfit
    Thanks so much for all of the kind words and inspiration!
    You've all had some good ideas, and I appreciate the advice.

    My next big goal is coming up this weekend- the Cooper River Bridge run in Charleston SC. It's a 10K, and I've been working for months to get into shape where I can run/walk it! It will be a huge struggle for me, but I think I'm ready! Yay!

    I REALLY know how you feel. Although I can't offer you any advice on the gain/lose cycle, I can tell you that if you set a fitness goal, like jogging a 5K, it will break the shame/guilt/embarrassment cycle. I still don't love my size, but running has made me like my body SO much more, because I value what it can do! Sign up for a race, bike ride, or some other event that's a few months away (that's what I did!) and know that at least your health will get better, even if your size doesn't change much!

    I have health problems as well (3-4 migraines a week plus LOADS of old injuries- I used to ride horses and I've broken and sprained everything) and the fitness goal was quite the challenge! When I first started, I couldn't run 10 minutes, and I couldn't do even one push-up. I injured a knee at one point and had to bike instead of run. Now I'm up to 45 minutes running and 40 push-ups, and I feel SO much better about myself!

    This commercial was a big motivator for me:

    Maybe it will help!

    Thanks again!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I too have lost the same weight over and over again!! That's why I completly agree with Montanagirl. If you make the decision this is something you really want forever, you have to forget about dieting, and apply everything you have ever learned about healthy lifestyles to your routine everyday!! I also go a little overboard on the weekends, usually because I'm not around home, but as long as I'm making good choices, and portion control, I can still stay somewhat on track! The greatest thing about changing your lifestyle is the pride that you'll get out of it! Just knowing that every size, and every inch that you lose is because of how hard you worked for it, sometimes that in itself is a great reward!!
  • slimsuccess
    I have been stuck at 165 for months now. I am 5'5" and I exercise at least 4 days a week for an average of an hour a day. I do strength and cardio on opposite days. I don't cheat on the weekends. However, I keep bouncing between 162 and 165. I started at 259 1 year and 10 months ago. Is it possible I don't need to lose anymore weight--maybe I just need to tone up now? Anyone with that experience?