Couch 2 5K

Starting the Couch 2 5K program today. Anyone else have any success with this? Would love to hear about it!


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Starting the Couch 2 5K program today. Anyone else have any success with this? Would love to hear about it!

    I have done it and am in the processing of completing it again. The only thing I will caution is to make sure you stretch really well after you do it to keep from injuring yourself. Especially if you haven't run in a while.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I've never been a runner and was so please with myself to complete this program. I am now on Bridge to 10k!!!
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member

    If the nice weather keeps up, I'm gonna try to start, too.
  • ChristopherFiss
    ChristopherFiss Posts: 16 Member
    Just finished week 1 myself!

    2 main things; STRETCH and SHOES.

    The c25K site has a great list of stretches should look at.

    There's a C25K group you can join here on MFP as well, check it out!
  • frogman4591
    Six weeks done, I start week 7 today.
  • Jenhal71
    I've completed the program and am now training for a half marathon. When your training gets difficult, just keep plugging through and remember that its only for a half can do it!!!
  • lissrn
    lissrn Posts: 60 Member
    Just downloaded the program on my phone last night. Want to give it a try too. I just got myself up to 3/4 of a mile yesterday on my own but hope this program will help get me the rest of the way. I would like to run a 5K this summer.
  • _greeneyedgirl_
    I started in back in January, I never thought I'd be a runner, and I loved it! Make sure you stretch. I did week 1 twice because I didn't feel I was ready to move on to week 2, just remember to do what feels best for you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I signed up for a Warrior Dash and a 5k in the Spring and Summer, I can't wait!
  • sendit
    sendit Posts: 28
    I've completed 7 weeks of it and now I can run without pain. I can run an 8 minute mile or 25-30 mins at 5.5mph. I love it.
  • eawilkrsn
    starting today as well. Hoping i have success with it. Good luck!!!
  • rhouser9021
    I'm on Week 4 Day 3. I'll be running it on Wednesday! Good luck. It is difficult for the first week or two, but PUSH THROUGH IT! If you can get the iPhone app, GET IT! It's so helpful!
  • journeytoahealthy51
    I have successfully finished it, as well as bridge to 10K. Best programs ever! I ran 6 miles on Friday and felt like I could have ran forever. Never thought I would be a runner, but I am totally addicted!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I hate running. I love c25k! There is a group for this. Please join us. :-)

    Edit: Here's the link for the group:
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    I completed it Jan 1, and am now training for a 10k. Ran 5 miles the other day. Unbelievable to me that I could ever do this. Great program. Good luck!
  • sandals1980
    I completed the program and started training for a 10k. It is a great program! I could never run for more than 30 seconds at a time but now I can run 4 miles without stopping.
  • hagamivida
    Got to week four, got antsy and alternated between it and just seeing what I could do using the imapmyrun app. Still can't go more than 12 minutes before needing a walk break, but I haven't beem truly committed. When I started I couldn't handle more than one minute, and forget about 90 seconds. I ran/walked my first 5k three weeks ago, signed up for another next month. I am embarrassingly slow but I am still miles ahead of everyone else on the couch. I would put my ability at mid week six at the moment. Maybe into week seven if I was running on flat ground. It really does work. I am still amazed at being able to do 12 minutes straight with hills! Just do it consistently and it will come. And look into ice baths if you are getting particularly sore.

    I am in the best shape of my life, and going, because c25k was my springboard, even if I haven't technically finished it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I started C25K last April and ran my first half marathon on January 15th after a couple of 10Ks and 5Ks. I have my next half marathon in a few weeks. So far I have been completely injury free. My advice:

    Stretch after not before running. Stretches are much more effective when your muscles are thoroughly warmed up. Warm up as directed by walking for 5 minutes before you start to run.

    Don't do anything high impact on the days between your runs and don't run more often than 3 days per week. Your joints, tendons and muscles need to get used to the impact of running. The recovery days are at least as important as the running days.

    Don't run on concrete. It's too hard and forces your body to absorb all of the impact. Instead, run on dirt, grass or asphalt. If this means running on the side of the road, be sure to always run on the left side so you're facing oncoming traffic.

    If you start to feel any pain, during or after a run, stop or at least slow down. Unless you have a pre-existing injury, pain means you are either trying to do too much too soon or your shoes are not proper for your running style.

    Most of all, have fun with it!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Started last July. I was barely able to job 30 seconds without being out of breath. Even the short distances I went would tire me out quickly and I would be pouring sweat from only a 15 minute workout. Fast forward today and I can consider myself a lover of running and an avid runner. It's nothing for me to knock out 8 miles at any given time, though I generally average about 5 due to time constraints. The C25K program was an excellent start because if it made me believe that I could run for 30 minutes, regardless of distance, I could do anything. I will tell you this: It is better to go slow, steady, and finish than it is to run too fast and burn yourself out. Build your endurance first, and then work on everything else. It will also eliminate the risk of injury. I wish you the best and I couldn't be happier with this simple, free program. I hope it opens up the world to you as much as it did for me! Team BAWSS!
  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    It's a wonderful program and I'm using a C210k then switching to a 10k-Half Marathon program as I'm training for a half marathon. As others have stated do a proper warm up (5 min brisk walk) then start the program. Stretch after. Push yourself. Know the difference between mental weakness and physical pain.

    The two most mentally challenging sports I've ever attempted - golf and running. Don't let the mental aspect wear you down. Keep a short memory and most of all have fun with it.