Couch 2 5K



  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    I love it. Stopped at week 7 last year, made way too many excuses. Started back on Week 5....
  • I just completed Week 3/Day 1 today...I've NEVER run by choice before, so I think this is a really great program. I can already tell that I've got stamina and strength that I didn't have three weeks ago.

    I'll also chime in on the shoes thing-- I got myself some real running shoes this weekend-- nothing expensive, but actual athletic shoes. They make a big legs did not get worn out before the rest of me today!
  • This is my third time starting it--started today, actually!--and so far, so good. I had success with it the first time, though I didn't get to complete it. I plan on doing it indoors this time, and then moving outdoors once the weather's a little warmer.

    A little reminder that always helps me in the tough times: the voice that's telling you "you can't do this" is a liar. :)

    Happy running!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I just started Week4, so far so good.

    There's a couch to 5k group:
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Awesome program! Stretch AFTER your workout. Wear good shoes and do NOT run with a heel stride. That would be your heel striking the ground first before the mid to ball of your foot. It causes shin splints, knee problems, joint problems and slows you down. It's been about 2 years since I finished the program. I run a 5k race now every other month. Have also run a half marathon. I've finished one adventure race and will be doing the Warrior Dash in April. GOOD LUCK!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I started in back in January, I never thought I'd be a runner, and I loved it! Make sure you stretch. I did week 1 twice because I didn't feel I was ready to move on to week 2, just remember to do what feels best for you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I signed up for a Warrior Dash and a 5k in the Spring and Summer, I can't wait!

    When and where is your Warrior Dash? I'm doing it in April in Mississippi.
  • bump...i just downloaded this by havent used it yet
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Before C25K, I'd always semi-joked to everyone that I was "allergic" to running. C25K was hard, especially week 5 (I think that's the week) where you have your first 20 minute run. I read somewhere that that was the week people dropped out at and I swore to myself that I wouldn't I completed C25K in April 2010, ran my first 5k in May, first 10k in September '10, and first half in October '11. I'm not a super fast runner (started at a 13:00/mi and now am down to 11:15-12:15), but completing C25K made me feel like if I could conquer that, I could do anything. I know if I told myself 3 years ago I'd be preaching about how great running is, I'd have laughed in my face, but it's true. <3 it.

    Best recommendation: Go get fitted for proper shoes. Most running stores have you run on a treadmill and look at your gait and pick shoes out for you accordingly. Yes, the shoes will be around $100, but we only get one body, so we all better take care of them!

    Also, if you're running, make sure to eat back at least some of your calories. That's the only way I lost any weight--the body needs more calories to build all that new muscle!

    Feel free to add me for some encouragement!
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am going to look up the app today and am even. More excited to start it this afternoon! Wish me luck!