2012 Fitness Goal Setting & Updates

I thought it would be fun to have a thread where everyone can post their fitness goals for 2012 (it's not too late to make them!) And give us updates on how they are progressing. Feel free to share your victories here - big and small :) Any and all fitness goals are welcome!
I'll kick us off. I wrote these goals at the end of December, and I've broken them up by what I have accomplished and what I'm still working on:

Goals I have met
- Back squat my body weight (145lbs)
In November my squat was at 105. I started working with the Wendler 5 3 1, and at the beginning of February got a 155lbs back squat. Hoozah! According to my current Wendler cycle I should be close to hitting 170lbs in the next month or so.

- Compete in an inner gym crossfit competition. I don't plan to be able to do this until the end of the year.
Hah. Boy was I wrong. I did this last weekend. What a rush! So much fun, and second place in my division!

Goals I am still working towards
- Deadlift 150% of my bodyweight (217lbs)
In November my max was 155lbs. Not so long ago I hit 190lbs max. I just started doing a Wendler cycle on this lift. During the first week, on my last set (145lbs) it was written to do "5+" and I ended up with 20 reps. Judging by this it is likely my max may be around my goal. I'll find out soon!

- Run a half marathon in 2:15:00. This is a pace of a 10:17 mile.
Training officially starts February 27th. My mile time is down to 7:23. I think this should be very much attainable. I plan on really hitting the interval training hard!

- Complete 10 consecutives unassisted dead hang pull ups
I have neglected specific work on this the most. I plan to remedy this! I think the most I've done is 3.

- Complete a handstand push up against the wall
I've actually altered this and instead have been working on my handstands OFF the wall. I can hold them for a few minute with a spotter to help balance me when I start to waiver.

- Specifically work on muscle ups
I've done some work on this. My goal is to really work on different progressions so that when I am strong enough to do this I am no stranger to form.

- Complete my second full marathon running the entire way through.
Marathon is in October. Focusing on the half training first

The Daily Stuff
- Eat 95% paleo for the entire year. Non paleo meal allowed once a week and I will be eating some chocolate birthday cake with buttercream frosting on my birthday. One to two glasses of red wine or beer per week is acceptable. Why? No I don't want to place intense "restrictions" on myself. I just have learned that eating certain foods makes me feel bad, so why eat them
Going well! I'm working on developing my own plan that works for me, and using more of a paleo 'template'

- Continue to go to crossfit workouts 5 days a week (may have to adjust during marathon training to 4 days/week)
Check! I actually even added two a days on Tuesday and Saturday for our Games training group, however when I need it I take the rest and just do one workout those days.


  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Awesome, at some point I'll even to see if I can remember and go through my goals again.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Those sound like great goals. Keep us posted on your progression.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great goals girl!

    I guess mine are pretty simple:

    1. Keep Lifting, keep getting stronger..

    2. Lower my BF%.

    3. Join a boxing gym once I have more disposable income after May.
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    Goals I've met:
    - Run a half-marathon
    - 30 consecutive pushups
    - Hold chaturanga for as long as my teacher

    To do:
    - Run a 7-minute mile (this one is paused as I've just started a lifting program.)
    - Lower my resting heart rate to 64 beats per minute.
    - Do a chinup
    - Deadlift my weight (then 125% of my weight!)