


  • An english muffin(120 calories) sandwich with 1 egg white(17 calories), 3 slices of low sodium turkey bacon (75 calories) and 1/8 cup of lowfat mozzarella cheese ....I usually prepare my sandwich or wrap the night before and just heat it up in the morning. Hope this helps:)

    I need to try this one. I used to stop at McD's and get a sausage muffin every morning. This just gave me a great idea! Thanks!:bigsmile:

    sure no prob! I'm sure it's alot less calories than mc d's:)
  • I love eating some yogurt w/granola on top! Just make sure the yogurt isn't too crazy bad for you.....My mom & I were loving a light&fit one.....till we read the amount of sugar in it! argh!
  • Hmmmm....thinking I have frozen turkey sausage in the freezer. Just need the Orowheat Thins and I am set! Oatmeal and bacon is getting old.
  • niclagi
    niclagi Posts: 177 Member
    These are great ideas. I love smoothies for breakfast. Yogurt, oj, fruit, and protein powder and for those rush morning I grab yoplait tubes. I love those things. Perfect little pick me up.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    i usually bring instant oatmeal with me to work.. or eat an apple or banana on the way.. also banana with yogart...a hard boiled egg (like said before just do it the nightbefore) ... toast (i put it to make soon as get up and grab it on my way out) and just stick a banana in it (i love bananas) lol...