First Diet Grocery List

Okay so I am going to be going shopping at the beginning of the month and I want to create a list/ guideline for myself so I do not make impulse decisions and I just wanted to know some of the things that you buy.
I am on a budget of about $200 for the month so anything inexpensive and healthy would be great.


  • I like liquid egg whites. Still allows me the protein from the eggs, but less the calories.
  • Carrots/baby carrots & spinach!
  • eggs- i eat mine hard boiled for breakfast

    ground lean turkey, chicken breasts & frozen fish

    low fat yogurt

    frozen veggies

    skim string cheese

    green tea

    canned tuna

    these are just some basics that you can usually find on sale or find coupons for
  • I like liquid egg whites. Still allows me the protein from the eggs, but less the calories.
    I have thought about buying egg whites but I did not know if I would like them. Are they good?
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    I've switched to ground turkey, leaner and cheaper than ground beef..
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    Fresh fruit for snacks, frozen fruit for smoothies. Fresh lettuce/spinach and baby carrots and celery for salads, frozen veggies for stir fry or pasta dishes. Whole wheat pasta, rice. Small tortilla wraps...canned tuna, canned tomatos, eggs and liquid egg whites.
  • Carrots/baby carrots & spinach!
    Which is better for you frozen or canned?
    Which do you prefer?
  • lots of salad stuff and soups. they are the best.
  • eggs- i eat mine hard boiled for breakfast

    ground lean turkey, chicken breasts & frozen fish

    low fat yogurt

    frozen veggies

    skim string cheese

    green tea

    canned tuna

    these are just some basics that you can usually find on sale or find coupons for
    Do you get your coupons online or threw the store you shop at?
  • I was not sure when I first started eating them, but now that is the only way I eat eggs. Even when I grab breakfast at Subway I order the egg white version.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    dried beans/lentils

    fruits and veggies that are in season



    these are all pretty cheap and are my staples since we are on a pretty strict food budget!
  • I was not sure when I first started eating them, but now that is the only way I eat eggs. Even when I grab breakfast at Subway I order the egg white version.
    Thanks I appreciate the help. :)
    I will have to try them.
  • I get lettuce, salsa, canned tuna, eggs, brown rice, rice cakes, yogurt, frozen vegetables, canned veggies, Wheat Thins, and soup.
    I use coupons sometimes (I use the weekly ad paper from my store to find the coupons) and I keep an eye out for "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" deals on stuff that I like.
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    fresh fruits and veggies are not as expensive as they seem. Unless you are shopping only once month maybe try frozen or canned fruits and veggies. Oatmeal is great and most non sugary cereals are low in calories. I also love progresso soups for lunch. Yoplait lights are cheap as well. There are also generics of the name brand soups and yogurts that taste just as great but have less variety. My biggest trick to low cost grocery shopping though is that I buy meat packages from the local butcher. If you eat meat, this is the cheapest way to go. Good luck!!!
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    I would look to see if there is a farmers market in your area where you may be able to get some fresh items at a cheaper price so you can get healthy and stay on budget at the same time!
  • Thank you everyone for your help I really appreciate it. :)
  • KAB0
    KAB0 Posts: 11 Member
    A nutritionist that i went to mentioned the following "plan" for the grocery store: Only shop the outer 'ring' of the store and skip the aisles. Generally the meat, dairy, raw veggies and fruit etc are on the outer ring, and the processed less healthy food is located in the aisles.
    I have found it help me with impuse buying of those things I need to avoid!
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I use a meal planning service. She creates a meal plan for the week, supplies all the recipes AND the corresponding grocery list. :bigsmile:
  • frozen is always best. they taste better, have a better texture and have more vitamins than canned. canned food is cooked so it becomes mushier and less nutritious...
  • I've switched to ground turkey, leaner and cheaper than ground beef..

    I like turkey and turkey bacon is tolerable (of course, not as good as a pig :smile:.) Do you miss the "beef" flavor?