30 day shread?

Ive just got it! Does anyone here have any views on it? Would love some feedback!


  • cowleyibiza
    Hey, yeah i got it today also!

    Type 30 day shred in the search box, there is masses of threads on it, some really good ones with before and after pics. also have a look on youtube.

    Hope this helps.

  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    done day 1 sat, did not have time sunday, just wondering whether can mange time today, it does hurt but is brilliant
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Not started it, waiting till I'm up to it health wise - will start watching it through to "learn" it though. There is a great group on here to do with it though.
  • claireoliver76
    claireoliver76 Posts: 5 Member
    starting it tonight worried as lots of people saying it hurts but hey ho no pain no gain
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    I did it every day for 11 days straight. At first it was a little challenging and I enjoyed it and looked forward to each workout. By the 6th day I was completely bored with it already and dreading each workout - I really felt by day 6 that it was time to move on to the next routine. On the 8th day I noticed my right calf was starting to ache during the workout, but it wore off. On the 9th day I thought I was fine, but about 2 minutes in realized, nope I'm not. A lot of the moves murdered my calves, once again particularly my right. (I must lean to that side unknowingly or something =/) On the 10th day I decided to push through the workout as it was the last day on level one. Once again. Paiiiin in my calves. I decided to make the next day a rest day before I would move on the the next level, but as the day went on, I was getting anxious and my legs felt fine, so when the kids went to bed I did day 1 of level 2 - big mistake. I was in a lot of pain, too much to do a lot of the moves so altered the ones that hurt to the ones that I could do, but at the end of the workout I have to say I wasn't impressed either way with level 2. I decided to take the next 3 days off as I had obviously done myself an injury. It's been 2 weeks since then :ohwell:. Also, I'd never ever experienced knee pains before 30DS. I have 6 flights of stairs to walk up and down that I've had for 3 years, and ever since Jillian, my knees HURT to do that. Bending up and down to pick up my bubba off the floor makes me let out a little welp of pain sometimes from my knees. Hubs thinks it is because I worked it so hard and fast after doing no exercise for years. Either way, my 30ds experience hasn't been to great! Now I'm still trying to decide whether I should stick it out because I made it a goal to complete or move on to something else.
  • lagcrg
    lagcrg Posts: 38 Member
    I started it about 3 weeks ago..the first 2 days really beat me up because I hadn't worked my body like that in years...I also took rest days which seems to help my body not hurt more or longer..but I would suggest no more than a day or two of rest before doing it again... Jillian says not to move on to other levels until you feel you are ready, so I am planning to do level 1 for one more week(will be about 15 days) then move on to level 2. This means I won't complete it in 30 days, but this is what is working for me...my body is changing slowly and I am happy with that result...Like the results enough so I plan to continue to use this workout. I suggest setting a goal/pace that will help you stick with it, where you don't over do it, but are getting results...one message I read said "you don't have to finish it in 30 days, that's just the suggested time"...my plan will have me finishing it at about 45 days...Good luck finding what works for you, and drink plenty of water after this workout.
  • traceyjolli
    I am starting mine today!!

    Feel free to add me so we can see how we are all doing!!
  • saraht23
    I've used the 30 day shred off & on for a couple of years. It's a great workout. The first time I did level 1, I thought I was going to die (very out of shape at the time) but after 4-5 days, I noticed a difference in my arms, legs & endurance. You will definitely be sore after the first couple of sessions, but stick with it and it will pass. I've seen different results from different folks - but I can definitely see and feel a difference after a week of using it everyday.

    I still revisit the 30 day shred 2-3x/week, but now prefer Jillian's "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism" - kicks my butt every time. BTW, I don't stay on one level w/ 30 ds, as I got bored doing the same workout over & over. I skip around between level 1 & 2, typically and mix in other dvds like Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Jillian's BFBM and I also recommend Denise Austin's Bootcamp (great 40 min workout, not too hard for beginners) Good luck! :happy:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm on day 3 of level one. I like it so far, a little sore but not too bad. If you have knee issues this dvd is NOT for you
  • Delorice
    I just started it today. I thought I was going to die, having to stop several times. I think my 30 days is gonna turn into much longer, but as long as I dont give up, right? Feel free to add me so we can attempt this together if you like. Good luck!
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of level one--still kind of sore, but the good kind. Have to be careful with my right knee, but so far, so good. Feel free to add me for more Shred buddies!
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Today is day 6 for me, I do it at night after the kids go to bed or when I first wake up in the morning depending on my schedule, I yell at jillian that I hate her but I make it through, when I first start the first circuit of level 1 I get that "I can't do this why don't I just stop feeling" but I push myself and once I hit the second circuit I fall into my groove and the third circuit I'm giving all I have left, what a great feeling when you finish and hit the cool down!
  • 135momma
    I'm on day 17 straight of the 30DS. It's a tough workout....I pretty much do all the modifications but I'm on level 2 now. I plan to try level 3 when I hit day 20. I started pretty much in zero shape without having worked out in 5+ years (before kids). There are things I like and dislike about it. I have some problem areas that this video doesn't work on. There isn't much for love handles or triceps so I'll usually add that in on my own. Also, I'm not really loosing weight on it. I agree with PP that it is tough on your calves and knees. Overall I like the workout but I don't like it 7 days a week. I'm going to finish out the 30 day goal I set and then I'll probably shred 3x a week and do something else on the other days. I'm not sure if my lack of weight loss is from building muscle or what but I definitely see a change in my body, just not on the scale. I am down from a 12 to a 10 but I was hoping to see more dramatic results from some of the before and after pics I've seen.
  • 4KatieLynn4
    I am on day 21, i did each level for ten days. In the begging i loved it, but now that im on level 3 im not liking it as much. It is hurting my knees alot, im hoping if i purchase a knee brace it will help. Overall i havent lost any weight doing it, but i feel 110% better about myslf. Its a dramatic difference in my body and strenght! Im going to deffintly finish the 30 days, and when im done i will post before and after pics, i will probley keep doing it or get another one of her videos, i just love that it is only 20 min. a day, its pretty easy for me to find those 20 min. a day so i just have to push myslf to do it! If you push your self thru the first 5 days of pain you will do amazing!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Does anyone do any other cardio on the days you do this?? I feel like i'm not burning enough calories
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Today is my 6th Day (if I do it today) and I like the workout but I had a knee surgery couple of months ago which is still recovering hence I don't do the cardio with higher intensity but I like the workout as its quick n heard that it works its magic!
    Can't comment on the results as I am on the 1st Level.
  • 4KatieLynn4
    Does anyone do any other cardio on the days you do this?? I feel like i'm not burning enough calories

    I do! i try to run/walk at least 2.5 miles per day on top of the shred!
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Does anyone do any other cardio on the days you do this?? I feel like i'm not burning enough calories
    I can only burn 170 calories with this workout hence I also do loads of other workouts .. I usually go to gym in the morning for an hour and then do the 30-40 mins walk during lunch time and 30DS in the evening .. but I have just started it as I heard a lot about it ..I try to burn 500-800 calories per day. Feel free to add me if you like to share the views and workouts.
  • bean4max
    Doing it and loving it.
    Not had any of the knee calf issues others have posted.
    The first day I was dying by the time we got to the jump rope section in the #2 cardio circuit.
    Now? the 20 minutes FLIES by and I have stamina and strength enough to do Shaun T's Rockin' Body Abs and Booty routine.
    Just a few weeks ago, I would have gasped and gagged at the idea of doing ANOTHER workout after the 30ds.
    If you don't injure yourself or have an issue that makes things hurt, you will LOVE it.
    Keep at it and in just a SHORT time you will feel SOOOOO good/proud of what you are doing.