Girl Scout Cookies...



  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    I purposely stayed away from the GS order form this year. I know me, I HAVE NO CONTROL!!!!!
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    UGH. That's all I can say. My fiance ordered them from his work, and this weekend he and I were talking about how we need to get back on track. What does he forget he bought, and come home with??? THIN MINTS!!!! Ugh. I have had one tagalong, but those thin mints are going to be teasing me... I need to portion them out so I don't gorge.

    Glad I'm not the only one plagued by them!!!
  • poeticallydevine
    poeticallydevine Posts: 56 Member
    i ordered the shortbread and lemonades one... i gave away the whole box of lemonades to my patients. i ate 4 shortbreads and gave the remainder away to my patients also. lol
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Make little ziploc baggies of 1 or 2 cookies so you can have a little snack pack once a day or so.

    Well the problem is I'm currently unemployed (grrr bad economy), so i'm stuck at home all day with them sitting in the kitchen, haah.

    take them to your next door neighbot and ask them to hold them for you! ha ha- mine woudl be gone before I left thier front porch!

    How about freezing them? If it takes a while to thaw one each time, maybe you will savor them??? Who knows!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    My daughter is selling them.... i have 300 boxes in my house right now!
  • mrh1227
    I very much agree with the idea of freezing them, I used to do it to all my GS cookies before even taking up fitness. This works with lots of other snacks too, even little things like Skittles will last longer frozen. :)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I got my two boxes of Do-si-dos delivered over the weekend. I put one box in the freezer and have 2-3 every day after lunch. That way I don't deprive myself, but I also don't binge. I do miss having a huge glass of milk with them, though. LOL
  • mikellsmom
    mikellsmom Posts: 51 Member
    I ordered them before I started my weight loss journey. When they came in I was shocked at the calories in them. I bought thin mints, caramel delights, and peanut butter patties. I did not eat one of them don't ask me how but I made it. I brought them to a party and let my friends eat them.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    My favorite is the samoas.

    you can tell what generation we are all from by what we call these- 30+ call them samoas, the younger ones call them carmel delights! whatever you call them, they are just fabulously yummy!!!!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Those are my favorites! Luckily, Kelloggs makes a bar that tastes just like them and is much much better for you. They are called caramel coconut fudge and they have 130 calories with 9 grams of fiber! I love love them.
    But for now, stick the cookies in the freezer and be strong enough to only have two at a time which I believe what a serving is for those cookeis.
    Here's a link to the Kellogg's bars:
  • ckerce
    ckerce Posts: 25
    Thin mint fanatic here!!!! Cannot eat just one, so i donate instead of getting the cookies! Too tempting to have them around! last year i bought some and put them in the outside freezer. (out of sight out of mind) They got freezer burned. oh least i didnt eat them!
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    How can something so good be so bad? haha
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I have had a box of tagalongs in my trunk for over a week.. I'm waiting for a spike day I can just eat the whole box with the boo. Maybe next week!!
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    My favorite is the samoas.

    you can tell what generation we are all from by what we call these- 30+ call them samoas, the younger ones call them carmel delights! whatever you call them, they are just fabulously yummy!!!!
    Not entirely true. I'm 22 and call them samoas, because that is what my mom has always called them... i have never heard of Carmel delights.

    But they are the BEST of the best :) I bought one pack and froze half, yay for me haha.
  • michmill98
    I don't buy them anymore! The region I live in discontinued the lemon sandwich cookies a few years ago (hate the lemonades) and while I like the samoas and an occassional mint, I've found I can live without them. The biggest problem is trying to run errands anywhere on the weekends during cookie season as around here there are cookie booths setup everywhere and shoppers are constantly harrassed.

    For those of you who ordered out of guilt, pre-MFP, etc - you could always donate your cookies to the local senior center or food pantry. Or if your office is anything like mine, just leave them on the coffee bar in the morning and they'll be gone by the end of the day. I do that when I get in a baking mood over the weekend - save enough to satisfy my craving and the rest goes to work.

    I'd rather "spend" my calories on quality dark chocolate anyway! :happy:
  • Fitdiva83
    Fitdiva83 Posts: 51 Member
    I looooove the thin mints, I left my box here at work RATHER than take it home and eat them up in 2 days (1 row a day)
  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    Hey I'm actually cookie Mom!! But I either save it for my cheat day or I work it in for calories!! Theres always going to be another mountain!!!!
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    Ugh! Tell me about it!

    I teach school, so this year I told my girls that to be fair to all of them who are selling cookies, I will buy cookies from NO ONE. That way, they didn't feel like I was playing favorites and I didn't feel pressured to spend a ton of money I don't have on cookies I don't need.

    And, it helped me stick to my healthy eating plan.

    And today I came home to find a box of Thin Mints on my kitchen table. My hubby being sweet (pun intended).

    But I kinda' want to throw them out the window!
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    This is why I don't buy them (former GS!) - I love thin mints too much. They're really made from

    That is too freaking funny!!!!
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    My favorite is the samoas.

    you can tell what generation we are all from by what we call these- 30+ call them samoas, the younger ones call them carmel delights! whatever you call them, they are just fabulously yummy!!!!
    Not entirely true. I'm 22 and call them samoas, because that is what my mom has always called them... i have never heard of Carmel delights.

    But they are the BEST of the best :) I bought one pack and froze half, yay for me haha.

    I live in Southcentral PA and they are still called Samoas here! :)