30 day shred!

hi everyone! I've seen a bunch of people on here talking about the 30 days shred, and seeing as I'm a compulsive buyer.. I bought it on amazon for $6.93! But I didn't even look into it haha. Is it a good workout? Do you have to do it every day? If people could just give me an over view and their experiences with it, I'd much appreciate it :]


  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    I think its meant to be done everyday. I started it and did it for five days. I work 16 hour shifts Saturdays and Sundays, so I didn't do it that weekend and quit it. I need to find a better balance maybe three days a week. I think I enjoy the gym more. I still want to do the dvd since i paid $10 for it. As for the work out, I thinks it's pretty good.
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    You are supposed to do it every day for 30 days. I have a hard time doing it as often due to work, school, and half-marathon training so I only do it about 1-2 times a week but it is a great workout and works muscles I don't use in running and zumba.
  • I've not done the 30 day shred, but I do the Ripped in 30. I cannot handle 5 days a week, if I tried, I would give it up completely. So I do it either 2 or 3 times a week with treadmill (walking/running) in between those days. It makes me feel good that I did that kind of workout because those are difficult! And to report on fitnesspal all the calories burned is cool!!
  • I think the workout is good but it has been KILLING my knees and I have never had knee issues - I now have a swollen right knee so I rested this weekend. I am adding in a Latin Dance DVD to try to losen up better prior to the Shred. I may do the shred every other day and do the dance video. Shred is definitely good - Level 1 is tough - I will probably do a few more days on that before moving up to Level 2 - I started last Monday - so I'll probably spend 10 days at Level 1. Be prepared to be sore and be careful of your knees - I'm not exactly sure what it is that's hurt my knee so bad, other than perhaps not enough of an adequate warm up? Thus the dancing - we'll see how that works!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I love it....it's broken down into 3 levels, 1,2&3...you start at level 1 and progress to level 3....it's meant to be done every day, but I dont do it every day as I have a ton of other workouts I do...Each workout is broken into a warmup, 3 circuits, each with 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs, then a cooldown. The entire workout lasts about 27 minutes, so its a great, fast paced, high energy workout. If you want to do it 30 days in a row, great...people have gotten great results, but if you cant, look at it as a good fast workout that you can fit in....i love it.
  • kar74
    kar74 Posts: 49
    It seems to work for many as long as you keep at it everyday. I am on Level 2, Day 3. Sadly, I have gained 4 lbs BUT have lost in inches (my scale is giving me a complex). I was doing the Shred everyday but am changing it up this week and only doing it M/W/F along with cardio (walking/running 2 miles). I'm not upset about the inches lost, but I'm trying to focus on actual weight loss now and it appears I need more cardio in my life.
  • cocomatoho
    cocomatoho Posts: 9 Member
    I am on day 15 for me, and I did it every day up to day 13. Day 14 was waited on due to some issues that I was having with my foot, but I did when I felt like I could without hurting, but I was doing it consecutively. To be honest, I don't think it matters. I have started back doing it consecutively, and so far I love the workout. I have heard of people doing it a few days and then skipping 1 and then going a few more days. Also, I've heard of people doing it every other day mixed with other types of workouts on those in between days.
  • Jonese84
    Jonese84 Posts: 11 Member
    I have the DVD and i really like it! This will be day 10 today and I have already lost 2 inches in my waist and 0.5 in my hips. Since you are going to be gaining muscle from the toning exercises, you will not lose weight at first, but inches are better I think!!!! I can't wait to see my results after 30 days. All you need is some hand weights and a mat. I use 2 LB hand weights right now and no mat lol. Good luck!!!
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    I got it and did it only twice but mean to get back to it. I liked it although it was difficult. I just turned 50, but even in doing as much as I could I felt like I had a good work out in a short period of time and I could tell the second time was a little easier. I got sick and hence got off track though.
  • Hi! Doing it 6 out of 7 days. It's fab!
  • pjsmom2010
    pjsmom2010 Posts: 70 Member
    I think the workout is good but it has been KILLING my knees and I have never had knee issues - I now have a swollen right knee so I rested this weekend. I am adding in a Latin Dance DVD to try to losen up better prior to the Shred. I may do the shred every other day and do the dance video. Shred is definitely good - Level 1 is tough - I will probably do a few more days on that before moving up to Level 2 - I started last Monday - so I'll probably spend 10 days at Level 1. Be prepared to be sore and be careful of your knees - I'm not exactly sure what it is that's hurt my knee so bad, other than perhaps not enough of an adequate warm up? Thus the dancing - we'll see how that works!

    I'm having the same issue and I'm blaming the side lunges. I don't do them anymore and I'm fine now.
  • kar74
    kar74 Posts: 49
    I think the workout is good but it has been KILLING my knees and I have never had knee issues - I now have a swollen right knee so I rested this weekend. I am adding in a Latin Dance DVD to try to losen up better prior to the Shred. I may do the shred every other day and do the dance video. Shred is definitely good - Level 1 is tough - I will probably do a few more days on that before moving up to Level 2 - I started last Monday - so I'll probably spend 10 days at Level 1. Be prepared to be sore and be careful of your knees - I'm not exactly sure what it is that's hurt my knee so bad, other than perhaps not enough of an adequate warm up? Thus the dancing - we'll see how that works!

    Oh, yeah. My elbows - of all things - were killing for the first 3 days of Level 1. Odd. My knees are okay with it, but my neck is having a rough time with the jumping jacks. My chiro mentioned I need to make some type of modification. :-P
  • 30 Day Shred is a great workout if you are short on time. You start at Level 1 and continue with it until a) it's been 10 days or b) you need a harder work out and you move on to Level 2. The idea is to work out every day for 30 days. Some people take a rest day once a week, others between levels, so every 10 days. If you stick with it and put in a good effort, you should definately lose inches. Some lose weight intially but then gain a few pounds back in muscle. Overall, 30 Day Shred is a great intro to other Jillian dvds.

    "Ripped in 30" is a newer one of her dvds and has 4 levels (7 days each). One complaint that some people have is that completing the same level for 5+ days in a row gets boring. Personally, once I've gotten used to the level, I mute the tv and play my own music. It helps change it up a little!

    Another way to mix it up would be to get one of her longer dvds such as "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism", "Killer Buns & Thighs", or "No More Trouble Zones". I would do 5 days of 30 Day Shred, one of these videos on the 6th day and rest on day 7.

    Good luck!
  • pria1984
    pria1984 Posts: 1 Member
    I LOVE 30 day shred. Each level is only 20 minutes long so when you haven't got time for a full work out or are feeling a little lazy (like most of us do time to time!) you know its just 20 minutes you need to do. Don't be fooled though as she does work you hard and you certainly get pushed for the entire 20 minutes! I'm on level 3 now and starting to find that its not challenging me enough anymore so have other of her DVDs to try out next. I do try to do the 30 day shred most days although I am starting to go to the gym now so not completely relying on DVDs all the time but I found that this gave me the boost I needed as i wasn't confident going to the gym. But carry on doing this as much as you can and you will notice the difference. Its split into 3 sections with 3 minutes of strength, 2 mins of cardio and 1 minute of abs in each one.
    I do the 30 day shred during the weekdays after/before work and Jillian's 'blast off body fat' (40 minutes long but split up into 7 sections) during the weekends when i have a bit more time.
    Hope you enjoy it!
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 195 Member
    I think the workout is good but it has been KILLING my knees and I have never had knee issues - I now have a swollen right knee so I rested this weekend. I am adding in a Latin Dance DVD to try to losen up better prior to the Shred. I may do the shred every other day and do the dance video. Shred is definitely good - Level 1 is tough - I will probably do a few more days on that before moving up to Level 2 - I started last Monday - so I'll probably spend 10 days at Level 1. Be prepared to be sore and be careful of your knees - I'm not exactly sure what it is that's hurt my knee so bad, other than perhaps not enough of an adequate warm up? Thus the dancing - we'll see how that works!

    Oh, yeah. My elbows - of all things - were killing for the first 3 days of Level 1. Odd. My knees are okay with it, but my neck is having a rough time with the jumping jacks. My chiro mentioned I need to make some type of modification. :-P

    I am on day 7 of level 1, done it everyday. My knees been a bit sore too so not going down so far on the side lunges. I also have a slightly pulled calf muscle so jumping jacks not an option. Instead I am doing pitter patter as fast as I can with the jumping jack arms. Hope that helps others work out their kinks :)
  • What do you track this as uder exercise? Is it just classed as 20 mintues circuits?
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 195 Member
    What do you track this as uder exercise? Is it just classed as 20 mintues circuits?

    thats what I put :)