Looking for your insight....

Here's the deal...

I'm 41 years old and I am in moderately decent shape. I am 6'1" tall and weigh around 210 pounds. I am trying to get down to around 200 pounds or so, and then I'll decide where to go from there. I have been doing the intense Insanity program for the last two weeks, and have been pushing myself pretty hard. I've been burning anywhere from 375 to 700 calories per workout, according to my Polar ft7 HRM.

While I've not been torn up about it, so far I've only lost about two pounds, total, in two weeks. I've been eating really clean, counting and entering everything that I've eaten, and keeping close to my calorie range given by MFP. I'm currently using the protein-50, carbs-30, and fat-20 pre-set calculations.

However, after tracking my intake for a couple of weeks, here are some average numbers that I'm seeing. First let me say that based on my height and weight, and my lifestyle, MFP shows my caloric needs to be around 1800/day. So here's what I've found so far.......on average....

Calories consumed: 1700 avg.
Protein: 123 g avg.
Carbs: 180 g avg.
Fat: 56 g avg.

Now while anyone with half a brain can look at the above and say. "well you're not eating enough calories, you're eating too many carbs, and not enough protein," but does anything else stand out? It's safe to say that the majority of my carbs come from organic rolled oats (29 g), whole wheat english muffins (23 g), 35 calorie/slice wheat bread (16 g/2), whole wheat tortilla (22 g), Smart One's meals (18-40 g), protein bars (20 g), and fruit.

I've read a lot about lowering carbs and losing weight more quickly. Can I assume that I really need to focus the hardest on cutting out the english muffins, oatmeal, wheat bread, and Smart One's meals from my plan for awhile?? Also, should I "eat more" due to the intensity of my workouts, or just let it be?? I should say that I am seeing some "other" changes from what I've been doing, but not so much with the weight.

Thanks for reading, and for your advice. Jeff :smile:


  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    well following the common accepted loss/ how much you have to lose, 1lb a week if you only have 10 to loose isnt bad at all, that said i dont know how your surviving on 1700 cal hah but good for you if you feel good, as you said i would up protein , for carbs your not really that far off especially if you are consistantly working out hard , higher intensity stuff, you may want to try and shift the breads and grains to complex carbs like sweet potatos or veggies. also look at your timing, if you are considering a lower carb plan , try to time your carbs around your hardest workouts of the day, this is when your body needs them the most and will be most effectivley used.

    i personally eat more on my harder sprint days ( i run 6 days a week) just because my body is drained , just listen to how your feeling, if you feel sluggish and lethargic then eat more , as long as you keep it clean and work out hard you will be fine

    good luck!
  • mofireman
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  • mofireman