Green Team Week 7



  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Ok so trying to go raw here, so far so good, apples and peaches so far, I admit I would like some cheese and bread but really want to give this a try.

    I like cheese too much myself and some bread (albiet is low cal) to go raw. I just ate baby carrots but still had to have them with a bit of ranch and hot sauce:blushing: Good luck though, I am realiistic enough to realize I'd cave and possibly go on a binge so I'm getting back up on the horse, but nothing drastic.

    Happy Monday to all the rest of you!!!! Also, thanks for all the compliments on my vacay photos (again, there are only hit and miss ones of us together because this was for a review of the hotel and it's doubtful those folks want pics of us in each and every one :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: )
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    Ok so trying to go raw here, so far so good, apples and peaches so far, I admit I would like some cheese and bread but really want to give this a try.

    jacque, it's really not easy to turn to 100% raw in 1 day,... i would actually not recommend you to push yourself and try to avoid everything cooked right away... it may lead to feeling of weakness because of the suddenly different way you feed your body, also too many cravings at once that you'll find impossible to fight and there is the risk to bulge in food too soon... i have been gradually getting to 100% over a couple months, cheese was the toughest thing to give up for me, as well, i simply loved it... now that i haven't had any in ages, all i can say is it wasnt really the cheese but rather the salty taste what i was really craving back then... i substitute with olives or some nutty cheese... just google "raw nut cheese" and see for something that will fit your taste... the simplest "parmesan cheese" is made by grinding some walnuts together with spices...

    i find it really important to be able to uncook yourself some substitutes for the dishes you are used to... i don't know what you enjoy eating, but here are ideas for raw variants of popular dishes:







    falafel wrap:“roasted”-vegetables

    lots of sauce ideas:,90792

    These are just some recipes I have bookmarked for myself and I have either tried or will try in the near future... Last I prepared the falafels from the last but one recipe - without the wrap, just the falafels. What you need to do is just google whatever you feel like eating and then just check the recipes/pictures, as well as the availability of all ingredients where you are (i have lotsa problems with this here) and then you just need to make the time to prepare yourself the stuff.

    And please try to eat every raw food possible, that is don't ignore fruit, veggies, nuts, grain, seaweed, sprouts, as well as yummy things like tahini (but make sure it's raw cos the common type is roasted!), miso... I would especially recommend eating more sesame seeds/tahini (absolutely good for women!), flaxseed and quinoa. You want to not just lose weight but be very healthy, so you need to be well nourished all the way. Quinoa is probably the richest in non-animal protein and something like a must in a vegan diet. I usually make me quinoa milk (soak 1/2 cup of quinoa in water overnight, then blend with 4 cups of water, cribble and enjoy - add honey, agave syrup, dates or fruit if you prefer).

    Oh, as for my romance, he finally called tonight... :blushing: This market is like what you call farmer's I guess, they come every Monday and Friday and sell fruit and veggies at a special place in the town... I was busy and didn't go today, so he was like "i've been waiting to see you all day but you didn't come to the market at all" (and i thought he had forgotten me cos he was too busy looking after other female customers at the market... uhhh!) so we are going out on Wednesday... i feel pretty nervous, almost like a schoolgirl cos it's been so long since i went on a date... but let's see what happens... oh, btw, he said he's 26 year old, i thought older but he's actually younger than me, so there's some fresh lamb for me (despite being a vegan) :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    purrrr - :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: yayyy I knew he'd call! Got something cute to wear Wed?
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    purrrr - :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: yayyy I knew he'd call! Got something cute to wear Wed?

    hah, i think i'm wearing all pink, bought these long ago to stimulate me to lose the pudge and they should be fitting me by now... i'll take pictures to show... hopefully with a smaller number than 195 lbs next to it...:wink:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    purrrr - :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: yayyy I knew he'd call! Got something cute to wear Wed?

    hah, i think i'm wearing all pink, bought these long ago to stimulate me to lose the pudge and they should be fitting me by now... i'll take pictures to show... hopefully with a smaller number than 195 lbs next to it...:wink:

    Interesting that you mention pink. Growing up I loved pink and wore it often until I went through my heavy metal and black phase. I bought a pink tank top for my trip and was so happy with the way I looked. Good luck with the outfir.

    Where the mother mary is the rest of this team?
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    was wondering the same, it's even less populated than with the original/smaller GT :cry: i hope nobody fell off the wagon, lost faith, lost hope or anything like this... life is to live it, never say die!! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi guys,
    congradualtion Purr!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker: Good luck on your date Wed. Thanks again on all the receips it helping. You right about going slow, and that what I am doing, I do really well until I get home to the kids, they want crap or at least my daughter does, my son is trying to do this with me, but last night even though I cooked I did not do meat, I am feeling so much better without the meat, feeling wise, no weight loss but I feel like I have more energy,
    Oh I love PINK too!!!

    Ok so here goes, yes I have been holding out, I am going to meeting up with an old High school friend on Saturday the 4th the day after my birthday. I am very nervous, because of the weight issue and the fact that he hasn't seen me in 20 years, We been Im each other and texting and 3 phone calls over the last month. He sounds the same but I am sooooooooooo nervous.

    FYI: Vita, Kellya are on vacation is places with out service as for the others I think because its summer they are tied up.

    Well I am turning another year closer to 50 and I have to say I am not happy. I told myself years ago that I would not be fat at forty and here comes number 46 and thing have improved but no where I should be. I really need to stop this nonsense and figure out why I am not comitted enought to get the job done. I do good for a week or two and then back to old habitss. The other day ( before last week)I ate 2 mini cupcakes, potaote chips and dip, a hot dog and a hambuger at a party. Then ate pasta that night with four taco from Jack in the Box. I felt like crap and I woke up during the night with tingling thru out my body, almost like an anxitey attack. The next morning I think OMG that happen because of all the crap I ate. The part I don't understand is that I know this but as soon as I am stressed or tired I give up. Its like I know what to do to live but I chose to die (weird) Sorry I am being so heavy but if I can't talk to you guys who can I talk to.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hey I have finally found time to go and get fitted for shoes so i can make it to the gym...going after work today. I got my rental car yesterday....THANK GOD!!! and boy is it nice. Its a 2008 GMC Envoy....and I love it. Told hubby something along the lines of that kind of SUV but with 3rd row seating would be great to have. We are looking to get another car soon b/c its just to hard to transport so many kids all crammed in one little ford escape. :laugh:
    I am starting to feel horrible from not eating right and getting to the gym...I hate it. So I will be starting back up! :drinker: :bigsmile: Lets hope I can get in as much as 3 times a week so as to not falter on the same mistakes already made. glad to hear about the new guy...and hope your date goes wellll
    Jacque...same for you. I know you and this guy will think nothing more than how great it is to talk and see one another after so many years...probably feel like teens again. :bigsmile:
    I hope you all have a great day and talk to you soon....have to get back and do some work.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey team ....i am still here. we leave Thurs around 4pmish....doing laundry, bakin treats for the others, cleaning...gesh, crazy i am ...

    sassie ~ both my parents went to school for beauticians....yep, i had a barber shop dad! i am still living in the town i grew up in...he had a shop up town and my mom had her business in our home. it was fun. my mom taught me how to cut hair, so i have done my dh since we been married and our sons too. saves $$, plus that way i get to treat myself to all the spas/salons!! :blushing: we ladies love being pampered!

    jacque ~ oh dear, hang on are sounding a bit depressed....and hon, you do have lots going on. we are here....bring it...... just take it one day at a time....and beathe. get out for a short walk to help with your stress...maybe even a power one. remember, it wasn't one meal or one binge that made us was the repeated action (LIFESTYLE) that did. you CAN live a healthier life and still have all the fun and love in it. it is truly hard for many of us to change. and i wouldn't do too much at once, like purrr said. i look back and realize what i HAVE changed, and give myself credit for that. small steps here will have bigger rewards. just keep keepin', i know you can win this battle. i have faith in YOU!! :heart: HAPPY BDAY FRI!! sounds like a nice 4th for you too! how exciting! HAVE FUN!! let us know how it goes.......hope you see double fireworks!! :blushing:

    kitn ~ dang it, so sorry to hear bout your accident. i bet you are angry...that is ok, just be patient! did you get the license # or a quick pic of the car/guy? what a bummer. yeah, we are suppose to drive defensively, and responsibly....but what about the OTHER GUY? :grumble: hope your car is soon fixed and you can move ahead.

    purrr ~ woot wooot!! oooooo, today is date day!! please tell!! how exciting for YOU!! i bet you look amazing! cant wait for the pics!! i have been trying to do better with the raw-ness too. i do good with the fruits and veggies, and really don't eat too many starches/carbs. the meat thing is going to be the toughest for me. i currently eat hard boiled eggs, laughing cow wedge, burger, chicky, pork, seafood....hmmmm carnivore i am... but i am working on the clean items first. thanks for all the info you provide here purrr, i just love it! you are wonderful!

    i have totally been slacking in the exercise area. ...:sad: i vowed this time i would not let THAT happen...and the wt is coming back....:grumble: so, in reality, it is up to me. only I can do this, so that is my current challenge....i am not giving up here.....i still want to get to 150 -160.

    well, off to fold clothes and bake. have a good day all.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so my day is going good so far, hope to get to the gym tonight and begin working out again
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    good for you Jacque!! way to go!! :happy:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    ok just ate dinner, will let it settle and go for a walk
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    hey guys, i'm back! sorry, homework has been killer. i gained a couple back, so i'm consciously getting back on track. unfortunately, we have vacation bible school this week, and there are yummy treats everywhere. so i'm working out extra, hopefully it will come back off.
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    hiya guys! almost couldn't sleep tonight from excitement, i'll tell you later how that famous date went like... right now wanted to share my monthly weight loss & inches stats, which i take every 1st of the month:


    so that is a month of full raw foodism and eating lots and lots most of the time.. it appears i've lost less weight than e.g. last month but i've lost a lot more inches, which is what really matters after all :happy:

    i weigh-in at 192 lbs today (updated the ticker, too) and going to take pictures before i go out a bit later :wink:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all, just checking in. I have been doing half a$$ed diet and exercise the last month. I was good all day and then not a little either.

    I started school today and just felt a bit overwhelmed. Hoping I will be able to check in daily, but may be every other until after the wedding.......Vegas is just around the corner.

    Beauty school was FUN today and I am still sooo excited...

    hope you are all doing well. Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    See you all soon :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin green team!

    HI HEIDI!! good to hear from ya! fun, bible school! i did that a few summers when my boys were younger. i was in charge of tie-dye shirts once, and we had like just over 100 kids! i had lots of help and the shirts turned out great! the following year we did red-white-blue after 9/11. have fun with the kiddos....hopefully they can take away some of your homework stress! :wink:

    sassie ~ your excitement is felt girly! glad you enjoyed your first day! pizza is a tough one for many of us...i am making 2 homemade ones in Canada next week! :tongue: wedding and vegas will be here soon! happy for ya!

    wow-we-wow purrr!! :noway: you are such a success story! what an inspiration to all of us here! you are gettin so skinny mini!! looks like you ave bout 13-14 lbs. a month. that is just amazin! you are doing very good on the raw diet. do you feel different since changing, energy? mind? please do share......and we're all waitin on the date news! :flowerforyou: i keep checkin in just for that!! :laugh:

    well, today is a busy one. meeting my MIL to shop for groceries....will be bathing my puggers and prep them for a stay at my folks while we are gone. will probably mow and start to pack....laundry still going on too. been kinda cool here and that is ok w/me. have a great day team, plan your meals, take time to move and make it a healthy one for YOU!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    This is great! I guess the key should be for me to not check in every few hours:blushing: what a treat to see all of the new posts!! I can see there are ups and downs for us all but glad that we are still plugging at it even with setbacks. I haven't logged anything in ages, think I need to get back to that some how. It seems like everyone is on a better note today, I appreciate you all and just as you've listened to me - I don't always have a good thought to contribute other than support - but be supportive I will!!!! Can't wait to hear about all the exciting things going on with everyone!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all!!
    Congrats sassi on starting school!! You are gonna love it! It will get hard at times but you can do this. Oh I am getting soo excited for you on the wedding. (maybe one day ahhhh)HAHAHA
    Purr-Good job girl u rock:flowerforyou: You keep me sooo motivated, when I do bad I think ahhh amn purr is gonna be so dissapointed in me. It like you help strive to do better.
    Heidi- Glad to see ys!!! VBS is a killer but soooo much fun. I used to do it every year with my Mom.
    Kellya- soooooooo busy i know, try to chill a little
    Porka- just being here helps me, I feel safe knowing you guys are there.
    Well my hurdle the rest of the week is gonna be tough. Starting today people are taking me out for my birthday. I have plans everyday until Monday, so I gotta make some wise choices and try to exercise Or I will def gain. Well talk to yall later
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Good morning all!!
    Congrats sassi on starting school!! You are gonna love it! It will get hard at times but you can do this. Oh I am getting soo excited for you on the wedding. (maybe one day ahhhh)HAHAHA
    Purr-Good job girl u rock:flowerforyou: You keep me sooo motivated, when I do bad I think ahhh amn purr is gonna be so dissapointed in me. It like you help strive to do better.
    Heidi- Glad to see ys!!! VBS is a killer but soooo much fun. I used to do it every year with my Mom.
    Kellya- soooooooo busy i know, try to chill a little
    Porka- just being here helps me, I feel safe knowing you guys are there.
    Well my hurdle the rest of the week is gonna be tough. Starting today people are taking me out for my birthday. I have plans everyday until Monday, so I gotta make some wise choices and try to exercise Or I will def gain. Well talk to yall later

    Girl, enjoy that birthday all celebrations there of!!!:drinker: on me!! You will have fun too when you hook up with your old pal, it's funny how we hold stuff in our head and once you're there, all that fades away - really it does.
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    Just popping in to share the pic I took before I left earlier today...
    I look like a pink piggy but oh well it's shrinking bit by bit...

    I am a bit out of my mind right now, I don't know what exactly did I expect from this date but it's totally surpassed my craziest dreams... We went to a cafe (I only had water + lemon) to talk some and then ended up kissing in his car... He kept showering me with compliments and was like where was I all this time and made him waste so much time living without me... He said he's been struck ever since he saw me the 1st time but didn't know how to ask me out and he's been watching me pass at the market and thought I was the most gorgeous thing alive cos it seems he loves chunky butts (that was actually in response to my silly comment doesn't he find me too fat - oh well, ya know i feel pretty upset about my appearance :ohwell:)

    I almost worried he's just after some sex, I've never imagined someone could fall so much for me from just seeing me buy veggies and it really feels like he's mad about me...:noway: He already called after we separated and went home to tell me that he feels like robbed cos i'm not there with him and said he's bringing me a surprise (a pressie?) on Friday at the market...:blushing: I won't see him until then cos he lives in another town, and then we are going out on another date on Saturday...

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